1. What are you currently up to? This is your only chance to promote your shit!
Sandgeese are rocking and rolling!
www.soundclick.com/sandgeese/ I've been writing a bit lately, and we're hopefully going to record within the next few weeks our first demo "ELEPHANT PARK" Watch out baby, we're taking over the world!
2. How often do you visit UltimateMetal.com
once every couple of days
3. What rock band should call it a day and pack it in for good?
Nickelback. Fuck them right off.
4. Thoughts on the following forum members:
The Trooper: He's my Michael Diamond

Koichi: He's grumpy... but he's good in bed
Mark: If Kram backwards didn't say enough.
Haupassia: You can make nicknames out of his nickname
Spiff: rhymes with Quiff... which sounds like Queef
Wenda: Reminds me of a cross between the Australian Where's Wally and the American Where's Waldo
Moonchild: I think I named a horse Moonchild once
Goreripper: I think of cars
JonBonJovi: Makes me think Bon Jovi is a chick. Which isn't hard.
Dreamwatch: I think I named a horse Dreamwatch as well... ahh, my power metal glory days
5. Yes or no, have you;
Kissed a girl after she sucked down a load of your liquid kids: no
Wanted to audition for Warrant: yes
Had a finger in your ass: yes
Touched a penis other than your own: (if you are a dude) no
Touched a breast or vagina other than your own: (if you are a chick)
Purchased a Girls Gone Wild video or DVD: no
Seen Dungeon in concert: no 
Seen Metal Shop: well, I've heard them.
6. Rate the following musicians on a scale of 1 to 10. 10 being kick ass and 1 being they suck ass.
Mike Portnoy: 9
Lord Tim: 9
Alex Van Halen: Fucking 10
Dani Filth: Love his voice... 8
Angus Young: 9
Tommy Lee: 7
Snake Sabo: uhh 4
Charlie Benante: hmm. 8
Jack White of the White Stripes: 2
Ronnie James Dio: 11
7. Which do you prefer and why:
Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie: Paris. she's hotter
Roxy Blue or Roxy Music: Don't know either gah
Britny Fox or Britney Spears: Britny Fox... girlschool to the moxx (err maxx)
Paul Gargano or Gerri Miller: don't know either
Tom Mathers or Jerry Mathers: *shrug*
Rikki Rockett or Riki Rachtmen: Rikki Rockket... he's in Poison for christs sake
Strippers or Porn Stars: Strip... oh, that's hard, dont' know
James Hetfield Or Dave Mustaine: James Hetfield, I'm a metallica fanboy, and James doesn't act like a wanker like Dave does. And he threw me his sweat band!
Firehouse or Firehose: Firehouse... GET IN TOUCH!
Jack Black or Jack White: Jack Black... School of ROOOOCK
Selma Blair or Cameron Diaz: Cameron Diaz... I had a crush on her when she was in THE MASK
8. What rock star deserves a smack in the mouth and why?
I don't know, I like them all! Even Axl!
9. The last time...
Last time you stopped into Target: does KMart count? A couple of weeks ago
Last rock star you shook hands with: my band-mates... a while ago
Last CD you bought: Received was My Dying Bride - The Dreadful Hours, but BOUGHT... well that would've been... ZZ Top - Eliminator
Last time you threw up from drinking: wow, it's actually been a while. January 24th... on my Melbourne trip. The night where photos of me in my undies in the shower being washed by men surfaced.
Last autograph you signed: Last year
Last movie you saw: Willow.. even though I'd seen it ages ago
Last concert you saw: Metallica Jan 28th BABY!
Last Time You Got Laid: *hangs head*
10. Time for Word Association. We mention a name and you
give us your thoughts.
Motley Crue: Nikki Sixx
Jack Black: ROOOOOCK
Dave Mustaine: no. 1 gay
Sebastian Bach: Unreal voice
Nikki Sixx: Hair
Kid Rock: Joe Dirt
The White Stripes: one good riff
Linkin Park: fuck off
Gene Simmons: I was made for loving you
Paul McCartney: Fag
Evanesence: Get fucked
Edward Van Halen: Unreal guitarist. Where is he now? Hopefully soon
Slayer: Loud... fast... confusing... annoying... a few classics though
Dimmu Borgir: A few good songs... KINGS OF THE CARNIVAL CREATION!
Queens Of The Stoneage: Dave Grohl haha
Bon Jovi: Slippery When Wet