The Number Of The Beast

Rabs : Ive had a good listen. Your pretty spot on. The part before the solo I may play differently. I think they use more power chords knowerdays in that part compaired to when it was on beast. Other than that I think its all pretty cool :) I just have to get my hand working at those speeds :cry:
If you play powerchords there, it will thicken it up. Thats good. Do that when you record your part.

I put Reference Track #2 up. This features even sloppier playing on my behalf. But I fixed up the drum track. Let me know what you guys think...of the drum track. Specifically on the feel/timing of the crash parts.

Use my guitar as a guide..but to nail timing..please get it tight with MM (I think this goes without saying..). I can send up the drum track alone if you want. I tried to mix this heavy drum...cause I noticed after the fact that my playing was arm was tired today..I start off the fast parts at speed and start to really slow down toward the ends.. bleah....and I nowhere near nailed the Crash notes perfectly.

...but no flubs/perfect timing is for my real takes. After I practice a lot more. :) Hope this helps. Lemme know if I need to make any more mods to the drum track.

Up on MMs myplay as #Beast Ref #2 (or something)
Oh...and Hyde. I just listened to Somewhere In Time. Phew. I guess I never realized how hard galloping on bass was. Its pretty easy on Guitar.

But I am still thinking the intro on Beast is killer on bass! Or does he not pump the pedal note like the guitar does? Its tough downpicking all these notes with a pick..I can't imagine its easy with fingers.

...and as far as the bass during the solos..its pretty busy. I've seen him play it live..and his fingers are flying....but then again..they are always who knows.
Hey guys. I decided to start trying to learn some of the techniques for using multiple tracks to make one track, so I figured why not use NOTB since I can't play it all the way through on bass without some major flubs....Anyway I put on a click track at about 196 bpm and played along in pieces and then combined all of them, it actually sounded like I played it at one time. I tried to post a high quality copy to myplay but I lost my connection after a long upload.(dialup aaaarrrrgggghhh) I had to post a really low quality copy for you guys to hear instead. There are loud pops in the track, it's because I recorded my bass direct without enough limiting on it.

I wanted to show you guys how I'm interpreting the song. You'll see that even though I used a metronome I still don't have much luck with some of those timings! I wanted to ask you guys if you will listen to it and answer these questions please:

1. I think I hear a pivot thing going on behind the first solo between E and F on the Cd am I playing it close?
2. Steve's solo....I know I'm not playing it note for note, but am I at least on the right track with what I did?
3. Does this song sound way too difficult for me on bass, and should we give it to someone else?
1. I don't hear a pivot in the original....If its there, its buried...good catch. I think what you played there is good. Its almost hard to tell you are pivoting even when its you alone!

2. You are completely on the right track. Kick ass man. Steve manages to squeeze a few more notes at the 3:35-3:37 portion...thats about the only difference.

3. Its probably too hard for all of us. :p Ain't gonna stop us from trying! :heh:

..and I played along with you on and I are interpreting the song/rhythms the same. Perfect!

Cool Beans! If you think the modified Drum track is spot on, I'd like you to lay down your track first. This song is going to ROCK!

I guess you CAN handle playing bass with your fingers that fast. I dunno how you guys freaking DO that!
Rabies: Great!! That's what I was hoping to hear. I'll check out the sections of Steve's solo that you mentioned and see if I can get it closer to what he does.

I haven't had a chance yet to get your edited reference track yet.

When I get some more time I'll go get it and start working on it!:D

Oh and about the intro part on the bass you can use a technique similar to sweep picking on guitar to make it sound like you are moving between strings really fast!
Rabies: I downloaded your reference track good job on fixing up those drums. I recorded my bass track to your track. I spent a lot of time on it and I am really hoping that it will be ok. I gave this one everything I had and I don't think I can do it any better.

I started to upload it to myplay, and after 45 minutes and 99% it tells me upload failed your session has ended! That's what I got last time I tried to upload something. I'm really upset about it, I guess I'll have to find another way of getting posted somewhere so you can hear it.

On this version I added some things to the bass solo part, and I think it is better.

There are some places where we are phrasing things a little differently. The end of each verse I'm playing b c c c c b g and then back to d. It sounds like you are playing something slightly different there.
Also: At the end of the first solo before the break where we all play in unison on the break, it sounds like you are going up to another chord there but I thought it just stays on F and then goes directly to the break. I just stayed on F hoping that I'm hearing the cd right.
Now about that break. It sounds like I'm playing different notes than you are on that part I play :
ddd c g hammer on to a d a c a g e g e d# d and the same pattern of notes on the key change : ccc a# repeat lick in this key. I think what I'm playing is right on that part.

Any suggestions on how to get the file to you guys?
Mr. Hyde,

I have not confirmed, but I would say you are completely right on all points. I never went back and listened to the CD carefully or referenced tab to make sure what I was playing was right. I just winged it from memory. retrospect, thats probably bad that I did that....normally before I actually record the song, I do some serious listening to the CD and try to match if verbatim..if I am unclear on something, I reference tabs on the net (if they exist) and see what the majority think.

..the break in particular was totally winged! :p

Can you use virus' ftp site? Otherwise mail it to me in chunks. I want to get your track soon so I can start serious work on my track.
Rabies: You have an excellent memory because what you played was good enough that I was able to play along!
I don't have any luck with virus's ftp either. I think that my isp is cheating me on my connection speed. It's supposed to be up to 53 kbps but I think it's slowing down considerably after I start to download or upload something. Since Virus's ftp goes down on the hour that pretty much eliminates any uploading to it for me because I can't predict how long an upload will actually take.

Medsy sent me a program for breaking up files. I'll figure out how to use it and mail it to you.

I hope that my bass file will work because I don't think I can do it any better.
Ok Rabies I sent that file to you. Hope it will work.
I have to say once again, thanks for doing the reference track for us because I was a little lost without it.:)
So far I got the bat file and parts 1-4. The bat file is looking to rejoin a 5th part as well. I don't have that one yet.

...ok scratch that..last piece just showed up. I'll give it a listen tonight and start working on my part. I'll post thoughts on your bass later tonight.
If you have any problems uploading a track to the Ftp Mr Hyde (Or anyone for that matter!) feel free to e-mail it to me instead and I'll add it :)
I was a busy beaver last night.

I ended up recording my rhythm part for the song. I think it may be good enough for the final cut. I'd like you to listen to it Hyde and critique.

You bass was farking spot on man. I tried to match the level of playing best I could. I think I got it. The only part that I am a little unsure of is the crash chords at the end...that maybe could be tighter. That can probably be fixed in mixing though..

Your bass solo fully ROCKED! You are da man! I know first and foremost that you are a I can honestly say I am impressed. You are a hell of a bass player too! I can play crazy train on bass...thats about it. and poorly at that! :lol:

So I put a new ref track for crossy up. This features hyde mixed in on bass and my final(?) rhythm tracked hard right. I think its sounding awesome...given the fact that all I did was import the raw tracks and level balance them.

I also (in one take at the end of the recording session) did Dave's part real quick to flesh out the track. Its one take..and my arm was super I cheated through the verses..and so you can really hear the guitars go out of sync there...just ignore it. I also panned it hard right so you can just pan the recording hard right and use it to play along crossy.

Its up on MaidenMans Myplay. I also took the liberty of copying your standalone bass track up there hyde..and putting it on Virus' FTP as well.

Let me know what you guys think. (except verses). Remember, the right channel guitar I am pitching to you guys for acceptance into the final track.
Hell yeah! I just got it listened to it with it panned all the way to the right and it sounded great. We are real on it through most of the song and only a little bit off in a couple of places. I think it is definitely good enough! I was really worried after I finished my bass track because, as usual, I didn't play this part right and oh I didn't hit that note hard enough and oh I hit that too hard and it popped a little too loud...etc...just the typical grief I give myself over my playing...but in the end I knew I had done the best I could, so I was hoping it would work.
I think your work is great. It sounds like you gave it your all on this too! I'm totally happy with this because it was such a challenge and for a while I wasn't sure we were gonna come close, but I think we did a really good job.

Right on Rabies!

By the way, I was doing some serious wav watching to try and get those chords on time and it was still hard for me! :lol:

And thanks for posting my bass file for me!
Thanks man.

..about the slightly off places. Are any of them the unison run section between solos? I ended up punching that in cause I kept flubbing. :cry: If so, I can easy re-record that.

Also if its in the beginning or ending crash chords, I can fix that easy in the mix too (and probably will in the end)....anywhere else and we'll just have to live with it. :grin: :p
No, not there, I think we are pretty good on that part. The only place I noticed a little timing difference was after my bass solo when we go back to the main riff. Were only off with each other for a couple of beats there. Maybe I was rushed into that a little on bass? I can live with it!:lol: We did a good job, this song is a beast to record (...ahem...sorry...:lol: ).

The only thing that stands out as bad to me is where I hit my notes too hard and it pops. There are a couple of pops in different places. I used a limiter on my bass but somehow some peaks crept through.
I hope that won't end up ruining the final mix!

I think we've done a great job. I can definitely live with this!
Crossy, Rabies, I have a couple of questions for you:

Which solos are you guys playing, Crossy = Dave's solo, Rabies = Adrians ?

I was bored so I set down and figured them out. I was wondering if you guys figured them out or have some good tab?