love or infactuation

love or infactuation

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RosesofShadow said:
yes love exist...3 years in the relationship now and for those who doesn't know...we haven't had sex before but we love each other...

wow, 3 years together and sex isn't important .. yes, that sounds like something called love .. I think you can be proud :)
lol im not lesbian... only half omg omg omg i died my hair black and im wearin a plad skirt today and ive had like 10 guys hit on my when no w=one ever hits on my im yummy lol but i was told i look like a naughty school girl from hell lol im proud of it hehe ne who wow my ex was hot i did her sooo many times lol ne who fien mez in my b-day suit
I have heard that love is just a infatuation with a person. It can last many years but it eventually wears off and then the person just turns into a necessity in your life. The love is gone but the place for that person remains. Once the necessity of the person is gone that's when divorces and break ups happen. Seeing as life now days is about being an individual and looking out for yourself is a good reason why there are so many divorces because people are learing to not need others.

That something along the lines of what I remember...
omg thats sad...... wow i dont think that i i believe that you can fall in love but most is infactuation but youll know when u love someone .... if you get burned get up and keep tryin ive learned that chris burned me and well i no have never been this happy in 3 years... were finally together as of yeasterday... he makes me laght and smile and everytime i think of him durnig the day when i cant talk to him i get a warm fellin i am in love w/timmy and well i know that i am ..... well he is also trying to get a member thingy here worked out he will be anti_flag_rocker69 well love is real but when u fall get on your feet and start going again i know timmy and i r meant to be because before i even knew him i was seeing halusintions of him im sry for what happened to you but you gotta give love another shot!

Cryptkeeper said:
True love the sound of bed springs bouncing.

:D Best quote out of all these emo posts.

Anyways, you're all pansies. Love is just an emotion so it isnt real just like hate, sadness etc. Humans are weak and most of us need people there to feel less lonely.
Explosive_Pyro said:
omg thats sad...... wow i dont think that i i believe that you can fall in love but most is infactuation but youll know when u love someone .... if you get burned get up and keep tryin ive learned that chris burned me and well i no have never been this happy in 3 years... were finally together as of yeasterday... he makes me laght and smile and everytime i think of him durnig the day when i cant talk to him i get a warm fellin i am in love w/timmy and well i know that i am ..... well he is also trying to get a member thingy here worked out he will be anti_flag_rocker69 well love is real but when u fall get on your feet and start going again i know timmy and i r meant to be because before i even knew him i was seeing halusintions of him im sry for what happened to you but you gotta give love another shot!



:worship: :wave: :oops: :err: :headbang: :heh: :heh: :cry: :D