Making it pro

TheWinterSnow (aswell as everyone else), you should really check Eluveitie's Slania - thats the most beautiful snare sound I have ever heard!
Listen to Sikth (RIP) for a perfect example of how the 200 range is still perfect for a tight high pitch snare.

again this sounds like everytrhin in the bass is killed minus the 200 area. like its highsed like a mother, minus the 200 area. Weird stuff. Still sounds extremely higpassed from everything below 200 nad a huge boost on the highs.

OT here, but...with drum programs like S2.0, AD and SSD3 they are all natural miced tracks, when most metal tracks usually have trigger clicks blended in with the kick and snare usually, sometimes toms. Is there a way to have one midi scroll in your daw trigger both the mic and a tirgger for just the midi notes for snare and bass? like having one midi track sendin to both say Addictive and Drumagog (but drumagog only send a note for say C3 and D3 so you don't have to separate the midi track and then have each instance (drumagog and addictive having their own audio out so you can blen them with the faders? And wherer in the hell can you get raw trigger samples?
as far as having one midi track output to both AD and Drumagog, I think you'll have to duplicate your midi track man.
oh tell me about it! both of those albums are two thumbs up in my book :) amazing drum sounds, especially the way his ghost notes are captured. i've never read anything about how that stuff is recorded, but the snare doesn't sound augmented or sampled to my ears. i like that.
What you could do instead is output the midi to AD, click the output audio button for whatever track you want to replace in the AD mix window, then put drumagog on as an insert and blend it instead, but whether that'll be any more efficient, I don't know.
What you could do instead is output the midi to AD, click the output audio button for whatever track you want to replace in the AD mix window, then put drumagog on as an insert and blend it instead, but whether that'll be any more efficient, I don't know.

something like sending each drum to each individual track and then placing an insert on the drum you want to replace, and then mix the levels that are desired? did I get that right?
Right, in AD, and in pretty much any drum vsti as far as i know, there's a button to output any tracks of your choice to your DAW so you can mix with your own plugins of choice rather than the stuff supplied with the drum vsti.
Say you wanted to replace the kick...
Set the output of your midi track to Addictive Drums
Click the button on the kick track in AD to output it to your DAW or w/e. (Under the folder for AD on the track list you will start seeing the meter light up when the kick hits on the kick track)
Open Drumagog/Aptrigga/Whatever as an insert on the kick track
Then you can use the blend knob to taste

I personally much prefer having control over 2 seperate tracks when blending drums though, so if I was doing that, I'd duplicate the midi file and output one to AD, and output the other to drumagog and blend them using the DAW's faders.
Yep, I'd be using Dodo's method. It gives the added flexibility of processing each drum individually, which can come in handy if you only want something specific from each to add to the whole.

As far as the original question... it's a bit too general. There is so much to know, so much to try, so much to learn. There are so many little things that go toward making professional productions what they are, they start from the moment the performers hit the drum, or pluck the strings. Good tuning, good capturing, good gear. Good editing, tight mixing, lots of mix automation and playing with doubling, delays, tailoring ambience etc. The main prerequisite is the ability to hear the mix instantly in your head as soon as you are listening to the individuals. You set yourself a goal and mix toward it, using your ears as the main guide, and the techniques you've accumulated over the years to help you bring about that mental picture into the real world.
I personally much prefer having control over 2 seperate tracks when blending drums though, so if I was doing that, I'd duplicate the midi file and output one to AD, and output the other to drumagog and blend them using the DAW's faders.

yea but that way requires you to (in my DAW) to land delete every single hit excpet for the kick if i want to duplicate the kick, and then turn around and do the same for the snare...and if you do toms (and i like lost of them) thats a lot of work.

I tried using the bus out in AD and when I use it, for some odd reason wierd shit like the whole kit will come through but the kcik will be paned clear to the left, and then other times the kcik would just come through but it would still be panned out. Sometiems if I hit the mono button ont he DAW track it will work, but others it was still being panned, even though the slideres were centered. Its sucks becuase if I want the stereo reverb on a particular drum and I wan to send it out, I don't want it to be in mono even if its a once sourse mic cine like I said it was a stereo reverb and its sounds like shit when you hit the mono button. I have no clue if it was an issue with my DAW or AD itself.

But its not like it matters, I have no more drums until i reformat my Hard Drive, I updated to XP service Pack 3 and a bunch of program files became corrupted, includin AD, as it wouldn't open and my DAW was telling it it failed to initialize. When i went to delete it through the control panel a popup came up saying the unistall file did not exist, so I manually deleted it, tried to reinsal AD, says AD is already installed. Its been completely removed from the HD and the registry. Just found out it was sp3 that was at fault, run the unistall command so I can go back to sp2, says it can;t find the uninstal folder, Went to go manually find it, its not there. Everything on my computer has been gligthing out and I have hated using it, sp3 has to go becuase it has now completely crippled my music recording and hindered by gaming due to game crashes. but i digress /bitch rant
If your DAW is any decent it should be able to split your grouped MIDI drum track into individual MIDI tracks. Cubendo does this with the click of a button. That way you can dupe whatever you want easily.
If your DAW is any decent it should be able to split your grouped MIDI drum track into individual MIDI tracks. Cubendo does this with the click of a button. That way you can dupe whatever you want easily.

using sonar LE, don;t have fancy shit like that. My DAW is the most stripped down thing around, but I relly love sonar, if I could just get the money for Sonar 8 Producer Edition :worship:
hey maybe i can say something here :) in AD, everything DODO said is true, but i want to say that in AD you have for example KICK that have 2 knobs controling the overhead and room bleed so i play with that too... also you can do paralel compresson in AD and it affect the drumagog sound as well cause you blend those two thogether... and those knobs (controling OH and ROOM) are not just for kick... for all elements of the drums... i have one question though...
i use AD just like dodo said... have my preset going in AD i put usually just kick and snare to my daw and there i insert drumagog, load some samples and blend em with what i get from AD... but those knobs i mentioned about room and overheads in AD... i put em down 100% so i hear only drumagog sound but i cant understand how i can still hear my AD sound of those elements that are send to my daw for mixing even though i turn all overhead and room, parallel compression stuff in AD to none... yeah and reverb is off and EQs in AD are off... so i use AD for everything but for kick and snare and i turn everything of the processing of those two elements down in AD but i still get my sound not just from a drumagog... i know it sounds probobly stupid but i cant see what is left on on those two elements that is giving some sound to them... but it must be that am overseeing something that is still on in AD... i hope am not too confusing :) hey this is my first post in hope i can help somehow :) hope i havent confused anyone x) :) all best!