LotFP: The Shameless is OUT NOW

Jim LotFP said:
Hell is unleashed.
"Now... with Staples!"

All the mailing is done.

Today's printing and postage bill: 378€ total. Not bad for being unemployed.

I haven't spent money like that on an issue for awhile. Feels good. The postal worker selling the stamps was rather amazed. So were all the people watching me attach stamps like a madman (the post office was in a grocery store, heh).
Wife reads her first LotFP material in years, just now, because her mother said my writing is good.

Typo found. ffuuuuuuuck. On a page that no less than 6 people have looked at before publication. Will investigate to see if I introduced it myself after they saw it.

edit: My wife reading LotFP means that now three things that were true when written in The Shameless are no longer so.
Typo found. ffuuuuuuuck.
It is almost inevitable. I hope it wasn't one I saw that slipped through because I thought someone else would catch it or that it would be corrected in following revisions.
sticky fingers kinda typo or just absurd ones?

A "random word floating in air" "typo". :p

Now, this doesn't mean that I'd like an inventory of typos found. There are three categories of typo I'm concerned about:

1- PERFECT. Not a single one in the whole thing.
2- Imperfect. There are a few that passed by in the 41,000 words written.
3- IT'S A FUCKING MESS! Dozens have gotten through, it's hard to read a column of wrting without wondering if whoever typed this even has individual fingers.

So we know it's #2. That's not a disaster or anything considering the entire thing is advocating unprofessionality, heehee. I don't need to be further informed unless it turns out to be #3. Which would be a disaster, since the entire thing tries to point out that quality in an unprofessional environment does have to be crap.
Oh, something I forgot to mention.

I do LotFP layouts in Word. For some reason, putting the header of the record review section as it is caused all of the pages to start numbering again from 1. So for every page after the 3rd, I had to paste in those tiny little fucking numbers I cut out from a separate sheet on top of the page number on the paper. So if a couple of the page numbers look crooked...
Damn! The Tower Records here in suburbia where I used to pick up all the cool freebie publications has closed. :cry: I may have to take drastic measures and visit Metal Haven or Impulse. Impulse is closer. Do you know if you sent any there, Jim? I haven't seen a hard copy lately. Sorry about that! Perhaps I'll have to shoot you some sort of currency, or something... :heh:
Sweden, Denmark, Germany, and England are where there are confirmed sightings, and those were yesterday. No new nations reporting in today.
I am singing this post to the tune of "Blood of the Kings" right now.
Damn! The Tower Records here in suburbia where I used to pick up all the cool freebie publications has closed. :cry: I may have to take drastic measures and visit Metal Haven or Impulse. Impulse is closer. Do you know if you sent any there, Jim? I haven't seen a hard copy lately. Sorry about that! Perhaps I'll have to shoot you some sort of currency, or something... :heh:

Only a couple hundred get printed up these days, so... you have to be in Vaasa to be able to pick up a copy at your local store. :D