Males and Females

Its a nice way of keeping gender and sexual orientation private from non-regulars. I'm all for it.
Speaking of partners. Fuckin a, I've been making the rounds with a few guys, but I've determined I must be a total sapioswxual. I could probably get better intellectual talk out of a dildo than these fuckers. Which is unfortunate and frustrating for myself, ah well, at least I'll slways have a polygamous relationship with my digits.
Or a polygamous relationship with all the dildos Amazon has to offer.

I think EQ is more important than IQ for that unique sort of "partner" relationship. Outside of that, I sure as hell gravitate towards practical IQ.
I use those words interchangeably, sometimes only depending on what sounds better in the syntax of the sentence, haha.

We went to a bar in Chicago last night and this drunk, macho-looking guy walks up to us, turns to me and says "is this your woman?" As if the answer to my question made the difference whether he had permission to talk to her. Ugh.

I wonder where male stereotypes of being obnoxious and insensitive come from, but then I read shit like this. It surprises me that people act like this.

But also, why need permission? You talk, they choose whether or not to reply. Does it have to be more complicated?
Or a polygamous relationship with all the dildos Amazon has to offer.

I think EQ is more important than IQ for that unique sort of "partner" relationship. Outside of that, I sure as hell gravitate towards practical IQ.

Good point with the EQ bit, actually. And well, in this case it's more of a lack of some common sense and inability to carry a general conversation.
But seriously, I don't get the whole "can't carry a conversation" thing. There's having social anxiety and no words coming out, but anyone can say shit. It's just that a lot of people have parameters of what they like to talk about and don't like to talk about which affects how deep their conversations go with people.

I think sometimes women think (some) men can't "carry a conversation" because they're not always up for listening to a fucking novel about something generic. Maybe it's not that the man can't carry a conversation, but that the woman thinks what they say should automatically be interesting to the man and worthy of response simply because they are interested in it.

Obviously this does not apply to all women. But I've definitely dated some that take up 80% of the conversation and wonder why the fuck I have so little to say.
A conversation takes two people taking turns of talking and listening, and quite honestly a woman who doesnt know how to play that game properly is a huge turn off.

There have been a lot of woman I have tried to date but eventually told them to kick rocks because I couldnt deal with their inability to let other people take turns at contributing to our conversations, myself included.

Eventually this shit happens:
Ya know what carrying a conversation is to a woman? listening and asking questions. Just get yourself a good beer, maybe take a Vicodin, sit back and rope-a-dope that motherfucker 'til she wears herself out.
I would rather draw a pie chart, one color represents how much of the conversation I take up, and the other represents how much they take up. Then just fill in more and more of their color until they shut up.
There's a difference, as well, between communicating and making conversation, and I think a lot of basic dudes and basic bitches tend to miss that memo.

Silence is most certainly golden when you're just enjoying some quiet reflection.

You have to learn to do both because no one wants to be the only one contributing to a conversation no matter how frivolous it may seem. If the conversation isn't your expertise or whatever, then say something else that is. I take people who aren't talking indicating they aren't interested in what is being said.