Lunar Aurora

Never heard of 'em, but if Mystic Forest is an indicator, I reckon it sucks harder than our friend Hypnos here... Is it "neo-classical" and "romantic" in that "magical" way that Most Divine is so fond of?
Almost half your "list" is decent but you haven't mentioned ONE BURZUM ALBUM or Darkthrone (thanks Crimson, y'know u love it mate) album, let alone Bathory, early Immortal, Thorns, Ved Buens Ende, Ulver, and a handful of other bands you're still catching up on with Wikipedia.

Sonny you may have been listening to metal since 93, but in '86 I bought my first Maiden album and in '88 patched my first jacket, so you better slap that Demon Burger CD back on :lol:

As far as true masterpieces go for the second wave, look no further than any release by Varg Vikernes. imo Vikernes is the undisputed second wave king and still almost 15 years later his material is light years ahead of what many are still trying to emulate.
fair enough. Burzum is ok, i like the first 3 albums but can't stand anything after 'Hvis Lyset...'. Ulver and Ved Buens Ende are great, would've put them in my 2nd 10 slots, some Bathory aswell. not a big fan of Immortal or Thorns though. Darkthrone is something different, from time to time i'm in that mood for some Darkthrone, but it's not that often nowadays.

btw. i wrote i listen to BLACK-metal since 1993, not overall metal.
Never heard of 'em, but if Mystic Forest is an indicator, I reckon it sucks harder than our friend Hypnos here... Is it "neo-classical" and "romantic" in that "magical" way that Most Divine is so fond of?

No actually its quite odd, it does have a "romantic edge" (in a Baroque sense though) which doesn't add too much melodic toss into the music, and the production is nice and raw, in an older sense. The material is dark, shadowed, forboding.

fair enough. Burzum is ok, i like the first 3 albums but can't stand anything after 'Hvis Lyset...'. Ulver and Ved Buens Ende are great, would've put them in my 2nd 10 slots, some Bathory aswell. not a big fan of Immortal or Thorns though. Darkthrone is something different, from time to time i'm in that mood for some Darkthrone, but it's not that often nowadays.

btw. i wrote i listen to BLACK-metal since 1993, not overall metal.

Lovely. Now go back and learn to love every single Burzum track there is. Maybe then we'll give you some street cred.
Anyway back to the original topic.

L U N A R A U R O R A.

It's got that kind of, "I'm in a shop trying on a new pair of jeans" music feel to it don't you think folks? ... When you think, "wtf is wrong with the people in this fucking shop, why do they always play shit radio music?!"

EDIT: You can toss Nachtmystium into that bowl of dogs dinner too. Equally as g.e.n.e.r.i.c.
@Hubster, Scourge
I'm curious, what gives you the authority to tell what's good from what's not? Simple question that demands a simple answer.
I bend time and space.
