Lord of the mutha fuckin Rings!

Dune was the better written book by quite a distance, but surely the LOTR story is the greater one. This is reflected in that the Dune movies sucked and the LOTR worked well.
I hate to even ask this, but how many of you have actually read LOTR? I hope you have because the movies are a little over simplified.

Anyone read the Silmarillion?

The Silmarillion is a nerd's wet dream! I love the books and I thought the films were fairly good. I guess you could say I'm pretty big Middle Earth fan. My band takes its name from the Silmarillion as well as the concept for the album.
I've read everything from The Hobbit to RotK. That's all though, I haven't read the Sillmarilion. I have an earlier edition of the books, but I don't know where they are so I can't go look and see what year they were published.
Dune was the better written book by quite a distance, but surely the LOTR story is the greater one. This is reflected in that the Dune movies sucked and the LOTR worked well.

I love David Lynch's Dune but still. The main problem is that unlike LOTR, which was made into a trilogy, they tried to put everything they could into a single film. I just finished re-reading Brian Herbert's 'Legend Of Dune' series and I think they could make a pretty great film trilogy with a big enough budget/good actors/director etc.
I've read everything from The Hobbit to RotK. That's all though, I haven't read the Sillmarilion. I have an earlier edition of the books, but I don't know where they are so I can't go look and see what year they were published.

Have you read The Children Of Hurin?
I tried reading the Silmrillion but I couldn't. Then again it was about four years ago. Maybe I will try reading it again.
I love David Lynch's Dune but still. The main problem is that unlike LOTR, which was made into a trilogy, they tried to put everything they could into a single film. I just finished re-reading Brian Herbert's 'Legend Of Dune' series and I think they could make a pretty great film trilogy with a big enough budget/good actors/director etc.
The sci-fi miniseries were pretty good, but obviously can't compete with a major motion picture. Dune is also more contemplative and thought based, so it will never make as good a movie.
Tremendous injustice??? Peter Jackson & crew nailed it w/ all 3 movies? Do you think its innacurate towards the books or bad film making? I honestly can't see it as bad film making?
One of the best alltime scenes is when the disgruntled Denathor has the Hobbit sing to him as he eats dinner-and his son Farimir rides into battle!
I have read LOTR trilogy, The Hobbit, Silmarillion, The Book of Lost Tales I&II, The Unfinished Tales, The Adventures of Tom Bombadill. Maybe some more, don't remember.

My favorite chapter is probable the assault on Gondolin in the Book of Lost tales. Alot more epic then the version in Silmarillion imo. The duel between Fingolfin (the most badass elf ever) and Morgoth is ofcourse awsome too.