1. What are you currently up to? Anything interesting?
Fuk all
2. On a scale of 1 to 10, rate the following vocalists
Milli Vanill - 1
Ashlee Simpson - 1
Vince Neil - 6
Alexei Laiho - sorry who ok a 3
Nocturno Culto - sory who ok a 3
David Vincent - sorry who ok a 4
John Williams - 6
The big guy in the three tenors. 10
3. Are Motley Crue the biggest sellout pussies ever or what? Dragging poor Mick out on a tour that will in all probability kill him, they all needed seperate buses because they hate each other so much and its obvious it was put together hastily to make one last massive cash grab from "the kids". Only if they dont tour Oz
4. If your most desired person on the planet (whoever that may be) asked you to make sweet, sweet love to them and nobody would EVER, EVER find out, but you were happily married/seeing a lovely partner, would you? WELL? No cause I'd blow it by telling everbody
5. Whats your favourite song of all time at the moment? Please write only one, dont be a dick and list 10 and then say you cant pick. Just pick one. ONE. 1. Uno. Ein. Its not hard *Giggle*
At the moment Highball Shooter Deep Purple Glenn Hughes great Voice
6. Looking at society, you can certainly make a case for saying that mankind in general has gotten more and more violent and mean over time. You cant leave your house unlocked like you could in the 40s (or whenever), so does this mean that sooner or later it will reach critical mass and we will kill ourselves in a violent orgy of self destruction?
Guess so
7. Are metalheads, in general, quite stupid?
Can you repeat the Question
8. Is Australia winning all the time bad for Test Cricket? Will they change the rules to try and stop Australia from completely dominating?
No its great for the GAME I remember the times when the Windies we flooging us we lost the Ashes in England when Beefey Botham was destroying us and Kim Hughes cried.
9. Whats your favourite colour? Why?
10. How funny, on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being snorefest, 10 being cackfest, was the Immortal video I posted the other day?
Sorry I missed it, but i guess if you posted it would jve been a Crackfest
11. Is Jessica Simpson really as dumb as she makes out, or is she in fact putting some of it on to play up to the "im a stupid bimbo *giggle*" thing, like I suspect? (Like Ashlee did on Big Brother). If she is, does that make her clever, or even stupider for acting stupid?
Image dear boy Image
12. Is Ronnie James Dio some kind of Lovecraftian immortal being? If so, will he eventually be the only one left standing? How can he sing so well at 64? Its inhuman. Even a piece of steel is less metal than RJD.
Well hes being doind it so long course he bloody good he fuking great, even if he is 5ft missing a thumb.
13. Dream Theater would be a HELL of a lot better if they didnt keep throwing in wanky time changes and stuff into their music to show how clever they are. Discuss.
Nar can only type.....but yes thats prog rock or whatever label it is today.
14. Is Black Metal an egalitarian, nihilistic, hate spawning, anti religious movement dedicated to bringing chaos and destruction to the world and promoting the rise of Satanism or, is it a bunch of young kids in Halloween costumes who cant play their instruments, cant sing and cant write songs, who use crap production to cover their incompetence and then say its for "atmosphere"?
Dunno they might be in there 40's but you cant see them expect for the masks .............oh thats Kiss
15. Dream Theater doing an honest to goodness full on Black Metal album. Corpse paint and everything. How good would it be? Discuss.
Pretty good as long as they had lots of time changes and the Video directed by who ever does Immortal's
16. Why dont more people like Immortal? THEY FUCKING RULE. At The Heart Of Winter is one of the greatest albums of ALL TIME. Is it the wizards hat?
Pass , Ronnie J 's the only wizard.
17. At this point in time, what are the greatest 5 albums EVER recorded to you?
Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
Blizzard of Oz
4 Symobls
Machine Head.
Number of the Beast
18. Please rate the chances of the following reunions (i.e. all original members) happening, 1 being never, 10 being certainy.
- Guns And Roses 1
- Skid Row 6
- Sepultura 6
- Immortal what they split already 10
- KISS - 10
- Carcass 5
- Odin (They can still make it!) 10 love to see them hahhaa
- Emperor -1
- WASP 8
- Midnight Oil -10
19. Is "SLAYER!" (screamed very loudly) the immortal metal chant that everyone who loves metal knows, whether they like the band or not?
20. HAPPY!