Looking for something cool with clean vocals

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New Metal Member
Jan 14, 2007
Hi. I'm new. :loco:

I registered to these forums to ask for a suggestion from oh so knowledgable metal-gurus.

For the last few weeks, I've been looking for a rather specific type of music (and have been able to skim through lots of bands, thanks to wikipedia). I'd best get on with my criterions.

I must say beforehand that my knowledge in metal is kind of non-existent, so please excuse my newbieness when I use any metal terms in the wrong way. :heh:

Vocals: soft and very clean. Falsetto is cool too, I guess. In that respect, something like Mew or Muse.

Music: Dark, agressive, brooding. I can't really specify in anything other than that it shouldn't be too power metallic or symphonic metallic or whatever it is that makes the music.. umm.. Mike Oldfield-ish (such as Symphony X; and Nightwish, which keeps reminding me of Riverdance or other such nonsense). :p

And that's it. So basically, I'm asking for something with simple, soft, high-pitched vocals, yet cool, heavy, perhaps artistic music, which beats the every day nu-metal.

I believe that the song that would best suit the band that I would so much like to exist is First it Giveth by Queens of the Stone Age. QOTSA is indeed my favourite band. :p Additionally, a question, to prove my newbiess: why is QOTSA stoner rock rather than stoner metal? Where herein lies the different?

Thank you very much. :saint:
Orphaned Land maybe??! I don't like them but maybe they sound like what you're looking for!

I really just posted because I thought it was interesting that you incorrectly pluralized criterion as "criterions" when the far more common mistake is to use "criteria" as the singular!

edit: actually now that i think about it orphaned land sound nothing like the song you linked but whatevs
You should probably listen to Blind Guardian.
Maybe start with the album "Somewhere far beyond".

They started to play slightly thrashy power-metal. Later they became more fantasy-ish and epic. Actually they started (with others) the kind of european powermetal that is known and by most people hated as cheesy today. The good thing about Blind Guardian is, that they are by far not as cheesy as the bands they inspired.
You should probably listen to Blind Guardian.
Maybe start with the album "Somewhere far beyond".

They started to play slightly thrashy power-metal. Later they became more fantasy-ish and epic. Actually they started (with others) the kind of european powermetal that is known and by most people hated as cheesy today. The good thing about Blind Guardian is, that they are by far not as cheesy as the bands they inspired.

You beat me to it. This band is possibly the best gateway band for non-metal folk to make the transition.
Thank you. Now I have lots of bands to check out. :)

Oh, I went around looking for a Recommendations subforum but couldn't really conceive the thought of it being a topic sticky. Sorry about that.

Wires and Waves, actually, dictionary.com states that both forms of the plural are applicable: criteriums and criteria. Although, yeah, criteria is obviously more widely used and I must admit, you had me looking it up. Until just recently, I thought, "what the heck is kriteerium in English?" knowing only that criterion is kriteerium in my native language, Estonian. In any case, thanks for the band suggestion. :p

I'll check on the bands right away. Thanks again!

get it, listen to it, absorb it, love it. Greatest power/melodic album ever, if you ask me. I'm absolutely in love with it. If there is one thing on this page you are going to listen to, give this a try. I like mostly black metal, grindcore, brutal death, and iron maiden, but this album is amazing.
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