Males and Females

Thanks guys, your kind words are much appreciated. I didn't want to spoil the forum with my woes, tbh, but there's just some things that are a lot easier to say here than to the "real world" so to speak. Thanks for listening.

MDF: I don't do take backs. I got his ticket already, so it's his. In terms of the hotel, either he could stay in the room and i'll stay with friends or vice versa. I am honestly hoping by then we would be good and have solved everything and be going back together, but again that's hoping.

Whatever happens, my room is available to you if you'd like.

But yeah, making MDF plans (or any long-term commitments to things like it) is always a bit risky in the context of a relationship. My partner and I both got early bird tix, and the room booked. The outlook on the duration of our relationship, however, seems very positive. But then again, MDF, and the fact that we have so many mutual friends (among them lots of fellow MDFer's) in a sense guarantees that we stay together, whether you look at that in a good or bad way.
Thanks guys, your kind words are much appreciated. I didn't want to spoil the forum with my woes, tbh, but there's just some things that are a lot easier to say here than to the "real world" so to speak. Thanks for listening.

MDF: I don't do take backs. I got his ticket already, so it's his. In terms of the hotel, either he could stay in the room and i'll stay with friends or vice versa. I am honestly hoping by then we would be good and have solved everything and be going back together, but again that's hoping.

It was kind of mutual. We both have things we need to work on and some time apart may do us both some good.

It's just hard because i have to eventually tell my family (the hardest to tell because as you guys know i have a huge tight knit family who'd be just disappointed) and friends. And it's just annoying, because i have a lot of his family on Facebook and he has mine and we have many of the same mutual friends. Maybe it was really just naive to think i would be with this one guy for the rest of my life, I hear what you're saying Vimana and Eligos. Time really does heal all, and hopefully with time i can become more mature in my own thinking and will be able to make the best choice possible.

I knew i was attached but today more than a dozen times i had to stop myself from texting and or calling him, in hopes of just getting back together and just working the differences out. These are the same differences we've been working on for over 7 years but only i suppose manifested because we've just ignored it and hoped it would work itself out.

Anyways, thanks again everyone. I do appreciate all the wise and comforting words. I brought my ticket to NOLA for December to visit a friend for her birthday. I feel a lot of my rashness that i have been working on coming back, but hopefully this time around I'm more in control.

Damn, I'm really sorry to hear that. :( Also, yikes, having a lot of mutual friends is hard. I'm still working through that right now and it's a bit awkward, but it gets better.
It sounds like time apart is definitely the best thing however, especially if things have just been building up.
Just know that everyone will always have some disconnect with everyone they meet. I don't like to believe that people are ever truly 100% compatible, there will always be differences whether it be in personality, communication, or what have you. Just be accepting of your own differences. They are not a bad thing per say and you shouldn't beat yourself up over them, and if you can work on them, for your own sake, then awesome. But just don't lose yourself in that process.
But yeah, its just something that's there in every relationship, sometimes they're major and you can't work through them or sometimes they're minor and you can. ...actually to be fair, I've seen it vice versa too, so it just depends on the people really.
And to be honest, you never know what the future has in store, maybe your guys' paths won't meet up again, maybe they will, no one knows. So just keep truckin along, find your own center again and just move forward. It's hard as balls, but unless you somehow created a time machine, it's the only way to proceed form here.
Actually, kind of interesting question just popped in my head, and I don't mean to come off as insensitive to your grieving if I am, Funerary_Doom, but has anyone ever gotten back with exes/would they?
I haven't tried myself and haven't really given it much thought either since I don't keep in contact with mine.
i'd get back with the one I dumped but i doubt she'd take me, she was massively pissed off. dumbest thing i ever did.
If I were single, having the desire to hook up with a previous ex (one of the good-looking ones, that is) seems reasonable, but another go at a relationship would be a waste of time.
Is Huldra a lady? I was unaware. Pics, McFly, plz. Otherwise I'm forced to assume you're a creepy old man.

As far as talking to exes-I never do. They tend to be unhappy about splitting with me. Such a pimp. Ha!
Pretty sure Huldra is a lady, per our discussion not long ago. Never would have guessed otherwise though.
^D'awwww. Dudes enamored, won't shut up about the bitch. Probably butthurt I referred to such an angel as bitch.
Also, the comment about being in a polygamous relationship with my fingers vs. my hand should've been a give away.

Nah, it's great to switch things up by just using a knuckle or two up against the underside of the glans and rubbing/pressing. It's our version of the clit, after all.