Lotr - Tfotr

yes mel you are nuts but we still love your trollish self :grin:

Um, I think Div-X is a video program on the computer. People always get movies while their out from file sharing programs like WinMx and Kazaa. Im on 56k so I dont do it :( or maybe its something different, just taking a stab in the dark here......
@|ngenius: and why I haven't been properly informed?¿?¿ I've copied all these caps of futurama and I want a copy of the movie in DIVX (and I want it now!!!! well or may be tonight :P)

@mel, f_v: DIVX is a way to compress video recordings (the best way to compress a rip of a DVD) Of course you can't rip the menus of a dvd but you can have the whole movie in a greaaaaaat quality in a cd and then watch in your PC (I love my 17" monitor, but I want something bigger!!!!)
The DIVX extension files is .avi and you need some codecs installed in your pc in order to view them. Windows Multimedia Player will be sufficient enough (with the codecs installed) to view the movies...
and thus is the best way to get some movies you can't get original as some of the Monty Python ones :)
@Rahve: Absolutely disagree with you! The image is so good, and the sound is better than any other movie recorded directly from cinema. I thought that ripped movie had a worse quality, like the Star Wars Episode I recorded directly from the screen of the cinema.

Soooo... I'm not sure about this, but a friend told me there are almost two versions of LOTR ripped, both from cinema, but one of them is better than the other. :p
FatherVic@ thankx for the info!
but i guess i will wait for the DVd then,cause all these are too much for a girl who thinks PCs are only for surfing (almost ;) )

and also :waah: i won't be able to go the movie tomorrow,cause i'll have to be at the library squeezing my brains at that time (that's why i hate groupwork :( )
..i knew this,so i could go today,but i felt stupidly down and locked myself in the house,losing my last chance to see the movie in a peaceful empty place while doing this ansty work... of course i regret everything afterwards
I am stupid I know :cry:
Might be worth it to get the official DVD anyhow, people, for the fun extra scenes....... i know at least the presentation of gifts from Galadriel will be in it, and a few others (but no Tom Bombadil :( )... in meantime, tho, i think i'll just keep going to see it in movies :grin:
@mel and we know too! ;) :p

@kovenant: oh! well you had any doubt that I possibly wouldn't buy the DVD??? I'll buy them all and I'll cover my room's walls with them!
@FV read my mind hehe. I could also spend 4 days downloading the movie.................i think ill hold out :grin: I do wanna see it in theatres again.........hmmm.......
well I've seen it 7 times at the theaters....and still won't see it in DIVX until it's out of the cinemas....
I still have to watch it some more times.....still haven't got the point of it :loco:
i wanna go see it this weekend, but my friend wants to see Black Hawk Down (as do I) so maybe Ill see both. I know for damn sure im going to see it by myself at least. hehe.