Lotr - Tfotr

well, it's too much time for ourselves, but I think it's the best distance. So now we have a whole year to devour this and then when we begin to know the exact dialogue of the movie, we'll have the second :)
And's that's the way to remind us how important Xmas are!!! :P
And yeah, wearing a helmet is the best way to reserving a sit on the cinema for the next year's show ;)
We have to treasure these times...the wait...the anticipation. it´s almost as good as the real thing. I have been in wait for 4 years for this and the wait has been both hell and heaven. I have watched the trailers countless times and read all the interviews and infobits I could get my hands on www.aintitcool.com has been my best friend these past years and even more so now.
The way I see it, If you treat these books as historical fact you can watch the move as a different telling of the same fact and it actually gains in that respect. It´s like two friends telling you the same story and sure they differ in the details but it´s nonetheless interesting.

I´m going again in two hours!!!!

Originally posted by ZodiJackyl

The way I see it, If you treat these books as historical fact you can watch the move as a different telling of the same fact and it actually gains in that respect. It´s like two friends telling you the same story and sure they differ in the details but it´s nonetheless interesting.

Yeah, that's what my friend suggested to me, after I had spent an hour criticizing the "errors" in the movie.

Another friend of mine said it was like "trying to talk about a biblical movie with a fundamentalist christian". ;)

But I see the point in the "two tellings of a same story" -system and thinking that way has helped me overcome my initial desire to stone the blasphemer mr. Jackson to death. :loco:

-Villain (fundamental tolkienist)
yeap, that's it, different interpretations of the story....
shame not everybody think on that....even Galadriel for the no_tolkien_reader must appear as some weird witch grrrrrrrrr
but well tomorrow I go for the 4th time, and many to come....(and I can't tell when the dvd is out :P)

fathervic (who long ago began a story of there and back :) )
am I the only one tripping out that Stanne posted here twice? :grin: Awesome, good to see ya man.

@Vic whats the deal with Galadriel, what did she do in the book that was different? All I know is she went all psycho and I wasnt really paying attention during this part.....ah well.

Damn fucking good movie.........a year away..... :waah:
well that's the point in the movie, she freaks out, she appears to be an elven witch or something bad or at least psycho! but she actually is the most beautiful, tender and powerfull woman on Middle-Earth. She gets a big role in the whole story and she gives gifts to the whole fellowship, not only to Frodo. Gimli gets some sort of "haunted" by her beauty :) but just read and see :)

about the stanne thing *whispering* it's the secret man, just don't make too much noise so he feels nice and find room for more posts ;)
what didn't came out clearly was that she was in possession of one of the few remaining minor rings with which she had certain magicial powers to to good. she knew that if the one ring (sauron's ring) was destroyed, she as well would lose this power and her beautiful land will be decaying since she built it with her given powers. that's why she has gone mad, because she imagined what good she could do with the powers of the one, but then again she restrained herself, knowing that if she would use it, even she would be twisted by sauron's will. that's why she led frodo go. i do't think i had understood this without reading the book first.
yeah, that's it, I suppose if you haven't read the book what you get is some sort of elven witch who has a mirror and has telepathy, but not much more...
Ive seen it twice, and im looking for people to go with for my 3rd, 4th, 5th and so on :)
None of my friends likes Tolkien as much as i do, and they wont go see it again......:(

Anyhow, check out IMDB.com, LOTR is currently #1 on the top 250 films in history , voted by visitors!
Thats awesome!

The only complaints i have about the movie is Galadriel, she is my favorite character in Tolkiens world.
Cate Blanchett looked really good, and everything was perfect about Galadriel's look, but, the audience get the impression that she's an "evil sorceress" , thanks to Gimli ;) , and the movie kinda approves it.

By cutting off the scenes of the gift giving, and not showing how Gimli falls in love with her, they made the audience think she is evil :(
and it pissed me off...i really hope they will show some flashbacks on TTT showing her giving the gifts to the fellowship.

Anohter part that disturbed me was that Aragorn told Frodo to go by himself to morder, Aragorn would NEVER do that !

all in all, i give this movie 9.5 out of 10, i liked it A LOT, but it wasnt perfect.

Best performances goes to Sean Bean, and the 2 Ians!
I liked Boromir a lot in the movie, and Orlando Bloom was awesome as well!

I think im done....:) cant wait for TTT !!!!
Thank you Peter Jackson.
Originally posted by Soulreaper

Anohter part that disturbed me was that Aragorn told Frodo to go by himself to morder, Aragorn would NEVER do that !

I havent read the book but it looks to me like that is a pivotal section that was changed, why would they do that? Aragorns going to kill orcs with Legolas and the Dwarf (which at the moment cant recall his name). :confused:
Originally posted by Final_Vision

I havent read the book but it looks to me like that is a pivotal section that was changed, why would they do that? Aragorns going to kill orcs with Legolas and the Dwarf (which at the moment cant recall his name). :confused:

In the book, Frodo decide to go alone, without telling it to the others members of the company ... Effectively i don't think Aragorn would let Frodo to go in Mordor by himself

Happy new year to all the people here ! i am just back on UM
wtf??:eek: Galadriel falls in love with Dwarf man (Gimli ;) ), didnt see that one coming lol. Me thinks there some sort of height disadvantage? hehe. Oh so Frodo goes by himself, hmm, fuck I want to see the next one. For all the people who have read the series, isnt it kinda anti-climactic? (the movies that is). Like you know whats gonna happen. Is it just one of those things where you want to see all the stuff you imagined come to life type thing?
Eh, Gimli falls in love with Galadriel, not the other way around - Galadriel already has a husband, Celeborn (not that it could not happen in spite of that, but Tolkien was a historian, not a soap-opera-writer; thus all the romances in the books just "happen" and there weren't many pages wated describing the feelings of the characters).

-Villain (Tolkienist)
Originally posted by Final_Vision
Is it just one of those things where you want to see all the stuff you imagined come to life type thing?

Exactly!!! and believe me, its just an awesome feeling! (When the movie is so well done at most parts).

and hehe, i said Gimli falls in love with Galadriel! not the opposite.
check out my signature ;)
i finally got to see the movie and i can't give an objective comment 'cause i didn't see it with an objective mind :grin:
and as i'm still amazed i can't find an elaborated language so i can only say it ruled.. except for some tiny details like:
-the elves were a little too effeminate, not Legolas though 'cause Orlando Bloom plays the character in a neither-here-nor-there style ;) ( :confused: ). Also they could have dyed the eyebrows too, out of common decency...
-Arwen had something i didn't quite like.. i think it's the voice...
-The Balrog was too scary :cry: ... maybe i was too into the plot but i actually was scared in the cinema....

and i'd say Gimli wasn't in love with Galadriel, as he was rather "enthralled" by her, IMO™
Legolas is the man. My favorite character in the movie :grin:

As for your opinion, i think its more fact than opinion that he did, or so the feeling I get from the people that have read the book goes. Guess thats why the movie was innacurate as many said ;)