Macintosh can suck my nutz

Power supply blew on my G5, and while it took them longer than I'd like to fix it, it was free and did not fry my computer. Still running strong after being purchased 5-6 years ago.

EDIT: Apparently the supply from mine was from a bad batch from that particular year which is why they replaced it for free. I had already owned it for four years.

When I went to google and typed in "power mac g5 power supply" there were several sites selling them for around the same price, and if time was of the essence you could of had it overnighted and had it by the next day.

and I agree with everyone that is amazed that this place doesn't have a backup computer. So don't blame Mac, you guys are the ones that didn't take 5 minutes to do a search on the interwebz.
Meh this thread wasn't meant to become a debate on thrashing macs, it just sorta happened haha, I was more just ranting that it would be our luck that we spend the money to go to a nice studio and this happens haha, but yes I know that it's easy to replace the power supplies for them and that they're cheap but it turned out that it was another problem that caused the power supply to go out, but the studio is and aside from the computer problems they do amazing work, in no way am I bashing them by any means, I will continue to track drums here as they sound phenomenal
This thread made me un-quit.

Dave, are you SERIOUS? An old ass G5 dies on your studio (Who the hell still uses a G5?,) so you blame the company that built it as a whole? Seriously doubting this 'quarter million dollar studio' is anywhere near that, seeing as the G5's are quite old/obsolete these days.. What 'other problems' that caused the power supply to die, are you talking about? Faulty electrical in the building maybe? I can't imagine any other problems with a computer that would link back to the power supply dying.. As Mike said, why didn't you just replace whatever needed replacing? My 7 year old nephew can build a computer, and he's in 2nd fucking grade.
All the macs on the ad agency that I worked were unreliable pieces of shit. Always breaking and it was expensive and took forever to fix.
The PCs that costed less than half of each mac could do the same tasks much faster. I can work on a Pentium 4 anyday, but I don´t want even to be seem next to a Mac G3.
All the macs on the ad agency that I worked were unreliable pieces of shit. Always breaking and it was expensive and took forever to fix.
The PCs that costed less than half of each mac could do the same tasks much faster. I can work on a Pentium 4 anyday, but I don´t want even to be seem next to a Mac G3.

Sounds like your IT guys were retards.
geez guys, like I said I wasn't trying to make some huge debate about pc vs. mac, I was just saying it sucked and that we kept having a huge fml situation lol... A simple 'thats does suck man' would have sufficed but now it's turned into a huge debate :P you guys crack me up.

The whole mac thing was just a 'hey i prefer pc's cuz I can fix them easily and if it were the case that there was a pc then all this wouldn't be a problem' lol... just an opinion, now trying to force pc's as the word of god down your throats ^_^ ...i knew this would happen though haha so with this I leave you....

you should have stayed quit.

I still use a G5.. and it is NOT obsolete, not by a long shot.

however, this one could very well have been put through hell... so yes, it's utterly pointless to blame the tool at this point.

Maybe I should've, when you get butthurt at the drop of a time and go absolutely ballistic to the point of calling someone 'brain damaged' or 'fucking stupid' because they're making an opposing point to you, you don't agree with it, and you're forced to block me on AIM?

Newer parts = better. You said they weren't, I laughed in your face and you ragequitted.
no jesse.. you twisted my words and made up your own narrative... you're like the FOX News of this forum.

i said it several times in our conversation... you just failed to pay attention; it's about cost/benefit ratio... and the fact that my G5 is still on the positive side of that ratio. sorry, "newer" doesn't always equal "better" , and if you truly think that it always does, no matter what, well then maybe you are brain damaged.

Thing about that is, that I agreed with you in that aspect, and you still went on about it? I was just trying to get the point across that saying newer, faster parts on a computer weren't better.. Is pretty ridiculous.
how many times do I have to say that I wasn't trying to start shit? I was voicing an opinion and only that.... sure I may have been misinformed but nobody had to fly off the handle like that. If I made a stupid comment, oh well, don't let it ruin your day :P

Yet again... my main point... Shit happened, it sucked, we need to get these tracks done like yesterday and now it'll be a few weeks before they'll be done and it sucks balls

and Jmarz I spend alot of time on this forum and know how people can get but it's just my personality to say a things on my mind(and most times i'm blunt but not completely serious) but bottom line is I'm not going all gung-ho 'MAC SUCKZ OH EM GEE BURN THEM DOWN! STEVE JOBS CAN DIE!' I was just frustrated, shit happens, people do this... we're human, everything is flawed and we can't all be happy all the time or always be 100% informed. I'm not mad at any of you for your opinions, I've actually learned quite a bit from this thread, and I wish you all well!
...right jesse right... yes yes, we all know you're the best guitarist on the forum, a kung fu master, a computer tech genius, a business guru, and the consumate lady's man.... we all bow to you in all things...

no, it is NOT ridiculous, and this is why despite your saying that you agreed with me, you clearly don't even understand what i said.

but lets say that i did mean what you are saying; i very well could argue that point actually, because it is VERY possible that a "newer/faster" component can be UTTERLY inferior to it's older/slower counterpart.... since it could very easily be made of shoddier materials and be less reliable over time, and could have more conflicts and bugs than an older, more well-built, well-tested component.

that was not my argument though.

my argument is that upgrading to a MBP would not help me in anyway at all right now. "rendering" is not an issue for me... i use outboard so i do everything in real time.... and since my g5 responds instantly, the "speed" factor is irrelevant. didn't say it was non-existent.. just a non-issue. and seriously, a process completing in 10ms vs. 5ms is completely esoteric.

also maximum RTAS instances being, say, 100 vs. 200, is also a total non-issue to me, since i use very few instances of host-based plug-ins... much less than 100 on any given session. i have a PT HD rig, and run mostly TDM plugs and VI's.

so for me, there would be no significant "time saved"... no, it would be a very inadvisable cash outlay at this point, that would reap me no quantifiable benefit.


tl;dr. You're way too ignorant to argue with in your old age.
:lol: very true dalinkwent.. and dave shoulda known better, despite what he says his intentions were.

however, most of this going on now actually migrated over from an AIM conversation jesse and i were having. he was being an obtuse little twit and i blocked him.... so he brought it here, and i bit. apologies all around for that.

I was about to say, just ignore him, seems like hes is taking stabs at you to get you pissed off, and totally not worth it as we don't need Lasse ruling with a iron fist.

As much as I prefer PC, you can't blame old gear. What really ticks me off is that you keep saying Dave, that its a 250k+ studio but then you claim they can't justify another 10k to upgrade a computer? Sounds pretty cheap to me, in my mind, if they can't make a small upgrade like that then I highly doubt the studio is really 250k, maybe if you count the mortgage of the building and the remodeling of the whole place, but then again, before the economy went to shit, middle class houses were around that price.

Murphy had the point about a G5 being just fine in terms of speed. considering the age of any G5 it would have been wise to at least have a backup or have upgraded, because while newer components (keyword, components) might not be superior, they are less likely to fail, and will operate much smoother, its just physics of electronics unless someone dun goofed in the manufacturing process, creating fatal flaws in some goods which does happen. This is why new things still break before warranty. To top that off newer components are much quicker and easier to replace if something does go bad, since it would be too expensive for a company to keep around serviceable parts on what they deem to be an obsolete product.
lol.... lack of a cogent argument again diminishes to the cheapest shot you think you can take.... classic shreddymarz. too bad for you that i'd have to be sensitive about my age for that one to land.... but i'm not. i'm in my early 40's, i look like i'm in my early 30's, and feel like i'm in my late 20's... so i'm just fine with my age, thx.

you on the other hand, have totally shit vibrato. suck that.

see? two can play at your games Jesse. now do us all a favor and go away again.

The only one that turns these arguments into games are you, my friend. I'll be sitting there laughing while you're getting so pissed off that you're wrong, you'll start to type like a drunken retard, and spam with shit like "HAHAHOSDGKSDJGSHOAHAHAHOSDIGJSD"

ok jesse.. you laughing is ok, but me laughing is... something else? lol.... you are an imbecile.

and your vibrato sucks.


Nope. Wrong again, please, do go on another hatefuelled rant. I need more popcorn for this shit, rofl. Alas, I'll leave again. I don't need to post publicly on the forum how much of a fucking moron you are, I already proved that evident in the AIM conversation, in which other people were laughing right on with me when I showed them.

Deuces, until next time ;)