Guess I should answer the questions now, huh?
1. What are you currently up to? This is your only chance to promote your shit!
Slowly putting together the next LOUD! mag; doing a column for Hauppy's site
2. How often do you visit
All the time. It seems like I'm always here
3. What rock band should call it a day and pack it in for good?
Limp Bizkit. When you get added to tours so the ticket price can be
lowered (and then dropped from the bill)
, you must know it's over
4. Thoughts on the following forum members:
The Trooper: The last of the Glam Metal Warriors
Koichi: Relentless boozehound and the thorn in the side of many
Mark: Overlord
Haupassia: Easily aggravated. Must be the tropical weather
Spiff: Oscars enthusiast
Wenda: Cool
Moonchild: soon to be huge in Japan
Lord Tim: already huge in Japan
Goreripper: who?
JonBonJovi: The Greatest Person in the Universe
Dreamwatch: Mrs. Overlord (you see, I just did the same thing, but this time to Bev instead of Xena.

5. Yes or no, have you;
Kissed a girl after she sucked down a load of your liquid kids: Not that I can recall
Wanted to audition for Warrant: No.
Had a finger in your ass: Yes
Touched a penis other than your own: (if you are a dude) No.
Purchased a Girls Gone Wild video or DVD: No
Seen Dungeon in concert: Many times
Seen Metal Shop: No.
6. Rate the following musicians on a scale of 1 to 10. 10 being kick ass and 1 being they suck ass.
Mike Portnoy: 9
Lord Tim: 9
Alex Van Halen: 7
Dani Filth: 4
Angus Young: 7
Tommy Lee: 7
Snake Sabo: 8
Charlie Benante: 9
Jack White of the White Stripes: 3
Ronnie James Dio: 9
7. Which do you prefer and why:
Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie: For target practise either would be good
Roxy Blue or Roxy Music: Roxy Music
Britny Fox or Britney Spears: Britney Fox
Rikki Rockett or Riki Rachtmen: Rikki Rockett
Strippers or Porn Stars: Male or female?
James Hetfield Or Dave Mustaine: Dave Mustaine because he knows how to answer a fucking question properly and not just say "I dunno. Could be."
Firehouse or Firehose: Firehouse
Jack Black or Jack White: Jack Black
Selma Blair or Cameron Diaz: Selmmmmmmmmmmaaahhhh
8. What rock star deserves a smack in the mouth and why?
Axl. GNR could have been the greatest band ever, but he only wanted to be the the best for five minutes.
9. The last time...
Last time you stopped into Target: Months ago
Last rock star you shook hands with: Mikael Akerfeldt
Last CD you bought: Chalice - 'Augmented' and Blood Duster - 'Blood Duster'
Last time you threw up from drinking: Outside the Excelsior Hotel after an Infernal Method gig.
Last autograph you signed: I wrote a cheque at the RTA today. So then.
Last movie you saw: The Mummy Returns. It was on last night.
Last concert you saw: Daysend at Kelts Bar in Blaxland
Last Time You Got Laid: Some time ago
10. Time for Word Association. We mention a name and you
give us your thoughts.
Motley Crue: Kick ass
Jack Black: Funny guy
Dave Mustaine: Hypocrite
Sebastian Bach: Volatile
Nikki Sixx: Genius
Kid Rock: Whigger
The White Stripes: Annoying
Linkin Park: Melodic
Gene Simmons: Wanker
Paul McCartney: Even bigger wanker
Evanesence: Mainstream
Edward Van Halen: Bizarre
Slayer: Gods
Dimmu Borgir: Symphonic
Queens Of The Stoneage: Over-rated
Bon Jovi: Rock
Sammy Hagar: Red Devil