Lunar Strain is the best inflames album


Knight of Gondor
Nov 6, 2002
Visit site
for me anyway. i got bored of colony and whoracle after about 2 listens, lunar strain has the atmosphere i was looking for in a in flames album.
Well, it was going to happen eventually...

Jester Race
Lunar Strain
Reroute to Remain

I felt the need to distance RTR from the others since it almost pulls the others down to be mentioned in the same sentence as that, uh.... "experiment."
Yes Mikael Stanne is the vocalist on Lunar Strain.. probably Subterranean too but can't remember off the top of my head. I love Lunar Straing but TJR is my all time favorite.. and one of my all time favorite albums. Lunar Strain/Subterranean is right behind TJR though. If Lunar Strain had better sound quality it would probably be my absolute favorite... the songs they have redone from it (Clad in Shadows, Behind Space) are much better.. it would be interesting if they would have re-recorded all the songs off their.. I'd love to hear Dreamscape re-recorded.
This post seems really out of place and probably would be better in the Off/ topic section but anyways:

I personally like everything on TJR the most as compared to the other releases. However, I like Michael Stanne a lot more as a singer and thus the vocals for Lunar Strain also get my vote.
I've got Lunar Strain, to say it's better than The Jester Race, to me seems a bit of a joke.

It's not even near as masterful or developed, it's simply In Flames in their developing stage. Not their best.
Lunar Strain is a great classic gothenburg style album that's for sure, but TJR takes the cake for me too. TJR just has all the best parts of In Flames, and I think if Anders wasn't there to wreck every single song they've ever done it would be so much better.
Moonlapse said:
I think if Anders wasn't there to wreck every single song they've ever done it would be so much better.

Not saying that Anders is horrible in any way, because I love him to death, but would, as you say, rather have him wrecking every single Dark Tranquillity song?
Well ya know, there IS an unofficial In Flames forum at

I have no problems with throwing in my two cents here though;).

I'd have to say the "best" In Flames albums are a toss up between "Whoracle" and "The Jester Race" for me. I do love the folky acoustical interludes though on "Lunar Strain". I once considered having those played at my wedding.......umm...errrr....what wedding is what I say, heh.

Edit: Blahhh, ya know what? I didn't mean to say "folky".....I have always thought those acoustical passages were very reminiscent of the Renaissance period. Okay, I'm done now:).
I'd have to say The Jester Race tops the mentioned In Flames abulms for me, Lunar Strain is a great abulm, is a very close second. But all in all I'd have to say The Jester Race did it for me, just my opinion though.