MALAK: Drum Tones!

Charles J

New Metal Member
Oct 12, 2008
What do you dudes think of this? Just a short little thing... not perfect... pops and cracks from edits and the toms aren't faded correctly yet, just cut the trash from them....

This is alllll natural. No samples at all... all the room sound is coming from the OH's and Room Mics.

Comp + EQ done ITB except I ran the KIK and SNR thru the CL7602 for EQ and then straight into the DBX 160A for compression.....
This is basically me just solo'ing out the drums in the 'beta' mix I have going. Literally only an hour ago did I run the kick and snare through the mentioned outboard, so I know I have some tweaking to do.

GTR's aren't reamped yet either, which will change everything (like it always does). Haha.

I'm having issues getting the OH's to sit properly... IDK. They're too bright for me and stick out too much in the mix... I've saturated them a bit but me think more saturation is in order!

BTW, these drum were recorded in our 'live room' which is basically a huge ass living room with vaulted 20+ foot ceilings and tile floor.

First time using natural drums for me and only my 3rd time miking up an actual drum kit..... =D

Thanks so much guys!!!
The music itself is extremely progressive and VERY BTBAM-ish, so I'm sure I'll be able to sort something out with the kick without resorting to any samples...

As for the snare, I quite like how it fits with the rest of the mix, but I think it may get buried and sound too thin once all the reamping is done (Dual Trem-O-Verb, baby!)

Cheers guiseeeeeeeeeeee

This is older material from their EP.... new stuff is much more progressive... some songs are severely heavy while others are, like I said, more in the prog/metal/BTBAM vein.

So stoked to do the full-length!!!!!!