Lotus Eater Query


New Metal Member
Jun 12, 2008
Guys, has anyone seen the mighty Peth perform Lotus Eaters yet?

Listening to it quite a bit recently, and it's got some of, if not the quickest transitions from growl to clean singing I've heard in Opeth songs.

I was wondering how Mike copes with it.


I think Fredrik sings some of those bits. I'm far from sure though, haven't seen it live yet, so don't take my word for it.
Well, I know I find it hard to do in the car driving to work at 7:30 AM, but then I'm not a singer. :)

Thanks for the responses guys.

Fredrik and Per split the clean bit at the end with Mike ("and the pride of a mother..." is mike, then per/fred take over)
Fred also does some of the cleans in the beginning
They performed this song last saturday in Munich/Germany and it was awesome! Actually i've been even more amazed by Axe doing the Blast-Beat while the other guys sing this beautiful choir-like passages over it... maaan, it was really... intense and the crowd went nuts! What a great song... :)

Oh, and "Hello" by the way, this seems to be my first post here. :cool:

Indeed. The performance of TLE in London was pretty much perfect. It must be great having two other guys who can sing..takes some pressure off Mike...it also helped with Godheads Lament, adding a lot of depth to the clean vocal parts.

Indeed. The performance of TLE in London was pretty much perfect. It must be great having two other guys who can sing..takes some pressure off Mike...it also helped with Godheads Lament, adding a lot of depth to the clean vocal parts.

Godhead's Lament totally made my day! It was quite surprising for me that they played it and it was really beautiful... one of my favorites!
And yes, it is perfect when you have some good backing vocals.
LOL. Do some of you guys growl along to Opeth? While driving etc.?

Oh hell yes, car, shower ... just generally listening.

Just gotta be careful of some dangerous combinations. Library + Ipod is a bitch.

It's funny to other metal fans. To everyone else it's nearly grounds for a police call. :headbang:

I wanna hear Fred do this!
Do you think he will sing some verses in any new albums to come? wonder how that would sound. 3 Opeth vocalists. Enslaved! haha
LOL. Do some of you guys growl along to Opeth? While driving etc.?

I do, every day and at my job which involves near-constant driving :p. Going from growls to clean is not hard at all, I can do it with no problem.

The hard part of the Lotus Eater vocals is actually that he has a bigger lung capacity than I do. I have to take a breath in the middle of some of the growled verses, haha.