Looking for Reamping/Mixing/Mastering for full-length album (paid)

I quickly quantized the drums and everything else is too far off time to fix.
I think you need to get somebody to quantize the drum tracks before you start laying guitars and bass or ignore the drums and track guitar and bass to the click. When you track to the out of time drums it makes it very hard and time consuming to fix everything.
After hours after hours of listening and A/B-ing and discussing we've finally managed to reach a consensus about what we're going to do and pick a winner. However, the entry was received in a PM so I'm not going to make it public unless that person agrees to it.

I would like to thank everyone who took the time to make a mix, there were many great mixes and it was really a difficult decision.
Well here's my really really rough mix


Nothing has been automated, cleaned up, listened in detail or whatever, there's no verb or delay so it's all a little dry. But i wanted you guys to hear what i've been doing with my spare time lately ;) Drums are all SD 2.0 now, i could not get them to work the way i wanted them to work (maybe that's just me ;)) Guitars are SoloC and bass is a shitload of stuff. The ending with the blast sounds really chaotic cos it's not automated, so it's more sounding like a train is running over ya ;)

question...how do you lock audio drums to Superior Drummer?