Lord of the mutha fuckin Rings!

Tremendous injustice??? Peter Jackson & crew nailed it w/ all 3 movies? Do you think its innacurate towards the books or bad film making? I honestly can't see it as bad film making?
One of the best alltime scenes is when the disgruntled Denathor has the Hobbit sing to him as he eats dinner-and his son Farimir rides into battle!
It is pretty inacurate at times yeah. ALOT of things is changed from awsome writing to typical hollywood zZzness. That said I think the movies are very good and some moments are magical.
sure, the books are more detailed than the movies. but the movies arent bad.

although, how can you leave bombadill out? and how can you chop off the ending like that. i mean, why do you think frodo wants to live with the elves?! elf poon?
I read Hobbit and all of LOTR. I read some of the Silmarillion, this was back in like junior high or earlier. I didnt finish it, but I have read the Book of Unfinished Tales, and one or both of the Book of Lost Tales. I need to read the Silmarillion and all that again though, I remember nothing of a duel including Morgoth, that sounds sweet. Ive been reading Dune books lately, its a different style of book, kind of hard to compare the two, each is an incredibly amazing collection of literature in its own right.
sure, the books are more detailed than the movies. but the movies arent bad.

although, how can you leave bombadill out? and how can you chop off the ending like that. i mean, why do you think frodo wants to live with the elves?! elf poon?

Correct me if I'm wrong (since it's been a while since I've read the books) but wasn't Bombadill irrelevant to the rest of the story?
Correct me if I'm wrong (since it's been a while since I've read the books) but wasn't Bombadill irrelevant to the rest of the story?
No because he rescues the hobbits from the borrow downs, were they aquire there swords (not fucking getting a bunch of sword Aragorn happened to walk around with). This is also relevant because it is one of those swords which are magical that is the reason Witch King of Angmar is defeated (his magical protection is broken), Eowyn just delivers the final blow. In the movie he just randomly dies from normal blows.

He also rescues the party both from the old forest and from the borrow downs, but as they are left out in the movie it is kinda pointless to have him there. He is also the one who says that they should make for Bree, not Gandalf.
The Witch King was one of the RingWraiths, so really he was a presence throughout all three movies, he simply put on his armor and whatnot in the third movie. I can see though you might not have known that without reading the books.
Correct me if I'm wrong (since it's been a while since I've read the books) but wasn't Bombadill irrelevant to the rest of the story?

eh, yes and no. frodo comes across him when he's carrying the ring (and we find out that the ring has no affect on bombadill. and since we know frodo tries to give the ring away to important people like galadriel, it would make sense to show that part, because he is a perfect cantidate), and he's later mentioned by gandalf about giving him (or not) the ring. so thats how they could have tied him in.

but cmon, the guy is a god. he's the most important person in arda!
"Do you like what you doth see . . . ?" said the voluptuous elf-maiden as she provocatively parted the folds of her robe to reveal the rounded, shadowy glories within. Frito's throat was dry, though his head reeled with desire and ale.
She slipped off the flimsy garment and strode toward the fascinated boggie unashamed of her nakedness. She ran a perfect hand along his hairy toes, and he helplessly watched them curl with the fierce insistent wanting of her.
"Let me make thee more comfortable," she whispered hoarsely, fiddling with the clasps of his jerkin, loosening his sword belt with a laugh. "Touch me, oh touch me," she crooned.
Frito's hand, as though of its own will, reached out and traced the delicate swelling of her elf-breast, while the other slowly crept around her tiny, flawless waist, crushing her to his barrel chest.
"Toes, I love hairy toes," she moaned, forcing him down on the silvered carpet. Her tiny, pink toes caressed the luxuriant fur of his instep while Frito's nose sought out the warmth of her precious elf-navel.
"But I'm so small and hairy, and . . . and you're so beautiful," Frito whimpered, slipping clumsily out of his crossed garters.
The elf-maiden said nothing, but only sighed deep in her throat and held him more firmly to her faunlike body. "There is one thing you must do for me first," she whispered into one tufted ear.
"Anything," sobbed Frito, growing frantic with his need. "Anything!"
She closed her eyes and then opened them to the ceiling. "The Ring," she said. "I must have your Ring."
Frito's whole body tensed. "Oh no," he cried, "not that! Anything but . . . that."
"I must have it," she said both tenderly and fiercely. "I must have the Ring!"
Frito's eyes blurred with tears and confusion. "I can't," he said. "I mustn't!"
But he knew resolve was no longer strong in him. Slowly, the elf-maiden's hand inched toward the chain in his vest pocket, closer and closer it came to the Ring Frito had guarded so faithfully . . .

Old Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow,
Bright blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow.
None has ever caught him yet, for Tom, he is the master:
His songs are stronger songs, and his feet are faster.
"Do you like what you doth see . . . ?" said the voluptuous elf-maiden as she provocatively parted the folds of her robe to reveal the rounded, shadowy glories within. Frito's throat was dry, though his head reeled with desire and ale.
She slipped off the flimsy garment and strode toward the fascinated boggie unashamed of her nakedness. She ran a perfect hand along his hairy toes, and he helplessly watched them curl with the fierce insistent wanting of her.
"Let me make thee more comfortable," she whispered hoarsely, fiddling with the clasps of his jerkin, loosening his sword belt with a laugh. "Touch me, oh touch me," she crooned.
Frito's hand, as though of its own will, reached out and traced the delicate swelling of her elf-breast, while the other slowly crept around her tiny, flawless waist, crushing her to his barrel chest.
"Toes, I love hairy toes," she moaned, forcing him down on the silvered carpet. Her tiny, pink toes caressed the luxuriant fur of his instep while Frito's nose sought out the warmth of her precious elf-navel.
"But I'm so small and hairy, and . . . and you're so beautiful," Frito whimpered, slipping clumsily out of his crossed garters.
The elf-maiden said nothing, but only sighed deep in her throat and held him more firmly to her faunlike body. "There is one thing you must do for me first," she whispered into one tufted ear.
"Anything," sobbed Frito, growing frantic with his need. "Anything!"
She closed her eyes and then opened them to the ceiling. "The Ring," she said. "I must have your Ring."
Frito's whole body tensed. "Oh no," he cried, "not that! Anything but . . . that."
"I must have it," she said both tenderly and fiercely. "I must have the Ring!"
Frito's eyes blurred with tears and confusion. "I can't," he said. "I mustn't!"
But he knew resolve was no longer strong in him. Slowly, the elf-maiden's hand inched toward the chain in his vest pocket, closer and closer it came to the Ring Frito had guarded so faithfully . . .

Excellent book, that Bored of the Rings.

Old Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow,
Bright blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow.
None has ever caught him yet, for Tom, he is the master:
His songs are stronger songs, and his feet are faster.

This is the spell Tim Benzedrine invokes to free the boggies from some giant mushroom creature in the forest: (this is before they meet up with Stomper (aka Arrowroot, son of Arrowshirt) in the village of Whee)

Oh uncool bush! Unloose this passle
Of furry cats that you hassle!
Tho' speed my brain's destroyed,
I'm not half this paranoid!
So cease this bummer, down the freak-out,
Let caps and joints cause brains to leak-out!
These cats are groovy here among us,
So leave 'em be, you up-tight fungus!
The Witch King was one of the RingWraiths, so really he was a presence throughout all three movies, he simply put on his armor and whatnot in the third movie. I can see though you might not have known that without reading the books.
This is also totally random, he shouldn't have any fucking special armor. Just a crown like the one Aragorn has in the third movie (on the other hand Aragorn should have a much larger crown then the one he has in the movies, a crown with large wings on it).
eh, yes and no. frodo comes across him when he's carrying the ring (and we find out that the ring has no affect on bombadill. and since we know frodo tries to give the ring away to important people like galadriel, it would make sense to show that part, because he is a perfect cantidate), and he's later mentioned by gandalf about giving him (or not) the ring. so thats how they could have tied him in.

but cmon, the guy is a god. he's the most important person in arda!

yeah but leaving out the whole part about the Old Forest and the Barrow-Downs etc. was pretty dumb. It was quite important.