Looking for cover art...

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When choosing the artwork for this album you really need to ask yourself, "Which image best captures the essence of hallowed mirth?" So before I can comment I need to look up what the hell mirth means. :)
These are all really good. I can see using almost any of them. We did narrow it down to a few, some displayed, and some sent to me privately, voted on it, and have selected a cover. Unless something blows us away in the next week or so, we're set, but a huge THANK YOU to everyone here who contributed! The talent here is great!!!
Well I honestly think you should get affinityband to make all of the artwork for the whole reissue, front and back covers, some pages, etc... inlay. I really think that his work is fantastic, so much so that I actually unignored the guy. Really great stuff. The pictures that he used before photoshopping were great, and seemingly very high definition... The filters he applied on them were spot on I thought. The only thing that kind of sat awkwardly with me was the font for the album title, I thought each one looked a bit odd and out of context.... But that, I think, would be the good choice.

FUBAR's one he just posted on the other hand, is quite nice. The angel in grayscale. The white dots on the black with the white logo / album title seems too rough to me though.

Very cool work from everyone here. :)

The title comes out to "In the middle of its respected happiness" (edit: or perhaps "in the middle of God's venerated joy / beauty / etc" if referring to nature) to me though and the covers I've seen look really dark and grim. It doesn't quite fit the theme of the title but then again, I've never heard this particular CD so it might fit in with the music... I don't know, I'll have to wait for the reissue. ;)
Honestly, it came down to Affinityband and one other cover, and the overall thoughts were that Affinityband's seemed to fit it with the style of Opeth's artwork more so then ours. Not taking away quality, the cover is amazing, but the one that took majority fits into the current ND art style.

1.in the middle of; surrounded by; among: to stand weeping amid the ruins.

1.sacred; holy: haunted by beloved saints

2.amusement or laughter: He was unable to conceal his mirth.
Just want to say that all of them look great - I wish I had a fraction of the artistic talent like many of you that posted submissions for everyone to see.

Kudos to the band for allowing their fans the opportunity to have their artwork as an album cover as well!
Just want to say that all of them look great - I wish I had a fraction of the artistic talent like many of you that posted submissions for everyone to see.

Kudos to the band for allowing their fans the opportunity to have their artwork as an album cover as well!

Agreed X 10000!

Great work, and awesome the band turned this over to the fans.
Well done!
Paul any idea when the re-issue will be out? all this talk is making me want to hear it even more!
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