Making records: Some days, it's all worth it!

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
Had a couple of good days lately. Went out Saturday night with the singer from Final Stage to the Windsor Ballet. The CD is in the can & off to be duplicated, so a little celebration was in order. After an hour or so, wouldn't you know it, guys from 2 of the other bands I work with show up. After hails & greetings we all sit down together. One of the girls walks up to me and asks, "What was that all about?" I reply: "Oh, I'm their producer. I make their records." She replies "Wow! That's pretty cool!" ..... and I couldn't help thinking to myself, yeah, it is kinda cool. For once in my life, I got to be the coolest guy in the bar for one night :) Doesn't happen very often, but it certainly is some nice icing on the cake.

Then, just yesterday, this review for another project I recently finished went up in our city's newspaper:
Published: Monday, November 05, 2007


Just when I thought Windsor metalcore was on its way out, some young locals kick my butt. I swear, if these guys released this five-track EP in 2001, they would've been kings of the all-ages scene. What we have here is a very fine example of metalcore in the vein of Killswitch Engage and As I Lay Dying: hardcore screaming combined with bombastic melodies, laid over chunky modern riffs welded with Gothenburg-style ornamentation and occasional tech blitzes -- but always with a clear sense of song structure. In short, rippingly accessible metalcore. That sometimes spells mediocrity, even for the bands on the big labels. But ATF have the skills to pull it off, and it helps that the production is perfect. Everything crisp and balanced, with nary a speck of mud. The sweep-arpeggios that kick off the track Sinful Beginnings make me want to rend flesh.


Rating 4/5

The guy who writes the reviews is utterly merciless. I've seen him give bands 1/2 out of 5 & just kick the shit out of them. And it's not like he likes just one form of music either. He's given props to hip hop, jazz, you name it.

But, that's the first time anything I've ever done has been labeled "perfect." I know a few of you guys love to beat me up over the most minor of flaws, so that really made my day. :p

By the way, I put the track in question up on my hi-res player. Track 1:
Sinful Beginnings
Dude, you produce such great sounding music, but for some reason, you seem to be plagued with bad/inconsistent drummers. No wonder you hate them so much. :p

Still, congrats on everything!
Dude, you produce such great sounding music, but for some reason, you seem to be plagued with bad/inconsistent drummers. No wonder you hate them so much. :p

Still, congrats on everything!

Thanks man!

The drummer on this one was pretty good. Fast as hell & great timing, anyway. Weird thing is, he's left handed, plays a right handed kit & can't play crossovers. So he's constantly switching his snare hand between right & left. Drove me nuts during mixing!

I showed him what a "remote hihat" is & where to get one. That way, he can keep his left hand (the better hitter) on the snare & mount the hats over on the right, next to the ride, & still keep his foot pedals in the same place.