1. What are you currently up to? Anything interesting?
Wasting time at uni, but also trying to write a presentation I have to give in a few weeks and sticking in my clones for sequencing. Woo. But mostly just wasting time.
2. On a scale of 1 to 10, rate the following vocalists
Milli Vanilli: 5
Ashlee Simpson: 1
Vince Neil : 7
Alexei Laiho: 5
Nocturno Culto: 3? Haven't heard much Darkthrone. I'm sure he screeches alot.
David Vincent: Haven't heard much Morbid Angel either.
John Williams: Ha. 4
The big guy in the three tenors. Pavarotti? I guess he can sing pretty well so 10.
3. Are Motley Crue the biggest sellout pussies ever or what? Dragging poor Mick out on a tour that will in all probability kill him, they all needed seperate buses because they hate each other so much and its obvious it was put together hastily to make one last massive cash grab from "the kids".
Possibly, but I'd still go see them if they came.
4. If your most desired person on the planet (whoever that may be) asked you to make sweet, sweet love to them and nobody would EVER, EVER find out, but you were happily married/seeing a lovely partner, would you? WELL?
Yeah, because they would be one and the same person.
5. Whats your favourite song of all time at the moment? Please write only one, dont be a dick and list 10 and then say you cant pick. Just pick one. ONE. 1. Uno. Ein. Its not hard *Giggle*
I choose Aloha Steve and Danno by Radio Birdman.
6. Looking at society, you can certainly make a case for saying that mankind in general has gotten more and more violent and mean over time. You cant leave your house unlocked like you could in the 40s (or whenever), so does this mean that sooner or later it will reach critical mass and we will kill ourselves in a violent orgy of self destruction?
7. Are metalheads, in general, quite stupid?
8. Is Australia winning all the time bad for Test Cricket? Will they change the rules to try and stop Australia from completely dominating?
Cricket. Pffft.
9. Whats your favourite colour? Why?
Blue, because it's nice and cooling and also the same colour as the sky and a nice sea.
10. How funny, on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being snorefest, 10 being cackfest, was the Immortal video I posted the other day?
10, all the way.
11. Is Jessica Simpson really as dumb as she makes out, or is she in fact putting some of it on to play up to the "im a stupid bimbo *giggle*" thing, like I suspect? (Like Ashlee did on Big Brother). If she is, does that make her clever, or even stupider for acting stupid?
She probably is that stupid.
12. Is Ronnie James Dio some kind of Lovecraftian immortal being? If so, will he eventually be the only one left standing? How can he sing so well at 64? Its inhuman. Even a piece of steel is less metal than RJD.
Perhaps. Maybe. I have no idea. Yes it is inhuman. Not sure about the piece of steel thing though.
13. Dream Theater would be a HELL of a lot better if they didnt keep throwing in wanky time changes and stuff into their music to show how clever they are. Discuss.
But if they stopped doing that they would cease to be Dream Theatre. Is that what you really want spawn?
14. Is Black Metal an egalitarian, nihilistic, hate spawning, anti religious movement dedicated to bringing chaos and destruction to the world and promoting the rise of Satanism or, is it a bunch of young kids in Halloween costumes who cant play their instruments, cant sing and cant write songs, who use crap production to cover their incompetence and then say its for "atmosphere"?
What Goreripper said.
15. Dream Theater doing an honest to goodness full on Black Metal album. Corpse paint and everything. How good would it be? Discuss.
It would be pretty funny.
16. Why dont more people like Immortal? THEY FUCKING RULE. At The Heart Of Winter is one of the greatest albums of ALL TIME. Is it the wizards hat?
Because they take themselves and their metal too seriously.
17. At this point in time, what are the greatest 5 albums EVER recorded to you?
This is too hard. Instead I will choose 5 CDs in my CD case I listen to alot:
Pixies - Bossa Nova, Opeth - My Arms Your Hearse, Impaled Nazarene - Ugra Karma, Best of - Hard-Ons, Best of - Radio Birdman.
18. Please rate the chances of the following reunions (i.e. all original members) happening, 1 being never, 10 being certainy.
- Guns And Roses: 2
- Skid Row: 2
- Sepultura: 3
- Immortal: 2
- KISS: 10
- Carcass: 2
- Odin (They can still make it!): 2
- Emperor: 1
- WASP: 10, aren't they touring at the moment? Wait a minute, all original members. Then I'll make it 2.
- Midnight Oil: 7
19. Is "SLAYER!" (screamed very loudly) the immortal metal chant that everyone who loves metal knows, whether they like the band or not?
No. It is "METAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLL!" screamed very loudly and highly.
20. HAPPY!

Why yes, yes I am. Who knows, in response to your original question. I just finished reading The DaVinci Code actually. It was ok. The ending was a bit of a flop I thought, not in a bad way, but near the end it lost the fast pace and compellingness that it had at the start. I was hoping for a blockbuster revelation and some last minute action but it was all a bit wishy-washy.