LotFP: The Shameless is OUT NOW

Received today. I read through about the first 8 or so pages thus far, will wade through it in the upcoming days.
Mine showed up in the mail today, so it should be radiating out from and beyond the Chicagoland region early next week.
To Jim:

Got mine yesterday. As always, lots of good stuff to mull over, so thanks once again for that.

You are a gawdamned hippy now, living off the state while condemning the sytem. Fuck you! ;)

Loved the "no future" aspect of the essay - if only I could live my life that way. Been trying to for years - hopefully I'll get there in the future. :)

Anyone criticizing you for putting too much of yourself into the reviews is missing the point, no? I for one enjoy your reviews precisely because that's what you do. Certainly gives the reader more ground to stand on when agreeing or disagreeing with your assessments.

Speaking of which, it's very nice to see your reviews again as I think using records to illustrate your rants is fun and effective.

I'll be investigating dawnbringer, Upwards of Endtime and perhaps Assaulter (gotta love that shark graphic). Nothing else reviewed in this issue made me want to do any delving, although I may check out Dusk at some point (although I'm not a big fan of Orphaned Land and have never heard Demilich).

Really enjoyed the Thesyre piece - nice job of exposing the beast, although I don't know how well logic will effect anyone buying into the NSBM party line. By the by, the asterix after "that" in the third-to-last paragraph had no footnote that I could find (could be there, I just couldn't find it).

I miss the goofy days of jams - but I'm old and nostalgic. Not enough humor in metal for me - life isn't all piss and vinegar (at least mine ain't), so I like it when bands have some fun. Entertainment and Art are both integral to the life-well-lived in my book. I think I may have gone on about why commercial art has its place, so I'll eschew that bit - especially because I'm not sure if you're arguing against commerical product or the corporations that produce it as product or both ("product" used in its corporate definition). I believe there's plenty of commercial art that qualifies as High Art even though it's being packaged as "product" by a corporation.

To Dave:

Enjoyed the TO interview and will be checking them out at some point.

Thanks for a good read, lads (even if it is being sponsored by The State - fucking hippies!!!).
'hippies' :lol: Thanks for the issue review! Really like your avatar, too. =) DBB, I wasn't out of the 'hood this afternoon (because I've been busy and it's damn cold outside!), but I'll check the obvious places for the latest issue of LotFP. I didn't now the NSBM exposé was going to be in it. Woohoo!