Annoyed at Damnation

LordHypnos said:
Where to even begin with some of you? Well, first of all...i dont recall the band ever claiming this was going to be some extravagent prog album, with totally new ideas, and to be something so off the charts from what theyve done before. All i recall is them saying it will be mellow, include some new elements (some proggy) for opeth, and a few other details. I think the album is quite good (for any band), and is progressive because of certain elements in the music and because its an album format in which opeth has never done before...which is what makes a progressive band ACTUALLY PROGRESSIVE by most peoples definition (if they have a clue?) i'd say. Those of you who have a stick up your ass, can just take a hike, because its no skin off your back downloaded the album for free, and now are bitching about it...thats pathetic. I dont feel this album was below Opeth's potential whatsoever, i think youre just wanting them to be completely restricted in the albums which they make. To me, this album sounds like King Crimson meets Camel, with some porcupine tree type stuff, with the signature opeth sound and vibe...and therefore, i couldnt be happier with it. The rest of you can eat my ass if you dont like it. Mellotrons, all clean guitars, in depth production, good clean vocals? I think i could get used to a band actually doing the 70s thing well (not like the flower kings, and other bands which fall short for me). Shine on Opeth...keep up the good work. :)


everyone listen to this guy, for he is God.
LordHypnos said:
Where to even begin with some of you? Well, first of all...i dont recall the band ever claiming this was going to be some extravagent prog album, with totally new ideas, and to be something so off the charts from what theyve done before. All i recall is them saying it will be mellow, include some new elements (some proggy) for opeth, and a few other details. I think the album is quite good (for any band), and is progressive because of certain elements in the music and because its an album format in which opeth has never done before...which is what makes a progressive band ACTUALLY PROGRESSIVE by most peoples definition (if they have a clue?) i'd say. Those of you who have a stick up your ass, can just take a hike, because its no skin off your back downloaded the album for free, and now are bitching about it...thats pathetic. I dont feel this album was below Opeth's potential whatsoever, i think youre just wanting them to be completely restricted in the albums which they make. To me, this album sounds like King Crimson meets Camel, with some porcupine tree type stuff, with the signature opeth sound and vibe...and therefore, i couldnt be happier with it. The rest of you can eat my ass if you dont like it. Mellotrons, all clean guitars, in depth production, good clean vocals? I think i could get used to a band actually doing the 70s thing well (not like the flower kings, and other bands which fall short for me). Shine on Opeth...keep up the good work. :)

Well said, all these whinging bitches should focus their negative energy on something more constructive!!
Man, if there's one thing I hate it's someone who assumes their opinion is fact.

Firstly, to say that downloading the album then criticizing it is 'pathetic' is completely irrelevant.. I'm sure many people, including myself are planning (or were) on buying the album regardless.

Damnation's songs, also, ARE in a format Opeth have done many times before... check Benighted and Harvest for your dose of 'Chorus-Verse' Opeth-ism.

Falling back to this primitive execution of song structuring is hardly being 'progressive' (ESPECIALLY since they've done it before themselves). I'm sure what Mikael meant when he said it would sound Progressive is the style of the music, which is slightly reminescent of bands such as PT, Floyd, King Crimson, Camel etc. etc.

Also, personally I feel on a technical and structuring level that the album was very much below Opeth's potential, however I was EXPECTING it to be this way, as Mikael and Peter themselves said it would be, and that's fine.

Anyway, getting back, I personally don't hate the album, I just like to criticize it for its weaknesses and try to point out that it isn't as flawless as some may see it to be. I mean to me serene vocals, mellotron, acoustic guitar and atmosphere do not alone a great album make.
LordHypnos said:
Where to even begin with some of you? Well, first of all...i dont recall the band ever claiming this was going to be some extravagent prog album, with totally new ideas, and to be something so off the charts from what theyve done before. All i recall is them saying it will be mellow, include some new elements (some proggy) for opeth, and a few other details. I think the album is quite good (for any band), and is progressive because of certain elements in the music and because its an album format in which opeth has never done before...which is what makes a progressive band ACTUALLY PROGRESSIVE by most peoples definition (if they have a clue?) i'd say. Those of you who have a stick up your ass, can just take a hike, because its no skin off your back downloaded the album for free, and now are bitching about it...thats pathetic. I dont feel this album was below Opeth's potential whatsoever, i think youre just wanting them to be completely restricted in the albums which they make. To me, this album sounds like King Crimson meets Camel, with some porcupine tree type stuff, with the signature opeth sound and vibe...and therefore, i couldnt be happier with it. The rest of you can eat my ass if you dont like it. Mellotrons, all clean guitars, in depth production, good clean vocals? I think i could get used to a band actually doing the 70s thing well (not like the flower kings, and other bands which fall short for me). Shine on Opeth...keep up the good work. :)

Listen to this man he knows of what he speaks. For everyone who hates damnation...who says its too simple...who says Opeth didnt do what I expected them to do...who says that it is not proggy me a favor. Forget its Opeth, forget your subjectivity, go listen to it without any expectations, without any its a band your checking out for the first time. Thats what I did and I fucking loved it (cept for the ending of closure....grrrrrr thats not funny). This album is really fucking good...i feel sorry for those of you who cannot see that. Go listen to In the Court of the Crimson King, does this have double leads, or way complex music? No it doesnt, it has very emotional, quiet but powerful songwriting. And it is one of the all-time greatest prog masterpieces. Listening to Damnation the first time reminded me of listening to ITCOTCK for the first time and i fucking loved it...leave your presuppositions at the door, listen to damnation, and enter into bliss. Its such beutiful music. I promise.
Yes, Damnation makes me think of In The Court Of The Crimson King, I think they share many qualities, particularly the softness, and yet, grace and power of the songs.
Yeah said:
That does wonders for your credibility.

At least I didn't make exceptional use of the word "gay", and call Damnation "43 minutes of self-loathing". I'm pretty sure you didn't even hear the album, and are just here to troll. Nobody with even half an ear would call Damnation "43 minutes of self-loathing", or even as having the same mood throughout.

PS: After reading some other posts in this thread, I have come to the conclusion that most Opeth fans wouldn't know good music if it bit them in the ass. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. After all, Morningrise is everyone's favorite album.
I'd like to start off by saying that Damnation Kicks ass in my personal and honest opinion. To me its amazing and I like the way it sounds, and no I'm not obligating my self to like the record because its Opeth I just love Damnation because it just happens to sound beautiful and this is how I perceive it everytime I hear it. Just attempt listening to Damnation on really good stereo system like say Bose and tell me it doesn't sound fucking kick ass:)

On a related note, some of you say this album is not complex, well yes this is true, but this is not the point of the album, I mean how many times do you come across an album that sounds this fucking beautiful? not many, and how many artists do you know of that create such gorgeuos sounding guitar riffs? sure there simple but they sound soo good-well in my opinion that is(notice how I'm not stating everthing as fact, because what everthing boils down to is just that:an opinion) You see some of you need to learn not to state all of your opinions as fact, some of you are just too stupid to realize that this is the initial reason why people get fired up.

pac1288 said:
You see some of you need to learn not to state all of your opinions as fact, some of you are just too stupid to realize that this is the initial reason why people get fired up.

actually, people get fired up because the moment someone makes a negative comment about Damnation that is not juvenille-ly prefixed with "its my opinion," and is actually some type of valid criticism beyond "i just dont like it," the offended parties egos are bruised.

ive noticed this throughout conversations (especially online, where you are just "a brain"), not just about damnation. People who love something are very sensitive to analytical criticism on it because, if the other person were actually *gasp* right, it would indicate a weakness in one's own taste -- and thus reasoning abilities [ie. "am i stupid/lesser for liking this?"] Sure, we're all entitled to our snivelly little opinions (makes discussion rather inconsequential doesnt it?), but when someone does make any forceful STATEMENT, egos will be bruised

this is just my unrefined "opinion," since you all seem to be obsessed with this unneccesary caveat [rhetoric 101]
I'm going to be frank here. I do not get offended when somebody criticizes a particular band that I like. What does offend me and I have stated this in the past is when people start making imature comments, and I think many of you here know what type of comments I'm talking about, and I don't know if any of you here have noticed but there are a number of members on this board that are here exclusively to disrespect the band, which to me gets kind of irritating, but don't get wrong I don't mind when somebody comes in here and analyzes any given band in this case Opeth and starts drawing out there faults, I actually think its good on occasion to do so, this way we have something to talk about, it just bothers me the way some people state something as if what there saying is asbsolute fact when realistically its not. Its just a matter of taste and if you don't like something it doesn't mean you have to go to the bands official maessage board and tell them how muck they suck because the band didn't produce an album the fits there personal taste in music, you see this is what I'm against: the way a message is delivered; some people critisize somthing in civilized way while others have the intention to cause destruction in the process.

After reading some other posts in this thread, I have come to the conclusion that most Opeth fans wouldn't know good music if it bit them in the ass. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. After all, Morningrise is everyone's favorite album.

You're right. I think Morningrise is brilliant. Its at this point my most treasured album. I guess I must not know what I'm talking about.

So what makes you such an expert?
LordHypnos said:
with totally new ideas

Actually, if you recall, I wanted a new expression of old ideas.

Those of you who have a stick up your ass, can just take a hike, because its no skin off your back downloaded the album for free, and now are bitching about it...thats pathetic.

What the hell is that supposed to mean? If money was Opeth's top priority, that claim would have some validity, but apparently it's not their top it's not incredibly uncalled for me to criticize them based on music alone.

Horgh said:
At least I didn't make exceptional use of the word "gay", and call Damnation "43 minutes of self-loathing".

It was an exceptional use, because whereas I use ad hominems to stylistically emphasize my point, you use them as a crutch for your lack of points.

I'm pretty sure you didn't even hear the album, and are just here to troll.

And this illustrates exactly what I said above, as I in fact have the album on file.

Nobody with even half an ear would call Damnation "43 minutes of self-loathing", or even as having the same mood throughout.

And just what is this incredible change you speak of? From going sombre to dark and sombre?

After reading some other posts in this thread, I have come to the conclusion that most Opeth fans wouldn't know good music if it bit them in the ass. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. After all, Morningrise is everyone's favorite album.

And yet another series of non-points--not only am I an Immortal fan, and I don't consider Morningrise anywhere near my favorite. Subsequently, Blackwater Park is my favorite album, so that alone more than refutes your attempted categorization.