Lost my fighting spirit

Isn't it weird? When you meet people, and you're having
fun, you never think that "we all have problems". I just
forgot about it. Never pictured Fjell cutting herself...

And it never crossed my mind, when I was talking with
you Hellspawn, that you might have some problems.
Even though I knew, cause you've told us before, about
your lyrics etc :o)

And wouldn't it be great talking about everything? But
we're all too afraid to.... :o) I just like the idea! Hehe...
Happy on the outside, miserable on the inside >:oP
We're the beautiful & healthy youth of this world! Hehe...
I don't have any problems, yet :grin:

This cutting stuff really makes me sad, I'd say something to try to help but it is probably a deep problem that you have to take care of yourself. I have felt like utter shit at times, and I am aware that people feel a lot worse than I did all the time, and that feeling is horrible. I guess finding the root of the problem, and fixing/confronting it would help :confused:
Originally posted by Blackspirit
And wouldn't it be great talking about everything? But
we're all too afraid to.... :o) I just like the idea! Hehe...

Well, while cool in theory, even if I wanted to share are my troubles and joys with great folk like yourselves, this board is still accessable to anyone who knows how to use a computer. And they aren't great people with whom I've formed some sort of connection. nuts.
Yeah that is true Nomad, I think Oyo said it in his own "kwazy" way hehe, i think its best to confront the root of your problem itself and try and fix it......if possible.....
Originally posted by The Nomad

Well, while cool in theory, even if I wanted to share are my troubles and joys with great folk like yourselves, this board is still accessable to anyone who knows how to use a computer. And they aren't great people with whom I've formed some sort of connection. nuts.

I'd never share anything "big" on this board, no big
inner secrets/problems... What I'm saying is we're
all walking around with our own problems, while in
fact everybody have some sort of issue they're
dealing with. People I work with every day probably
have some huge secret, and what a relief it would
be for them to tell me, but they never will...

We will never reveal ourselves, never truly open up...
I just think it's a crazy idea :o))
Originally posted by Oyo
Everyone may have troubles, but I don't think everyone keeps the secrets to himselves/herselves.

Ney, but it's not normal telling every little secret to
people you only see at school/work? Tell me how
many come over to you at school telling you about
their problems? hehe...

All the time we walk around thinking we are alone,
while in fact we aren't cause we all have something
bothering us :o)
We´ll I think It´s quite comforting to share some things with you all, when you feel none but the board will understand this, then you just write it down, and all of you understands! Or try to anyways...which is more than you could say about many in our soo called "real lives" ...:)

I´ll be back to this thread very soon, will have to rest first...

I aslo think, as Blackspirit said, that it's a bit weird how we all just walk aroud and have no idea about other ppl's psoblems. Like the brother of a friend of mine... He seemed to do so well, always in a good mood and friendly with everyone. Then suddenly (seemingly suddenly) he drowned himself! Everyone was just shocked. No-one had any idea...
Wouldn't want that something like that happens to you, Fjell :cry:

Or anyone else, here... and yes, it's more a shame that sometimes you have no idea about others problems. It reminds you afterwards that you HAVE done a mistake, or better, not done enough, eventually. (It's not just like balimg oneself as some kind of phenomena... it's mostly true when one thinks so, I guess...)
somethings is actually easyer to share with you ppl in here then friends from your "real life", one of the reasons I think; is 'cuz we dont REALLY know each other... but still, we know each other in other ways... that are great :)
but deep problems are hard to share with anyone at all... and it is hard to just bear them inside you too...
Originally posted by Oyo
Maybe I can help Deadwinter, what are you depressed about. I am pretty good at getting out of depression :grin:

It may sound like I'm just complaining, but I hate to face myself in the morning. I see so many happy couples, and say, "Man... I wish I could be in a relationship." And then everyone tells me that relationships aren't that great. Maybe not, but I hate being lonely. I've never been with anyone, and I guess I have girl problems.
Or the girls having problems, themselves... man, do not always give so much about this shit talk about "getting girlfriends asap" or "dying virgin" or whatever... when the right one comes along you'll know :) It has a certain feeling to it, if you know how to listen to yourself, really!

Btw, what's so bad about whining? I did that, too, some nights ago, in the arms of a VERY good friend of mine... sometimes it's more than a man can take