Looking for something cool with clean vocals

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Paradise Lost - Sun Fading

The drums/bass make the song very brooding and it has clean vocals. Not sure if thats what your looking for.

(Just recommended this song because it kicks ass :) ) (And Yes I know the OP isn't here anymore :) )
Clean vocals... Brooding like First It Giveth... Um... Radiohead? It's not metal, but it definitely broods...
And out comes the self-promotion engine, Try Perceval Gage,a song called Fall Back Down, it has clean vocals, very brooding and melancholy. It's on the MySpace at www.myspace.com/percevalgage, the vocals don't come in til about six or seven minutes in, but you might like it...
And if you just want brooding and heaviness, March Into The Sea by Pelican is a must listen. What a song, 20 minutes of awesome builds and falls and one of the lowest tuned acoustic guitars you'll hear...
I love this band, but I still find the vocals to be grating sometimes. They almost sound out of place sometimes.

I agree. I would love Nevermore to death a a growler or Russell Allen type vocalist. Instead I hardly ever listen to them.
Dunno if it's been said yet, but you'd probably like Arcturus. I've only got The Sham Mirrors and I've gotta say it's amazing.
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