Maiden Australian Tour.

Yeah that was excellent. Great venue for it too. On the floor I stood about 10m from stage, which was sweet. And the best thing is we get to see the again at Soundwave.
I was right on the edge of the pit, such as it was. Wasn't really a mosh pit, more like guys who jumped around during the fast bits. Started in front of Davey, moved my way across to centerish as holes opened up. Couldn't have had much of a better view, except for the tosser in front of me who kept taking photos every 30 seconds.
I'm going to the Sydney show tonight, then Soundwave in Brisbane on Saturday. Anyone going to the Sydney show tonight? Let me know and we can catch up if I can be bothered.
I'm going to the Sydney show tonight, then Soundwave in Brisbane on Saturday. Anyone going to the Sydney show tonight? Let me know and we can catch up if I can be bothered.

Fan club has a meet up organised at Paddy Maguires from 2pm today:wave:
Yeah great show. The band seemed to be in the best mood I have seen from them live. The guitarists moved around more than expected and had fun with each other, and Bruce was just fucking awesome. His voice was top notch and he really performed. The sound was a bit rubbish for the first 3 odd songs though.

Bring on soundwave!
Hey guys. Last night was great, I agree the sound was a little dodgy for the first couple of songs but it was good from there on. Great set list too, I deliberately didn't look beforehand to see what the set was going to be and it was nice to be surprised.

Looking forward to Soundwave!

Iron Maiden still has what it takes

METAL gigs are funny. For a lot of reasons. Firstly they're ha-ha funny because quite often the guys running around like madmen have been doing it for eons (Hello Black Sabbath) and deep down you can't help feeling that most of the band members are in on the joke and would rather be at home with an English breakfast tea and a muffin.
Secondly because the sheer spectacle of a ye olde metal act is hilarious - witness the 10 foot Eddie the Head clambering out on stage like a deranged-but-benevolent Predator parody, see a man ("guitarist" Janick Gers) who should rightly be pushing up daisies push his guitar up around his neck and into the air several times while his botoxed lips quiver with some kind of post-coital satisfaction, guffaw at Bruce Dickinson's crowd quips: "F--- me, is that Biggles?" and "Sorry about that, I had to stay still, it's a bit geriatric really but that song takes balls" and umpteen demands that we should "SCREAM FOR ME MELBOOOOOOUUURRNNE!"

Thirdly, metal gigs are a little bit funny because when you're dealing with a band like Iron Maiden, formed in 1975 in Leyton, London, you are dealing with a bunch of fans who will love the show NO MATTER WHAT...even if the concert is at HiSense Arena and the post-mortem verdict does almost universally decry the lack of nuance/loudness, the lack of Run To The Hills, the lack of intimacy and the lack of chin-bruising moments where you simply didn't expect Iron Maiden to do that.

It was still a damn good show. And here's why, Bruce Dickinson is an incredible frontman who - a la Freddie Mercury - plays to every seat in the house. The guy a. makes fiddles seem unfit; b. does interviews on tour while he is out riding a bike as part of his daily fitness regimen; c. wears a Psych Ward muscle top yet is easily one of the most sane band leaders in modern music; d. pilots the Ed Force One plane here and looks fresher than those daisies Janick Gers looks like he should be pushing up.

Iron Maiden ripped through El Dorado, 2 Minutes to Midnight (at 2 minutes to 9), and The Wicker Man with aplomb, Dickinson leading his henchmen around the stage as he scampered up either side of the catwalk during Fear of the Dark. The man whose second name is actually Bruce (his first name is Paul, fun fact) threw his mic stand into the air with aerodynamic precision, twirling it like an axe and made sure it didn't knock over his seasoned bandmates, quite a hard task considering he had FOUR guitarists to keep in his peripheral vision.

Fear of the Dark proved the song of the night as the band sliced knowing, caustic riffs against Nicko McBrain's pummeling drum-beats. Dickinson's voice wavered in all the right moments and not even a fairly dodgy mix could curb his enthusiasm. True professional.

The Number of The Beast, Hallowed Be Thy Name and Running Free made for a fitting encore but you couldn't help but wonder how much better the sextet will be at Soundwave Festival next Friday with a huge, unforgiving sound system and the thrill of headlining over young whippersnapper bands who would love to one day have the legacy - and black T-shirt sales - of a band like Iron Maiden.

No doubt Dickinson will definitely make some funny quips about his would-be rivals, just as he did early in the show when mentioning the fact he and the band got breathalysed on the way to the HiSense Arena and blamed it on "the crooner" playing next door (Michael Buble) and his fans "who would definitely have piles. We're the rock band, we're meant to be drunk (cue laughter and bourbon burping)".

Ahhh, Bruce, you've still got it.May you pilot Ed Force One over many more continents yet...just make sure you are highly sensitive about the venues your band gets booked at.
awesome show. Bruce, 'Arry and the boys in TOP form and a great setlist... good compromise between new stuff and classics, and a few nice surprises.

I was in rear GA kinda near the sound desk. Sound was good as you'd expect in that location. Crowd was a bit of a mix... a handful of guys really going off, a few sorta like... middle of the road, not totally losing the plot but pretty into it... and one or two just standing there like they were waiting for the cat to come inside and take a piss or something. If you heard someone yelling "fucking fire up you lazy cunts" that would have been me :D ahahaha
Don't scare your kids, Trooper Mick!

Bruce was bloody funny, as usual. I liked his cricket references. He seemed rather infatuated with that beach ball thingo though!

Sydney gig was awesome. Such a shame I had a look at the setlist beforehand. Dance of Death and Blood Brothers, songs I've never had much time for, were excellent. No new songs added to the show, of course. Song order appears to be the same as Melbourne with The Talisman moved to earlier in the set. Didn't get much of a reaction from the crowd.

So glad I flew to Sydney to see them.
By the way, I saw Rise to Remain's set. Definitely not my thing but they were OK and got a good response from the crowd. They were a bit all over the place, didn't seem to know what sort of music they wanted to play, mainly because the guitarist seemed to fancy himself as a Michael Romeo (and played his guitar rather high up like Petrucci). And the bass player ponced around like a goof.

But they were OK. Austin Dickinson could be a very good singer one day and tried his little heart out.