Males and Females

It depends on how self-conscious one is. I'm terrible at carrying a conversation and end up just nodding my head a lot, and while I honestly don't even mind listening to a woman talk for an hour straight (it's more social contact than I'll get otherwise), it's really awkward when she finally says something like "I wasn't talking too much was I, haha?" or even just asking me a question, and then not being able to respond in a natural way. Internet forums get the job done so much more effectively.
I think it's better to date a girl who won't shut up than one who has nothing to say. My first girlfriend was the kind where I could put the phone down for 10 minutes if she was in the middle of a rant, and she wouldn't even know. The last one I went on a few dates with was sort of an opinionless robot.

Quiet times are nice and all, but the first couple of dates with someone are challenging if she doesn't give you much to work with. Plus, leading the conversation can be stressful if you have to worry about being too boring or talking too much.
That moment when you and your boyfriend break up two days before your birthday.

I almost didn't go to work today my eyes are so damn swollen. Ugh. Life sucks.
Im never good in these kind of situations because on the one hand I want to well wish and offer sympathy, and on the other hand I want to suggest that maybe it is for the best.
FD, this may sound harsh, and you may not need to hear this, but you'll get over it. It does not devalue the experience, but the idea that you won't/can't get over it both overvalues the experience (thus cheapening it) and makes a dissonance when you're actually getting over it.
I wouldn't actually say that women really talk all that much more than men, it's just talking at different times and talking about different things

When all the girls leave the room a bunch of guys will spend all fucking day talking about football
They are better topics than hatred for humanity and sexual despair though.
FD, this may sound harsh, and you may not need to hear this, but you'll get over it. It does not devalue the experience, but the idea that you won't/can't get over it both overvalues the experience (thus cheapening it) and makes a dissonance when you're actually getting over it.

I'm actually gonna agree with this, as verbose as the delivery might be.

You're a fuckin catch, Cammy. Take your time to heal and all that good stuff, but be sure to cast any pedestals and over-romantic sentiments aside and take the good with the bad. You'll bounce back.
Agreed. From pretty much the getgo there are little disconnects or dissonances that don't go away, but are usually overshadowed by the joy of the relationship until it runs out.

Or maybe I just suck at picking the right women and it's made me cynical. Or maybe both.
That moment when you and your boyfriend break up two days before your birthday.

I almost didn't go to work today my eyes are so damn swollen. Ugh. Life sucks.

That sucks dude, sorry to hear it :( You'll bounce back. Shit happens. Like has been said, and was said best by Louis CK, no good relationship ends. It obviously wasn't an equal happy love, so you're better for this and it's a good thing. You're hot and cool so you have zero worries, plenty of hot cool guys for the picking.
Thanks guys, your kind words are much appreciated. I didn't want to spoil the forum with my woes, tbh, but there's just some things that are a lot easier to say here than to the "real world" so to speak. Thanks for listening.

MDF: I don't do take backs. I got his ticket already, so it's his. In terms of the hotel, either he could stay in the room and i'll stay with friends or vice versa. I am honestly hoping by then we would be good and have solved everything and be going back together, but again that's hoping.

It was kind of mutual. We both have things we need to work on and some time apart may do us both some good.

It's just hard because i have to eventually tell my family (the hardest to tell because as you guys know i have a huge tight knit family who'd be just disappointed) and friends. And it's just annoying, because i have a lot of his family on Facebook and he has mine and we have many of the same mutual friends. Maybe it was really just naive to think i would be with this one guy for the rest of my life, I hear what you're saying Vimana and Eligos. Time really does heal all, and hopefully with time i can become more mature in my own thinking and will be able to make the best choice possible.

I knew i was attached but today more than a dozen times i had to stop myself from texting and or calling him, in hopes of just getting back together and just working the differences out. These are the same differences we've been working on for over 7 years but only i suppose manifested because we've just ignored it and hoped it would work itself out.

Anyways, thanks again everyone. I do appreciate all the wise and comforting words. I brought my ticket to NOLA for December to visit a friend for her birthday. I feel a lot of my rashness that i have been working on coming back, but hopefully this time around I'm more in control.