MachineHead are truley an awesome live force


Proud Brisbane Metaller
Jul 28, 2001
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Went to the gig, Japunga and Devolved suported, weren't bad, but then...Imperium started in darkness....:headbang:

They played a couple of songs of each album, including Supercharger, then for an Encore they covered a few songs. And one was an awesome version of Creeping Death.

I might elaborate more on ythe setlist lkater when I get my head together, got home at 2am and look at the fucking time and I am already awake o_O
Switchblade were on first and they were very energetic and were well received by most of the crowd. I even noticed Adam Duce upstairs nodding in approval.

Contrive were the main support, and while they have a cool sound they weren't that well received.Andy Haug is a decent drummer, but their bass player copped loads of heckling.They weren't awful, but I've seen em' play better as well.

After a huge wait, Machine Head owned the crowd from the second "Imperium" kicked in.Hell,there were even circle pits starting before they even hit the stage!!!!!! "Seasons Of Wither" was next and ruled as well, and Robb said it would be available here in a few weeks. Whether it is part of a re-release of TTAOE or as a <a href="">single</a> I'm not certain,but it's a damn good new track that they put on the US edition of the album.

They played stuff from each of their albums- "Bulldozer","The Blood,The Sweat,The Tears","Take My Scars" (f#*!ing OWNED), and loads of others.

"Descend The Shades Of Night" started the encore,and sounded pretty damn good,followed by "Davidian", and the place erupted.After that,I figured it couldn't get any better, but then Robb gave us a choice. He read out three album titles, and whichever got the loudest reaction, they would play a song from. First was Black Sabbath's "Paranoid" (huge reaction), then Metallica's "Ride The Lightning" (even louder) and Sepultura's "Chaos A.D." (about the same as RTL). So they ripped into an awesome <a href="">cover</a> of Seps' "Territory", which f#*!ing ruled, and then played some of Pantera's "Another Level" and "Walk", which had the mosh in a frenzy, Slayer's "Raining Blood" and last of all some of Motley Crue's "Live Wire", which Robb thought was pretty damn funny. BTW,I was in the distinct minority who actually knew the last song). They then closed with "Block", which was also f#*!ing awesome.

I was most impressed with the stage presence Phil Demmel has brought to the band anyway.They were tight as a drum and then some I've gotta say.

Overall, easily one of the best gigs I've seen and the band certainly earned the numerous "MACHINE f#*!ing HEAD" chants that went on throughout their set anyway.
Sounds like you had quite a setlist in Sydney!

They put on an awesome show down here too. Davidian was the song of the surprises there. The only cover we had was Creeping Death. It was great to see a band enjoying themselves that much, especially Robbbb and Phil. It makes it that much more enjoyable for the crowd. Great to see they're back in form!
Here they did Creeping Death and then like a medley of a few songs incl. Walk, Territory and maybe 1 or 2 more I can't remember. Their set was awesome!

We got a really good response from the crowd during our set. Sold a bunch of CD's and had quite a lot of interest... especially people asking where we were from :err:
They didn't stick around after they played cos they had to fly to europe today but before they were all pretty cool. After their soundcheck they all, except for Robb, went and got dinner. Robb just hung out and chatted to everyone. We got called to do our soundcheck just as he came over to talk to us which was a bitch, so our crew and I think some roadrunner street teamers stood and talked to him for about 20 mins as he watched the first part of our soundcheck.

As the evening progressed the whole band was happy to stop for a few mins to sign stuff. Phil came out the back while their intro music was playing and saw a t-shirt laying there and actually asked if anyone needed that signed - like a minute before he had to go on!

They all seemed like down to earth, cool guys.
Cooperman said:
We got a really good response from the crowd during our set. Sold a bunch of CD's and had quite a lot of interest... especially people asking where we were from :err:
Kinda shows how underexposed local music is when people that live in the same city don't even recognize their own bands.