Make that 9% +1


Jan 23, 2006
Central Valley, CA
I'm about to become a statistic! The company I work for is going tits up, and I'll be unemployed by Christmas. Woo hoo!
How many of you other Sneapsters are on the dole?
Had enough of the office politics, eh? At least you were able to be the "deciding factor" and walk away, that feels a lot more empowering.
Maybe I can convince my wife to pay me and I'll be a stay-at-home dad.
I've been unemployed since July 1st since I moved to a new town and tried to get a job related to music...without success. I really wanted a sound designer/composer job in a videogame company, but since a couple of months, they fire people because they can't pay them, so they won't hire new ones...

I also sent my CV to most of the studios here, but then again they don't hire anyone because they don't have any jobs to give. I had one small studio contacting me, but they don't really have a job, I only get job if I find my bands...Well, at least I have a place to record drums -_-

So because I didn't find anything , I'm starting a new super exciting job in a grocery store at minimum wage next week. I'll try to get bands or do some work for bands and slowly try to be fully autonome, because stable jobs in music dont seem to exist here. It fucking sucks cause I spent 4 years in college, I have 2 diplomas ( 1 in music and 1 in audio engineering), but there is like 100 people for 1 job.
Had enough of the office politics, eh? At least you were able to be the "deciding factor" and walk away, that feels a lot more empowering.
Maybe I can convince my wife to pay me and I'll be a stay-at-home dad.

Actually it boiled down to either a) doing something I really didn't want to do, b) kicked out without any benefits (one can basically be sacked if they refuse to do the work that the employer tells them to do) c) resign. So there wasn't that many choices to be made really. Lots of inane bullshit I have been trying actively to forget.

I have a plan though. Find a rich woman and get married fast. :D Haven't started working on that yet, though. :p
Laid off in March after 11 years with my company. There are no jobs out there, and it's really tough - especially with a wife and three kids to support on just my unemployment check. Hang in there dudes.

I haven't done much of anything since - had a really, really good prospect on a job, but didn't get it - depressing as hell. Other than that, I am just trying to keep busy. I decided to participate in No Shave November, but didn't post - I figure it will come in handy when I have to resort to trash collection as a career. Of course, no offense to any trash collection employee's here....
Had enough of the office politics, eh? At least you were able to be the "deciding factor" and walk away, that feels a lot more empowering.

It may feel more empowering, but it also feels a lot more broke. No unemployment if you quit.

Maybe I can convince my wife to pay me and I'll be a stay-at-home dad.

I may soon be one of those too. I work at a place where your job is always shaky, no matter who you are. To the point where it's best not to even think/freak out about it, and just continue to show up until they tell you to stop.

Anyway...I feel you! Good luck with finding something else quickly.
Thanks! Fortunately my wife is an accountant, so her skills are pretty marketable. Oh, actually I forgot to mention that we both work at the same place. :) She'll get picked up somewhere pretty fast, I suspect.
I had one of those jobs where you never knew if it was your last day, back when Yahoo was outsourcing their lower-tier customer service jobs. That was the worst experience ever. The phone would ring in the cubicle next to you, and the next thing you know security was there to help somebody pack their stuff. That kind of stress takes years off your life!
I hadn't even thought of trash collection...can't grow much of a beard, though. Maybe I could pass for a scruffy teenager and go work at the student union!
It's funny man. I worked my ass off for that company. Got myself to a directorship level, and poof - gone. At this point, I am really not certain if I can go back to that corporate political environment. If I could seriously make a decent enough wage collecting trash... or anything that ISN'T in a corporate setting, I would be so down.
Saw "directorship" and read "dictatorship."
Employers complain about staff loyalty, but there are so many stories like yours where an entire career is cast aside like trash to save a few bucks or because of politics.
Exactly. In my case, I was a setup to justify my termination. I did things the way I did them, I didn't play politics - I actually did my job, and as a result they didn't like me personally (even though I was very good at my job and was praised constantly), and come review time they literally destroyed my career with a mouse-click by giving me the worst possible performance review they could - then a few months later, they let me go.

I will never work for people like that again, nor will I ever work for a large company.
I'm seriously thinking about starting my own business... need to go back to college first though... I can't stand working for people who are dumber than me... and do ten times less work...

EDIT: That came off reeeeeeeallllly narcissistic..
... nor will I ever work for a large company.

Working in small company isn't always a picnic either. It's a family environment. Meaning, if there's personality clashes, it's going to be VERY difficult. Also, sense there aren't many tend to wear many different hats. Which can lead to a LOT of stress. At least, this was my experience. I don't ever want to go back to the small company environment again. Give me the facelessness of a giant corporation. Or better...a medium sized company...the middle ground. :) Of course...just my experiences. YMMV ;)
My company is going under effective Dec. 31st...fucking SUCKS! I work for a company that makes automation software for television stations. Luckily, my company's demise has opened up a lucrative opportunity for me to start my own business doing consulting work for a large number of our clients. I'll be able to work from home and make more money than I'm making now, while doing much less work.