Major turn off on Damnation: the "strings"

chaveta said:
i meant, the 'regular' opeth, opeth's music is far from being regular, and you know that, don't be smart now.

the best part about opeth is that there is nothing regular about them and the music is constantly evolving. What regularity in opeth can you find between orchid and damnation? Or MAYH and BWP for that matter. Personally I think it was a great addition to the sound.
i meant, the 'regular' opeth, opeth's music is far from being regular, and you know that, don't be smart now.

I'm sure Opeth are aware that if they were to keep appeasing people like you who want 'regular' Opeth album after album, then they'd actually end up becoming exactly what they set out no to be, ie a regular metal band with only 1 sound, one way of approaching. That's what I love about Opeth, they constantly keep doing enough new things to keep me interested, and the introduction of the Mellotron is another of these things.
I am Ten Thousand and One said:
:OMG: Did you use to post at DMBML or Anyone Seen the Bridge or Ants Marching or somewhere? I was GreyStreetRaven at DMBML and ASTB, btw.

haha, youre fucking kidding me... yeah, thats me. small world really, though its not everyday you see a DMB fan into Opeth (though i got a few people over at ants digging it).

Needled24Seven said:
too bad thats one of the best parts of the cd dipshit:p
IanDork107 said:
You, lowly n00b, are a moron. That is all.

and you two are the reason abortions are still legal :) cheers!
yes, god forbid a person who can correctly hit the fucking quote button. cant have that now can we. such a shame to be paired with such rotting lumps of smegma, though for humour its not as bad.
Wow that's awesome, I want one! I bet they cost a fortune though.

If I ever get rich, instead of having a grand piano in my house i'm gonna have a grand Mellotron :D

The Pumpkins also used a mellotron on Siamese Dream...I can't for the love of me remember what songs specifically feature mellotron...time to dust off my Siamese cd :)

I think you're right, I remeber reading that in the booklet years ago and not having a clue what the fuck a mellotron was. Dunno what songs though, Disarm perhaps?
Chaveta on his website said:
The Simpsons
The Simpsons rule TV… all over the world, I was very surprised the other day to find out that Bart, ralph wiggum and a few others were voice by a girl, since we all know that girls are icky and uncool, I respected the show a lot more, because it made me realize that females, though dumb/inmature/heartless/mean/nasty/icky/controlling/self-absorbed/I-have-a-headache/diamond-lovers… CAN be used to make great television..
That’s why the simpsons rule above all.

Chaveta on his website said:
GI-JOES are SUPER kick ass

Chaveta on his website said:
yeah yo, CHAVETANFRIENDS is my rap group

Chaveta on his website' said:
ok so here’s the deal: I HATE PEOPLE!!!

Chaveta on his website said:
Let’s see…. Oh yeah, Celcious rules ass!
Its wayy easier to understand… 0 degrees Celsious or 00C means you’re most likely to freeze your ass off, since at 0 degrees celcious [as everyone should know] ice freezes…. Not some stupid shit like 32 farenheit… that sounds warm!…
I think I know why we use farenheit degrees instead of celcious

Who else has just lost what little respect they had for him?
Bleakest Harvest said:

Although he's right about the celcius/farenheit thing!

lol yeah i suppose.

it's stupid how he is so closed minded about other types of music, yet likes quite a varied range himself. he also can't spell to save his life.
Erich w/ an h said:
and you two are the reason abortions are still legal :) cheers!

I wish I could take credit for abortions legality, but i've gotta tell ya, abortions are only legal because dumbass psycho conservative christians (like you?) haven't been able to impose their bullshit values on everyone else totally yet.
I'm not entirely sure, but now that I heard some songs off Siamese Dream, I think Spaceboy is Mellotron-y :)

Hah, I still don't know how to distinguish some instruments, so maybe it's just a keyboard......though I do think it's Mellotron...scratch that, I'm sure it's a mellotron. Other possible songs with mellotron are Mayonaise and Disarm.

Oh, and Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness, the title track on that CD, is also filled with Mellotron.

No one cares.

I care. The Pumpkins are my favorite band, and the only thing keeping Opeth from taking that spot. I just listened to Siamese Dream the other day, too.

On an off topic/side note, what do you think of Zwan? Mary, Star of the Sea is a great album I think, although I was a bit shocked at how upbeat it was. It's probably received the most play from me in the last three months, I just can't get enough of it.