A thread to discuss albums or bands that you think might have been missed or forgotton by the masses that deserve to be known.
I will kick if off by saying the band Cynic with their '93 album Focus.
They may not have released a ton of albums (in truth their 93 album was a first and last) but they combined some really technical death metal with jazz fusion, electronica and a lot of other really experimental forms of music well before Opeth's later popularised Prog/Death Metal and really were one of the first bands to release an album with both clean and death vocals along with the likes of Fear Factory.
Technically by far they were one of the most talented bands of the 90's.
I will kick if off by saying the band Cynic with their '93 album Focus.
They may not have released a ton of albums (in truth their 93 album was a first and last) but they combined some really technical death metal with jazz fusion, electronica and a lot of other really experimental forms of music well before Opeth's later popularised Prog/Death Metal and really were one of the first bands to release an album with both clean and death vocals along with the likes of Fear Factory.
Technically by far they were one of the most talented bands of the 90's.