MaidenDownunder 10 Questions


Feb 4, 2002
1. What are you currently up to? This is your only chance to promote your shit!

2. How often do you visit

3. What rock band should call it a day and pack it in for good?

4. Thoughts on the following forum members:

The Trooper:
Lord Tim:

5. Yes or no, have you;
Kissed a girl after she sucked down a load of your liquid kids:
Wanted to audition for Warrant:
Had a finger in your ass:
Touched a penis other than your own: (if you are a dude)
Touched a breast or vagina other than your own: (if you are a chick)
Purchased a Girls Gone Wild video or DVD:
Seen Dungeon in concert:
Seen Metal Shop:

6. Rate the following musicians on a scale of 1 to 10. 10 being kick ass and 1 being they suck ass.

Mike Portnoy:
Lord Tim:
Alex Van Halen:
Dani Filth:
Angus Young:
Tommy Lee:
Snake Sabo:
Charlie Benante:
Jack White of the White Stripes:
Ronnie James Dio:

7. Which do you prefer and why:
Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie:
Roxy Blue or Roxy Music:
Britny Fox or Britney Spears:
Paul Gargano or Gerri Miller:
Tom Mathers or Jerry Mathers:
Rikki Rockett or Riki Rachtmen:
Strippers or Porn Stars:
James Hetfield Or Dave Mustaine:
Firehouse or Firehose:
Jack Black or Jack White:
Selma Blair or Cameron Diaz:

8. What rock star deserves a smack in the mouth and why?

9. The last time...
Last time you stopped into Target:
Last rock star you shook hands with:
Last CD you bought:
Last time you threw up from drinking:
Last autograph you signed:
Last movie you saw:
Last concert you saw:
Last Time You Got Laid:

10. Time for Word Association. We mention a name and you
give us your thoughts.

Motley Crue:
Jack Black:
Dave Mustaine:
Sebastian Bach:
Nikki Sixx:
Kid Rock:
The White Stripes:
Linkin Park:
Gene Simmons:
Paul McCartney:
Edward Van Halen:
Dimmu Borgir:
Queens Of The Stoneage:
Bon Jovi:
Sammy Hagar:
Haupassia said:
1. What are you currently up to? This is your only chance to promote your shit!

Chillin'. Listening to the new Into Eternity album, its awesome :headbang:

2. How often do you visit

a few times a day

3. What rock band should call it a day and pack it in for good?

Kiss, Evanesence, Blink 182.

4. Thoughts on the following forum members:

The Trooper: cool dude. Loves his glam. respect.
Koichi: insecure immature tool
Mark: the leader of UM. good bloke. excellent web designer.
Haupassia: awesome
Spiff: obviously gay. not that there is anything wrong with that.
Wenda: a newbie. she seems nice
Moonchild: dubbed the next popstar by some members of this forum yet her talents are unproven and considering most popstars can't sing these days, it doesn't look good.
Lord Tim: good bloke. one of the best, if not THE best guitarist in the country.
Goreripper: Human metal encyclopedia and music in general. Good bloke.
JonBonJovi: wife of Goreripper. Bon Jovi and glam fan. Respect.
Dreamwatch: wife of Mark. Seems nice!

5. Yes or no, have you;
Kissed a girl after she sucked down a load of your liquid kids: yes
Wanted to audition for Warrant: yes why not. Warrant are awesome
Had a finger in your ass: Nope
Touched a penis other than your own: Nope
Purchased a Girls Gone Wild video or DVD: Nope
Seen Dungeon in concert: Nope
Seen Metal Shop: No but id like to.

6. Rate the following musicians on a scale of 1 to 10. 10 being kick ass and 1 being they suck ass.

Mike Portnoy: 10
Lord Tim: 9
Alex Van Halen: 9
Dani Filth: 2
Angus Young:-1
Tommy Lee: 8
Snake Sabo: 7
Charlie Benante: 9
Jack White of the White Stripes: -10
Ronnie James Dio: 7

7. Which do you prefer and why:
Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie: I don't like either but id have to pic Nicole.
Roxy Blue or Roxy Music: no preference
Britny Fox or Britney Spears: Britny Fox of course!
Paul Gargano or Gerri Miller: no preference
Tom Mathers or Jerry Mathers: neither
Rikki Rockett or Riki Rachtmen: Rockett
Strippers or Porn Stars: porn stars
James Hetfield Or Dave Mustaine: Dave Mustaine :headbang:
Firehouse or Firehose: Firehouse
Jack Black or Jack White: Jack Black. He is awesome
Selma Blair or Cameron Diaz: Selma Blair. If i get with any celebrity it would be with her.

8. What rock star deserves a smack in the mouth and why?
Fred Durst and all members of these 'retro garage rock' bands

9. The last time...
Last time you stopped into Target: a few weeks ago
Last rock star you shook hands with: myself
Last CD you bought: Skid Row 'Slave TO The Grind'
Last time you threw up from drinking: a few years ago
Last autograph you signed: at the optometrist.
Last movie you saw: Revenge Of THe Nerds 2
Last concert you saw: Ravene Farewell Show in Townsville (good tville rock band)
Last Time You Got Laid: about 3 months ago

10. Time for Word Association. We mention a name and you
give us your thoughts.

Motley Crue: one of the greatest bands in history
Jack Black: awesome actor and tenacious d are cool too
Dave Mustaine: brilliant musician
Sebastian Bach: fuckin' awesome singer.
Nikki Sixx: a god.
Kid Rock: don't like his music but have nothing against him.
The White Stripes: please die.
Linkin Park: not a fan but they are good at what they do.
Gene Simmons: wanker
Paul McCartney: overrated wanker
Evanesence: Liked them better when they were called LACUNA COIL!
Edward Van Halen: Genius
Slayer: shit thrash band
Dimmu Borgir: good band
Queens Of The Stoneage: fuckin overrated
Bon Jovi: liked their 80's stuff. suck today though.
Sammy Hagar: he rocks! his Van Halen stuff and his solo stuff is awesome.
1. What are you currently up to? This is your only chance to promote your shit!

Answering this

2. How often do you visit

every day, most of the day, because I dislike being constructive
3. What rock band should call it a day and pack it in for good?
4. Thoughts on the following forum members:

The Trooper: FAG
Koichi: awesome, sexy and deadly at close range
Mark: evil dictator
Haupassia: FAG
Spiff: AFRO
Wenda: Pirate Wencg
Moonchild: who?
Goreripper: top bloke, bad fashion sense
JonBonJovi: Top bird, it's 2004
Dreamwatch: cockney scrubber who redeems herself by barracking for spurs

5. Yes or no, have you;
Kissed a girl after she sucked down a load of your liquid kids: HA, no, I'm not that dumb
Wanted to audition for Warrant: no
Had a finger in your ass: no
Touched a penis other than your own: not from memory,
Purchased a Girls Gone Wild video or DVD: no
Seen Dungeon in concert: Yes, about a bazzilion times
Seen Metal Shop:

6. Rate the following musicians on a scale of 1 to 10. 10 being kick ass and 1 being they suck ass.

Mike Portnoy:0
Lord Tim:8
Alex Van Halen: 10
Dani Filth:0
Angus Young:7
Tommy Lee:10 minus 11 for being a cock
Snake Sabo: 4
Charlie Benante: 8
Jack White of the White Stripes: -9002023828738437
Ronnie James Dio:

7. Which do you prefer and why:
Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie: my hand
Roxy Blue or Roxy Music: Spandau Ballet
Britny Fox or Britney Spears: eh
Paul Gargano or Gerri Miller: GAMARA
Tom Mathers or Jerry Mathers: Mathers shoes
Rikki Rockett or Riki Rachtmen: Riki Lake
Strippers or Porn Stars:Strippers
James Hetfield Or Dave Mustaine: eh
Firehouse or Firehose:eh
Jack Black or Jack White: eh
Selma Blair or Cameron Diaz: Cameron

8. What rock star deserves a smack in the mouth and why?
All of the,
9. The last time...
Last time you stopped into Target: thursday
Last rock star you shook hands with: What the fuck is your rock star obsession?
Last CD you bought: Imapled Nazarene- all that you fear
Last time you threw up from drinking: about 2 months ago
Last autograph you signed: something work related
Last movie you saw: dunno
Last concert you saw: Unholy Grave
Last Time You Got Laid: it's been months, you can tell, i am yelling at people at lot more

10. Time for Word Association. We mention a name and you
give us your thoughts.

Motley Crue:good
Jack Black:eh
Dave Mustaine: shitheap
Sebastian Bach: bitch
Nikki Sixx:awesome
Kid Rock:Haupy
The White Stripes: haupy
Linkin Park:haupy
Gene Simmons:haupy
Paul McCartney: HAUPY
Evanesence: ugly bitch,
Edward Van Halen:HOBOOOB
Slayer: awesome
Dimmu Borgir: pop metal
Queens Of The Stoneage: good
Bon Jovi: were good
Sammy Hagar: my dad
1. What are you currently up to? This is your only chance to promote your shit!

Nothing much really.

2. How often do you visit

Lots and lots.

3. What rock band should call it a day and pack it in for good?

Kiss, or Stratovarius.

4. Thoughts on the following forum members:

The Trooper: Amusing, though I actually worry because he hates EVERY genre other than glamAORpopmetalrocksleazestadiumrockwithhugechoruses.
Koichi: Psychopath.
Mark: Nice guy. Once said I was funny. Nice guy.
Haupassia: Hateful.
Spiff: Megalomaniacal soon to be ruler of the world. Owes me his soul.
Wenda: Fit prog budgie that needs more Slayer.
Moonchild: Absent.
Lord Tim: +5 Axe
Goreripper: Quite metal indeed.
JonBonJovi: Gorerippers wife.
Dreamwatch: Marks wife. Until I win him back.

5. Yes or no, have you;
Kissed a girl after she sucked down a load of your liquid kids: Nope
Wanted to audition for Warrant: Nope
Had a finger in your ass: Nope
Touched a penis other than your own: Nope
Purchased a Girls Gone Wild video or DVD: Nope
Seen Dungeon in concert: Nope
Seen Metal Shop: Nope

6. Rate the following musicians on a scale of 1 to 10. 10 being kick ass and 1 being they suck ass.

Mike Portnoy: 8 I guess, I dont listen to much DT, Dave Lombardo could take him any day.
Lord Tim: 7
Alex Van Halen: 7
Dani Filth: 0
Angus Young: 10
Tommy Lee: 9 but one of the most worthless humans ever
Snake Sabo: 10
Charlie Benante: 8
Jack White of the White Stripes: 3
Ronnie James Dio: 10

7. Which do you prefer and why:
Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie: Anyone who isnt Paris has a headstart.
Roxy Blue or Roxy Music: Dont know either.
Britny Fox or Britney Spears: Britny Fox... GIRLSCHOOL!
Paul Gargano or Gerri Miller: Paul
Tom Mathers or Jerry Mathers: Dont know.
Rikki Rockett or Riki Rachtmen: The Poison guy, whichever one that is.
Strippers or Porn Stars: Strippers, you can respect them.
James Hetfield Or Dave Mustaine: James, though he has turned into a bit of a weirdo since rehab.
Firehouse or Firehose: Firehouse
Jack Black or Jack White: Jack Black
Selma Blair or Cameron Diaz: Sexy Selma by 100000 miles.

8. What rock star deserves a smack in the mouth and why?

Tommy Lee and Gene Simmons. Because they are jerks. Tommy would probably hit Gene anyway just because he is a violent nut.

9. The last time...
Last time you stopped into Target: About a year ago.
Last rock star you shook hands with: JEFF HANNEMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :worship: And before that... KERRY KING! Also PAUL BOSTAPH... AND TOM ARAYA OH MY GOD! :worship:
Last CD you bought: I bought 9.
Last time you threw up from drinking: Never.
Last autograph you signed: Never.
Last movie you saw: Predator
Last concert you saw: Metallica
Last Time You Got Laid: Cant remember...

10. Time for Word Association. We mention a name and you
give us your thoughts.

Motley Crue: Jerks and assholes.
Jack Black: Funny.
Dave Mustaine: Funny but an asshole. Sometimes seems nice but it never lasts long.
Sebastian Bach: Best singer ever, waste of talent.
Nikki Sixx: Asshole.
Kid Rock: Idiot, but a rich one, so he is one up on me.
The White Stripes: Yuck.
Linkin Park: Singles band.
Gene Simmons: Egomaniac hack.
Paul McCartney: The Beatles.
Evanesence: MY IMMORTAL!
Edward Van Halen: Wishes he was as cool as Sammy.
Slayer: Greatest thrash band ever without a shadow of a doubt. Didnt turn into sellout wankers.
Dimmu Borgir: Amazing, soon to be huge.
Queens Of The Stoneage: Never heard them.
Bon Jovi: AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME! Except the last 2 albums :(
Sammy Hagar: Happy, rocking, great voice.
1. What are you currently up to? This is your only chance to promote your shit!

Just cruising through life. I'm gonna try and pay off my credit bill before looking for a new bike. I'm back at uni this year, which is a bit of a bummer. But I'm looking forward to finishing on a bit of a high.

2. How often do you visit


3. What rock band should call it a day and pack it in for good?
None. Rock is for live.

4. Thoughts on the following forum members:

The Trooper: Hot dude, hotter siblings.
Koichi: Timo Tolkki
Mark: Ronin.
Haupassia: Like a spring drizzle.
Spiff: A forgotten bridge, that once you cross you wonder why you ever forgot.
Wenda: Havn't had the pleasure.
Moonchild: Gone with the wind.
Lord Tim: :worship: :worship:
Goreripper: Ren
JonBonJovi: Stimpy
Dreamwatch: I bet she's a mean bitch in the kitchen.

5. Yes or no, have you;
Kissed a girl after she sucked down a load of your liquid kids: Yes.
Wanted to audition for Warrant:
Only after my contract with Hawkwind expires.
Had a finger in your ass: Das itst sehr gut.
Touched a penis other than your own: No.
Purchased a Girls Gone Wild video or DVD: No.
Seen Dungeon in concert:
Not often enough.
Seen Metal Shop: I've seen 'a' metal shop.

6. Rate the following musicians on a scale of 1 to 10. 10 being kick ass and 1 being they suck ass.

Mike Portnoy: 10
Lord Tim: 10
Angus Young: 8
Tommy Lee: Ten years ago - 10! Today - 1
Charlie Benante: 10 just for Nobody Know's Anything!
Jack White of the White Stripes: 0teen
Ronnie James Dio: 10

7. Which do you prefer and why:
Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie:
Paris, only because I'd like to get it on with her sister.
Britny Fox or Britney Spears: Britny Fox.
Strippers or Porn Stars: Nice girls.
James Hetfield Or Dave Mustaine: Hetfield
Jack Black or Jack White: Jack Black
Selma Blair or Cameron Diaz: Both are ordinary.

8. What rock star deserves a smack in the mouth and why?

Steve Harris. Because he has successfully co-managed Maiden into the shitter.

9. The last time...
Last time you stopped into Target:
A few months ago. I visit Kmart almost weekly.
Last rock star you shook hands with: Doro probably.
Last CD you bought: Pain Of Salvation - Acoustic.
Last time you threw up from drinking: Over 2 years ago.
Last autograph you signed: I had to put some gas on credit today.
Last movie you saw: Mona Lisa Smile. Watched Almost Famous and Robocop yesterday.
Last concert you saw: Christina Agulaarisiia :erk:
Last Time You Got Laid: About 12 hrs ago.

10. Time for Word Association. We mention a name and you
give us your thoughts.

Motley Crue: A shame they will never be a success again.
Jack Black: Over-rated, but still funny.
Dave Mustaine: Fucked Megadeth. Dishonest. Legend.
Sebastian Bach: A slave to his own ego.
Nikki Sixx: A hero to few, a legend to many.
Kid Rock: He actually has a decent voice when he choices to show it.
The White Stripes: Fucking pathetic.
Linkin Park: Quite decent, but over-exposed.
Gene Simmons: I love him on stage. Don't really care what he does off it.
Paul McCartney: One quarter of the most over-rated band ever to exsist.
Evanesence: Better than I care to admit.
Edward Van Halen: Never really payed Van Halen much attention.
Slayer: Over-rated by fans, under-rated by the rest.
Dimmu Borgir: I still havn't bothered listening.
Queens Of The Stoneage: Pathetic.
Bon Jovi: They are exactly what they pretent to be.
Sammy Hagar: I like his voice.
1. What are you currently up to? This is your only chance to promote your shit!

Not a hell of alot really. I am pretty much between shit at the moment.

2. How often do you visit

Fairly regularly most days.

3. What rock band should call it a day and pack it in for good?

Probably KISS. Would be good to see some quality material come from them one more time though, but it isn't likely.

4. Thoughts on the following forum members:

The Trooper: Top bloke, I think he like glam.
Koichi: He needs a girlfriend.
Mark: Mark isn't a forum member, Mark IS THE FORUM!
Haupassia: He needs a girlfriend.
Spiff: He needs a career that he enjoys.
Wenda: Fairly mysterious since she is a n00b, but fitting in well, which most n00bs don't do.
Moonchild: Not sure, she packed her shit a left.
Lord Tim: Top muso. His hard work will help take Dungeon to the top.
Goreripper: He is made of metal. MADE! OF! METAL!
JonBonJovi: She needs a can opener.
Dreamwatch: She likes wool, and knows lots of shit I can't comprehend about cameras. I had to skip those threads.

5. Yes or no, have you;
Kissed a girl after she sucked down a load of your liquid kids: No sir.
Wanted to audition for Warrant: Nope.
Had a finger in your ass: This reminds me of Mark's story. Nothing will top that for a finger in the arse story, NEVER!
Touched a penis other than your own: No.
Purchased a Girls Gone Wild video or DVD: No no.
Seen Dungeon in concert: Thrice! They rock. :headbang:
Seen Metal Shop:

6. Rate the following musicians on a scale of 1 to 10. 10 being kick ass and 1 being they suck ass.

Mike Portnoy: 10
Lord Tim: 9
Alex Van Halen: 6.5
Dani Filth: 7 (he is good at what he does)
Angus Young: 8
Tommy Lee: 8
Snake Sabo: eh?
Charlie Benante: eh?
Jack White of the White Stripes: Average.
Ronnie James Dio: 11

7. Which do you prefer and why:
Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie: Hrrmm....Nicole is less of a dumb arse, but I still don't like either. Probably Nicole.
Roxy Blue or Roxy Music: eh?
Britny Fox or Britney Spears: Britney Spears, in my bed.
Paul Gargano or Gerri Miller: eh?
Tom Mathers or Jerry Mathers: eh?
Rikki Rockett or Riki Rachtmen: eh?
Strippers or Porn Stars: They are both filthy, but porn stars give a better show, so I will go with them.
James Hetfield Or Dave Mustaine: Both are awesome, but James has probably come up with some better shit, so he wins.
Firehouse or Firehose: Hose, for sure.
Jack Black or Jack White: It don't matter if your black or white...........but I prefer Black.
Selma Blair or Cameron Diaz: Cameron Diaz, as long as she is curvy like in The Mask. *drools on keyboard*

8. What rock star deserves a smack in the mouth and why?
Gene Simmons. It goes without saying.

9. The last time...
Last time you stopped into Target: Maybe a week and a half ago.
Last rock star you shook hands with: Hmm...probably Stu of Dungeon!
Last CD you bought: the Running Wild treasure chest!
Last time you threw up from drinking: years ago, when I was first getting with my girlfriend I believe. :lol:
Last autograph you signed: Hmm...probably on some form.
Last movie you saw: The Passion Of The Christ
Last concert you saw: Metallica
Last Time You Got Laid: Hmm...Wednesday night I think.

10. Time for Word Association. We mention a name and you
give us your thoughts.

Motley Crue: SHOUT!
Jack Black: ROCK!
Dave Mustaine: THRASH!
Sebastian Bach: SLAVE TO THE GRIND!
Nikki Sixx: GLAM!
Kid Rock: PAMELA!
The White Stripes: that 7 Nation Army song.
Linkin Park: pop rock
Gene Simmons: makeup and money
Paul McCartney: the roof of the Kwik-E-Mart!
Evanesence: overated
Edward Van Halen: GUITAR!
Slayer: the cover of Seasons In The Abyss
Dimmu Borgir: symphonic shtuff
Queens Of The Stoneage: stonner rock
Bon Jovi: big choruses
Sammy Hagar: 80s pop metal[/QUOTE]
1. What are you currently up to? This is your only chance to promote your shit!
Writing, studying, procrastinating

2. How often do you visit

3. What rock band should call it a day and pack it in for good?

4. Thoughts on the following forum members:

The Trooper: Anachronistic but damn good fun with it
Koichi: Funny in small doses
Mark: An inspiration to us all
Haupassia: Likes VH but doesn't like The Beatles, so I'm conflicted
Spiff: More similar to me than he likes to admit
Wenda: Seems very nice, though I don't know her too well
Moonchild: Gone but not forgotten
Lord Tim: A fine musician and a good bloke wh keeps his feet on the ground
Goreripper: The human metal encyclopedia. What he doesn't know isn't worth knowing
JonBonJovi: Space cadet (and I mean that in the nicest possible way)
Dreamwatch: She likes Queen *and* Red Dwarf. Where could you go wrong?

5. Yes or no, have you;
Kissed a girl after she sucked down a load of your liquid kids: Eeeeww! Girl germs!
Wanted to audition for Warrant: No
Had a finger in your ass: I've never owned a donkey, so no
Touched a penis other than your own: No
Purchased a Girls Gone Wild video or DVD: No
Seen Dungeon in concert: No, but it's not for want of trying :bah:
Seen Metal Shop: No

6. Rate the following musicians on a scale of 1 to 10. 10 being kick ass and 1 being they suck ass.

Mike Portnoy: Can't vote because I don't like DT
Lord Tim: 8
Alex Van Halen: 7
Dani Filth: -324,678
Angus Young: 7
Tommy Lee: Haven't heard enough to vote
Snake Sabo: 7
Charlie Benante: 8
Jack White of the White Stripes: Who?
Ronnie James Dio: 9

7. Which do you prefer and why:

Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie: Both, in a vat of custard
Roxy Blue or Roxy Music: Don't like Roxy Music at all, so I'm voting for the other guy by default
Britny Fox or Britney Spears: Britny Fox
Paul Gargano or Gerri Miller: Gerri Miller
Tom Mathers or Jerry Mathers: Who?
Rikki Rockett or Riki Rachtmen: Mr Rockett
Strippers or Porn Stars: A little from column a, a little from column b
James Hetfield Or Dave Mustaine: I like both
Firehouse or Firehose: Firehouse (the song)
Jack Black or Jack White: Jack Black
Selma Blair or Cameron Diaz: Cameron Diaz (yum!)

8. What rock star deserves a smack in the mouth and why? Axl Rose for still being alive

9. The last time...
Last time you stopped into Target: Post Christmas sales to buy Tori and Delta CDs
Last rock star you shook hands with: Eric Singer (I think)
Last CD you bought: The Donnas: "Spend The Night"
Last time you threw up from drinking: I don't drink. Ever.
Last autograph you signed: My HECS application form
Last movie you saw: Love Actually
Last concert you saw: KISS Farewell tour (2001)
Last Time You Got Laid: I haven't managed that yet

10. Time for Word Association. We mention a name and you
give us your thoughts.

Motley Crue: I need to hear more
Jack Black: The greatest song in the world
Dave Mustaine: I need to hear more
Sebastian Bach: Monkey Business! :headbang:
Nikki Sixx: Too Fast! Too Fast For Love! :headbang:
Kid Rock: Waste of space
The White Stripes: Ditto above
Linkin Park: Ditto above
Gene Simmons: A great songwriter and entertainer corrupted by his own greed
Paul McCartney: Great songwriter and musician
Evanesence: Kiddie goth rock for the masses
Edward Van Halen: Prince of guitar players
Slayer: Good covers, crap original songs
Dimmu Borgir: Growl growl, screech screech. Grr.
Queens Of The Stoneage: I liked Kyuss better
Bon Jovi: Great in the 80s. Mediocre now
Sammy Hagar: Great singer, great musician.

1. What are you currently up to? This is your only chance to promote your shit!

Working full time, studying part time, watching St Kilda kick arse.

2. How often do you visit

Every time I'm on the net, so most days.

3. What rock band should call it a day and pack it in for good?


4. Thoughts on the following forum members:

The Trooper: Rock!
Koichi: Beer!
Mark: Friendly!
Haupassia: Misunderstood!
Spiff: Politically sound!
Wenda: Great surname!
Moonchild: Gone!
Lord Tim: Metal!
Goreripper: Top bloke!
JonBonJovi: Top lady!
Dreamwatch: Knowledgable!

5. Yes or no, have you;
Kissed a girl after she sucked down a load of your liquid kids: Hmmm don't think so.
Wanted to audition for Warrant:
Had a finger in your ass: No!
Touched a penis other than your own: No!
Purchased a Girls Gone Wild video or DVD: Who?
Seen Dungeon in concert: Several times
Seen Metal Shop: Nup, but it'd be good.

6. Rate the following musicians on a scale of 1 to 10. 10 being kick ass and 1 being they suck ass.

Mike Portnoy: 10
Lord Tim: 10
Angus Young: 7
Tommy Lee: 6
Charlie Benante: 7
Jack White of the White Stripes: 2
Ronnie James Dio: 10

7. Which do you prefer and why:
Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie:
They both suck.
Britny Fox or Britney Spears: Britny Fox.
Strippers or Porn Stars: Porn stars.
James Hetfield Or Dave Mustaine: Dave all the way
Jack Black or Jack White: Jack Black
Selma Blair or Cameron Diaz: Dunno

8. What rock star deserves a smack in the mouth and why?

Jon Shaffer, cos he's a dick.

9. The last time...
Last time you stopped into Target:
A few days ago.
Last rock star you shook hands with: Fucks me.
Last CD you bought: Dream Theater's latest.
Last time you threw up from drinking: A while ago.
Last autograph you signed: Credit card at the supermarket yesterday.
Last movie you saw: Raging Bull
Last concert you saw: Concert.....hmmm Soilwork I think.
Last Time You Got Laid: 6 hours ago.

10. Time for Word Association. We mention a name and you
give us your thoughts.

Motley Crue: Used to be good.
Jack Black: Seems alright.
Dave Mustaine: Rules
Sebastian Bach: Great singer, but a knob.
Nikki Sixx: Fucks me.
Kid Rock: Gaybo
The White Stripes: Shit
Linkin Park: Nahhhh
Gene Simmons: Fuckhead
Paul McCartney: Nice bloke
Evanesence: Don't mind em
Edward Van Halen: Not bad ;)
Slayer: Fuckin rule live
Dimmu Borgir: Haven't heard their recent stuff, but their old stuff rules
Queens Of The Stoneage: Second hand Kyuss, but still rock.
Bon Jovi: Used to be great.
Sammy Hagar: Not a fan.
1. What are you currently up to? This is your only chance to promote your shit!

Same old.

2. How often do you visit

Every day.

3. What rock band should call it a day and pack it in for good?

Erm... I don't have a problem with bands still being around. If I don't care for them I won't listen to them.

4. Thoughts on the following forum members:

The Trooper: it's only rock n' roll, dude!
Koichi: hehe.
Mark: the only forum member who has ever beaten me up. So far.
Haupassia: truely the biggest jerk I've ever met on the net.
Wenda: dunno.
Moonchild: the princess of pop has left the building.
Lord Tim: the love child of Kai Hansen and Tattoo from Fantasy Island.
Goreripper: dunno.
JonBonJovi: I don't get along with her, and probably never will.
Dreamwatch: my favourite sister-in-law.

5. Yes or no, have you;
Kissed a girl after she sucked down a load of your liquid kids: no.
Wanted to audition for Warrant:
Had a finger in your ass: no.
Touched a penis other than your own: no.
Purchased a Girls Gone Wild video or DVD: no.
Seen Dungeon in concert: yes.
Seen Metal Shop: yes. No, wait, I haven't.

6. Rate the following musicians on a scale of 1 to 10. 10 being kick ass and 1 being they suck ass.

Mike Portnoy: 10
Lord Tim: 10
Alex Van Halen: 6
Dani Filth: dunno, haven't heard anything of his
Angus Young: 7
Tommy Lee: 6
Snake Sabo: 7
Charlie Benante: 7
Jack White of the White Stripes: dunno. Heard one song on the Grammys, he seems to be talented enough though, but I haven't heard enough to decide for sure.
Ronnie James Dio: 10

7. Which do you prefer and why:

Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie: Nicole seems to be a bit smarter.
Roxy Blue or Roxy Music: no idea.
Britny Fox or Britney Spears: Spears has better songs.
Paul Gargano or Gerri Miller: dunno, haven't read any of Gargano's Metal Edges.
Tom Mathers or Jerry Mathers: Johnny Mathers.
Rikki Rockett or Riki Rachtmen: Rikki.
Strippers or Porn Stars: Something tells me porn stars are classier people.
James Hetfield Or Dave Mustaine: James.
Firehouse or Firehose: huh?
Jack Black or Jack White: Jack Black
Selma Blair or Cameron Diaz: neither. both bore me.

8. What rock star deserves a smack in the mouth and why?

Eddie Van Halen, if David Lee Roth's fair and balanced "Crazy from the Heat" is anything to go by.

9. The last time...
Last time you stopped into Target:
A couple of weeks ago.
Last rock star you shook hands with: Lord Tim. He got a bit nervous when I went to give him a peck on the cheek, though.
Last CD you bought: Glenn Hughes - "Building the Machine"
Last time you threw up from drinking: August 2001, King's Canyon. I'd been drinking water but must have been dehydrated from my walking the day before and my stomach couldn't take it, or something. And then I threw up that night at Uluru (not actually at Uluru, just in the hotel room toilet).
Last autograph you signed: at the Metallica concert. Some guy thought I was Mark Holden and I didn't want to disappoint him.
Last movie you saw: Platoon on DVD this arvo.
Last concert you saw: David Bowie.
Last Time You Got Laid: I'd have to check my calendar, but I think it was just the other day. Might be wrong.

10. Time for Word Association. We mention a name and you
give us your thoughts.

Motley Crue: A few great songs, don't care for much else.
Jack Black: Cool!
Dave Mustaine: Annoying voice
Sebastian Bach: The best rock singer in the world in his prime
Nikki Sixx: Jerk masquerading as popular cool guy.
Kid Rock: Some bloke.
The White Stripes: Haven't heard enough of em.
Linkin Park: That song of theirs that they had was good.
Gene Simmons: Genius.
Paul McCartney: Talentless hack... umm...
Evanesence: Meh.
Edward Van Halen: Meh.
Slayer: Good stuff.
Dimmu Borgir: Enthrone Darkness Triumphant is a good album.
Queens Of The Stoneage: Haven't heard em.
Bon Jovi: Legends in their time, now just plain boring.
Sammy Hagar: Meh.
Haupassia said:
1. What are you currently up to? This is your only chance to promote your shit!- Fuk All

2. How often do you visit NOW & THEN

3. What rock band should call it a day and pack it in for good? No Idea

4. Thoughts on the following forum members:

The Trooper:Legend
Lord Tim:Legend
Dreamwatch: Legend

5. Yes or no, have you;
Kissed a girl after she sucked down a load of your liquid kids: Not so lucky
Wanted to audition for Warrant: Nope good band though
Had a finger in your ass: Yup through the poo paper
Touched a penis other than your own: Nope
Purchased a Girls Gone Wild video or DVD: Nope
Seen Dungeon in concert: Yup
Seen Metal Shop: Nope

6. Rate the following musicians on a scale of 1 to 10. 10 being kick ass and 1 being they suck ass.

Mike Portnoy:
Lord Tim:11
Alex Van Halen:10
Dani Filth:0
Angus Young:9
Tommy Lee:8
Snake Sabo:8
Charlie Benante:5
Jack White of the White Stripes:00000
Ronnie James Dio:10

7. Which do you prefer and why:
Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie: Neither
Roxy Blue or Roxy Music:Roxy Music
Britny Fox or Britney Spears: Britny Fox
Paul Gargano or Gerri Miller:????
Tom Mathers or Jerry Mathers: ?????
Rikki Rockett or Riki Rachtmen: Rikki Rockett
Strippers or Porn Stars:Both
James Hetfield Or Dave Mustaine: James Hetfield
Firehouse or Firehose: Firehouse
Jack Black or Jack White: Jack Black
Selma Blair or Cameron Diaz: Ms Diaz

8. What rock star deserves a smack in the mouth and why?
None there all bigger tan me

9. The last time...
Last time you stopped into Target: 3 months ago new tube for kids bike
Last rock star you shook hands with: Lord Tim HAHHAHAHHA
Last CD you bought: Catherdal : The Carnival Bizarre
Last time you threw up from drinking:Cant remeber 6 months ago
Last autograph you signed: dud ........
Last movie you saw:pirates of the Carribean
Last concert you saw: METAL 4 THE BRAIN
Last Time You Got Laid: This morning

10. Time for Word Association. We mention a name and you
give us your thoughts.

Motley Crue: Glixs Tits & rock n Roll
Jack Black: Dio
Dave Mustaine: somebody who should have stayyed in Metallica
Sebastian Bach: You gone wilg goog pipes
Nikki Sixx: Nerd who made good
Kid Rock: Drop Kick
The White Stripes:
Linkin Park: Kiddie Rock
Gene Simmons:$$$$$$$$$$$$
Paul McCartney: A true original
Evanesence:Not bad
Edward Van Halen: Legend
Dimmu Borgir:Blank
Queens of The Stoneage:Cool
Bon Jovi: Bubble gum metal but I like it
Sammy Hagar: Red Rocker
1. What are you currently up to? This is your only chance to promote your shit!

Working my arse off so I can move out (again) and visit Europe (not necessarily in that order) later this year :)

2. How often do you visit

Several times a day! Depending on how bored/busy I am...

3. What rock band should call it a day and pack it in for good?

The Rolling Stones, they've been around since Methuselah.

4. Thoughts on the following forum members:

The Trooper: Reckon he'd be fun to go to a gig with :D
Koichi: Acerbic
Mark: The Man
Haupassia: Fellow QLD'er!
Spiff: Another The Man
Moonchild: Wish I'd met her...
Lord Tim: Ummm...whatever I say will get me in trouble :p
Goreripper: The best hat ever
JonBonJovi: Metal women rule!
Dreamwatch: She had Rimmer as her avatar for a while - nuff said :worship:

5. Yes or no, have you;
Kissed a girl after she sucked down a load of your liquid kids: Uh...pass?
Wanted to audition for Warrant: Not so's I've noticed
Had a finger in your ass: Actually yes
Touched a penis other than your own: Does the fact that I don't own one disqualify me from this question?
Purchased a Girls Gone Wild video or DVD: No, who're they?
Seen Dungeon in concert: Only twice :cry:
Seen Metal Shop: No

6. Rate the following musicians on a scale of 1 to 10. 10 being kick ass and 1 being they suck ass.

Mike Portnoy: 10 :headbang: :worship:
Lord Tim: 10...oh all right, you can have a :worship: too
Alex Van Halen: 8
Dani Filth: Who?
Angus Young: 9
Tommy Lee: 1
Snake Sabo: 7
Charlie Benante: 9
Jack White of the White Stripes: I don't know the White Stripes
Ronnie James Dio: 9

7. Which do you prefer and why:
Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie: Ummmm I'd rather be smacked in the face with a giant shoe, actually
Roxy Blue or Roxy Music: Don't know em
Britny Fox or Britney Spears: Britny Fox
Paul Gargano or Gerri Miller: Don't know em either
Tom Mathers or Jerry Mathers: See above :erk:
Rikki Rockett or Riki Rachtmen: And again...
Strippers or Porn Stars: Strippers
James Hetfield Or Dave Mustaine: MUSTAINE :worship:
Firehouse or Firehose: Firehouse
Jack Black or Jack White: I loathe Jack Black, so White by default
Selma Blair or Cameron Diaz: Hmm...umm...Blair has great curves, but Diaz got really ripped for Angels. Can I have a few minutes to think?

8. What rock star deserves a smack in the mouth and why? Timo fucking Tolkki. WE'VE HAD ENOUGH.

9. The last time...
Last time you stopped into Target: I don't remember! I don't usually go there...
Last rock star you shook hands with: That would have been Stu
Last CD you bought: Well, if you count those, the cds I bought from Gore and Haupy :) Otherwise, it would have been the Judas Priest 3-set (British Steel, Ram it Down and Scream For Vengeance) and Wasp's live album The Sting.
Last time you threw up from drinking: Never
Last autograph you signed: Probably a credit card or something
Last movie you saw: In the movies - RotK, on video - Scooby Doo!
Last concert you saw: There was that local gig at Chardon's Corner Hotel the other week; before that, M4tB
Last Time You Got Laid: *sigh*

10. Time for Word Association. We mention a name and you
give us your thoughts.

Motley Crue: LOUD AS FUCK
Jack Black: fucking annoying idiot
Dave Mustaine: Come back Megadeth, I was too much of a n00b to see you last time :cry:
Sebastian Bach: Johann! Sorry yes, the other Bach was the first thing I thought of when I heard of him
Nikki Sixx: I'd get a lot of points in Scrabble for using his name
Kid Rock: That fucking cowboy song which seems to get played at my gym ALL THE TIME
The White Stripes: *shrug*
Linkin Park: Keeps the kiddies amused at least
Gene Simmons: :loco: Hmm, someone should make little Kiss smileyfaces...Trent?
Paul McCartney: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds!
Evanesence: Bloody depressing
Edward Van Halen: Meedly meedly meedly meeee
Slayer: Who? *runs from Spawn*
Dimmu Borgir: Another band which cancelled their Aussie tour
Queens Of The Stoneage: Never heard any of their stuff
Bon Jovi: Can take him or leave him
Sammy Hagar: I really am a n00b, I can't think of anything to say :erk:
I am beyond disgusted with the lack of respect shown to Dave "The Snake" Sabo in this thread. You people make me SICK. This man wrote some of the greatest songs EVER written. EVER. Hang your heads in shame you lot. IN SHAME.
Skid Row CRUSH the both of them. Well they crush Motley less so, but they are still better.