Lotr - Tfotr

I don't need any more action there (after all, there will be much more battles in the last two parts), but I miss all the dialogues that were cut of. :(

It seems I need to get a DVD-player myself someday...

@Mel thinks Boromir sucks in the movie, I just love him. As I said, all is based in opinions. On the other hand, I'm absolutely disagree with you, my greek friend, concerning Frodo. I think in the book he starts as a young hobbit without experience and full of illusions, and the hard mission change him and becomes a hobbit down because the melancholy and the sadness. But far away from any kind of stupidity.
ooh,i would like to make my thoughts more clear...when i said i didn't like Boromir i meant the role (what he does,the way he behaves) not the actor! The actor performed its role in a super way,yet Miss Mel felt a dislike for mr.Boromir even though the book would never be the same without its contribution...

~Mel~(who has the feeling no one will udnerstand what she is trying to say,simply because she still hasn't learn to speak her mind in a clear way...the 99 first year are the hard ones i guess :rolleyes: )
in my opinion they did some mess with aragorn... i always thought of him as the classical hero-type, quite self-conscious and a little high-brow, so to speak. in the movie he was some sort of an outcast, a loner with an edge of roughness i don't remember seeing in the book.
and how come boromir is so light-haired? wasn't he supposed to be from gondor?:confused:

I saw the movie yesterday for the first time (haven't read the book yet). So here are some things I'd like to point out:

Ahhh. Legolas.... *sigh* :rolleyes: (yes this is something I wanted to point out ;) )

I also think Arwen was awesome, maybe her voice spoiled her perfectness a little.
Boromir acted very well, but as a character I didn't like him very much, it seemed like he wanted the ring the whole time, even though he was good you couldn't completely trust him.
Sam (hope I'm right with the name) was very nice too, I really liked him :)

Since I wasn't checking my watch and didn't know what was going to happen, I thought the ending was very lame and sudden, leaving us (i.e. me and my friends who had no idea about the books) with a feeling of emptiness, wondering why did it end like this and where are the battles we were expecting.. (don't shoot me on this, I know about the next movies :p )

Now I am wondering: if the battles I am expecting happen in the next sequel, what will happen in the 3rd one? :confused:

Oh, and something I didn't quite understand in the movie: when Frodo looked in the mirror of Galadriel, who did he see? Was it specific members of the fellowship (and if so, which?) or did that mean that all members would betray him?
I saw the movie yesterday for the first time (haven't read the book yet). So here are some things I'd like to point out:

Ahhh. Legolas.... *sigh* :rolleyes: (yes this is something I wanted to point out ;) )

I also think Arwen was awesome, maybe her voice spoiled her perfectness a little.
Boromir acted very well, but as a character I didn't like him very much, it seemed like he wanted the ring the whole time, even though he was good you couldn't completely trust him.

>but that's how it was meant to be... boromir wanted the ring in >some "strong" hand to defend his homeland against the >upcoming darkness. he desired it all the way and became even >more charmed if he saw the ring. He was selfish yet fought on >the side of good.

Sam (hope I'm right with the name) was very nice too, I really liked him :)

Since I wasn't checking my watch and didn't know what was going to happen, I thought the ending was very lame and sudden, leaving us (i.e. me and my friends who had no idea about the books) with a feeling of emptiness, wondering why did it end like this and where are the battles we were expecting.. (don't shoot me on this, I know about the next movies :p )

Now I am wondering: if the battles I am expecting happen in the next sequel, what will happen in the 3rd one? :confused:

>there are some battles to come up in the last part as well. even >though it will concentrate on frodo and sam and how they trevel >through mordor, a giant battle will take place elsewhere and will >surely take up some time in the 3rd movie as well.
>but the 2nd part definately will be the one with the most blood, >i believe

Oh, and something I didn't quite understand in the movie: when Frodo looked in the mirror of Galadriel, who did he see? Was it specific members of the fellowship (and if so, which?) or did that mean that all members would betray him?

>he saw what has been, what is and what maybe will be. he saw pictures of his homeland in decay (what probably will be), things from the past (his fellows) etc and sauron (the flaming eye) of course. the mirror does not show you the exact future, merely a version that might happen, so you cannot tell if what frodo saw will occur someday.
@VultureCulture: ok, this clears things up a little bit, thx :)
As for Boromir, I was just trying to say that he looks kinda evil because of his desire for the ring and that's why I don't like him very much. But if this is what he's supposed to be like, it's ok with me (who am I to say, anyway ;) )

A few more things I'd like to add:

1) I liked the ending song very much.

2) The Nazguls were pretty scary. I almost gave them a finger (yeah the middle one.. :lol: ) at some point... Then I thought better, since I was not alone :p

3) I can say that my all time favourite movie so far is Braveheart, it's the movie that has touched me the most, it had many emotional peaks, even made me cry in the end.
However, at Lotr-Tfotr I caught myself body-reacting the most... (for example see my 2nd comment :lol: ). It made me feel almost like I was in a fairy-tale world, and that was wonderful :)
Originally posted by VultureCulture
I saw the movie yesterday for the first time (haven't read the book yet). So here are some things I'd like to point out:

Ahhh. Legolas.... *sigh* :rolleyes: (yes this is something I wanted to point out ;) )

I also think Arwen was awesome, maybe her voice spoiled her perfectness a little.
Boromir acted very well, but as a character I didn't like him very much, it seemed like he wanted the ring the whole time, even though he was good you couldn't completely trust him.

>but that's how it was meant to be... boromir wanted the ring in >some "strong" hand to defend his homeland against the >upcoming darkness. he desired it all the way and became even >more charmed if he saw the ring. He was selfish yet fought on >the side of good.

Sam (hope I'm right with the name) was very nice too, I really liked him :)

Since I wasn't checking my watch and didn't know what was going to happen, I thought the ending was very lame and sudden, leaving us (i.e. me and my friends who had no idea about the books) with a feeling of emptiness, wondering why did it end like this and where are the battles we were expecting.. (don't shoot me on this, I know about the next movies :p )

Now I am wondering: if the battles I am expecting happen in the next sequel, what will happen in the 3rd one? :confused:

>there are some battles to come up in the last part as well. even >though it will concentrate on frodo and sam and how they trevel >through mordor, a giant battle will take place elsewhere and will >surely take up some time in the 3rd movie as well.
>but the 2nd part definately will be the one with the most blood, >i believe

Oh, and something I didn't quite understand in the movie: when Frodo looked in the mirror of Galadriel, who did he see? Was it specific members of the fellowship (and if so, which?) or did that mean that all members would betray him?

>he saw what has been, what is and what maybe will be. he saw pictures of his homeland in decay (what probably will be), things from the past (his fellows) etc and sauron (the flaming eye) of course. the mirror does not show you the exact future, merely a version that might happen, so you cannot tell if what frodo saw will occur someday.

Read the book... Both 2nd and 3rd part will contain lots of blood.
i did read the books. i was wondering how much battles there would be in the 2nd and 3rd part of the FILM. the director can't focus on the battles in the 3rd part though, because all this mordor-frodo-sam stuff happens as well. but as for the 2nd part, there's helm's deep, there's the battle at orthanc... important scenes which will take up considerable time in the movie. that's why i think 2nd will be the most bloody.
well but then in the third there are these two big battles, the one at Minas Tirith and the second (and final) in front of the gates of Mordor....
I guess the third movie is the hardest to cut. there are so many important things to explain there!!!!
In the second book, there is a loooong part of the book explaining how frodo, sam and gollum go to mordor or how aragorn and co hunt down the orcs that could be, if not skipped, at least shortened a little....
but in the third....oooooooh I can't wait....see what you've done??? now I'm really impatient!!!!!!
I feel the same way... Damnit! I want to see the Ents NOW! AND the battle at Waterdeep! Those are gonna be frickin great.

As for bad parts of movie, I could have used Tom Bombadil in there, but Arwen was definitely not as bad as i anticipated her being. Ugluk's dying has mystified me and my friend... if you look, the facepaint is identical between the Urak-Hai Aragorn kills and Ugluk talking to Sauruman, but other than that they are completely different..... im thinking it wasn't actually Ugluk (oh, and why do the arrows in Boromir enlarge to 2x their normal size once they are in him?)
im afraid to venture into this thread, I dont wanna know what happens next lol. I just saw the movie again today, bout 2 hours ago. I still love it hehe. Great damn movie..........im tempted to read the next few books........maybe ill check if my libarary at school has em.........not sure tho.....I feel like it might ruin the next two for me sinc I saw the movie first and havent read the books.........but a year is so damn far away........... :cry:
well I've seen it 6 times now, and on tuesday I go for the Original Version (English one :p) with |ngenius... I got to lead him in the way in order he gets proper English (well and to reeducate myself)
I have read the book in Spanish and I fear the translated names such as Strider = Trancos, Frodo Baggins = Frodo Bolsón and stuff.....but well I'll tell ya....

@f_v just don't read them....be patient....it will make the wait more interesting :D
i have watched the original version 3 times ...actually we don't have these dubbed versions here,we only have subtitles,which is fun to try to skip and listen to the wonderful english :D
FatherVic i guess you will have a wonderful time...
I am in love with the english in this movie...
Wednesday i will watch it again probably (for the last time in this cuty small cinema in my town)....I will go at 15.00 and i hope it will be again just 9 people so that i can feel i am viewing it at home and also make some nasty plan reality ;)

ahhh,have you ever wondered what people who had no connection with the book felt about the movie??? I would be very curious to read the thoughts of many people,especially of some really old ladys I saw in the movie the other day :)
but this is impossible...
so the only example i have is my mum...she has never read the book and stuff,but she has heard about Tolkien (my nasty propaganda :rolleyes: ) so she took the risky step and came with my to the cinema once... and :hotjump: she like the film super much,the landscapes,the scenes,the actors,the music,the plot...and after the film she bombarded me with a great deal of questions and her predictions for the end...-i didn't reveal much though....i just told her to mark Gandalf's words about the creature Golum ;)- amazing!:D

EDIT: wooow,that was a multi-smilie post :)
I think you may have set a record. well maybe not. But damn close!

Well Ive never read the books and had no connection and it is my favorite movie of 2001, 2nd favorite movie of all time (nothing beats Braveheart in my mind :grin: ) I just love 3 hour long epics of clanging swords and blood! Just makes me so happy! Hehe, but seriously I do love epic adventure movies. This movie took the cake........if only I didnt have to wait 11 fuggin months for the next one. GRAH! I think ill go cry now.
Originally posted by Final_Vision
Great damn movie..........im tempted to read the next few books........maybe ill check if my libarary at school has em.........not sure tho.....I feel like it might ruin the next two for me sinc I saw the movie first and havent read the books.........but a year is so damn far away...........

I'm in the same dilemma. Don't know what I'm gonna do, but I plan to read the first book for sure.
I feel it will be a lot better than the movie, and I want to make the comparisons.
I know that I probably won't be able to resist to the next two books, but I will try :D

Originally posted by Melancholia
I am in love with the english in this movie...

I second that.
I mostly love the pronunciation of the names.

Edit: typing mistake
(and the dumbtroll had to pop up and ask sth stupid)
what is actually Div-X??? :confused:
i guess it is some kind of sound programm???
actually next time i'll go i want to take my small tape recorder with me and record the prologue and the scene with Gladriel's mirror.... am i nuts??? :rolleyes: