Males and Females

Why store porn though. That's when you have a problem. Just stream and get it out quick

For me, there are maybe 1 in 500 porn videos with that transcendental quality that merits a lifetime of appreciation and study. Typically they are low-resolution amateur videos, tagged "girlfriend" if you're lucky, and never even make it to the biggest porn streaming websites. You may not appreciate it now, but 100 years from now I'll have a great-great-great nephew go scouring through my attic and in there he will uncover a treasure trove of long-forgotten erotic excellence, the likes of which will be displayed in the greatest museums for the public to masturbate to.

Megaporn going down when I relied only on bookmarks was my burning of Alexandria. I will never be negligent in my duties again.
All those sites are fine and all for a quick fap, but none of them have the sense of community that xHamster does. Nothing reinforces kinship like uploading videos of jizzing into your mouth or onto photos of an underaged Miley Cyrus and having your friends comment on them positively.
Original content is the only porn worth saving, especially when it's someone who's saying your name and doing what you asked them to do on video. I've had about as many virtual sex partners as real ones, and yes, I can tell the difference between truthful response, and phony photos and generic material. It's more comparable to stuff you find on /r/gonewild than porn sites. I like that stuff better to begin with.

And for anyone who is thinking about dumping porn, consider dumping drugs, cigs, and alcohol first. Those are far, far more interactive with the brain. Look at 12- 18-year-olds who masturbate constantly. These are people with a lot of vitality and emotional energy. If that's lacking by the mid-20s, it probably has more to do with growing out of a very volatile and energetic period, and way less to do with considering porn habits that were probably much worse in the recent past.
So I feel like my sex life is starting to get pretty greasy. Tomorrow I have a date and then if I don't get lucky, which I probably won't, I'm gonna grab a 12 pack and head over to this other girl's place. Then on Saturday I'm having dinner with this couple and after dinner we're probably gonna go back to their place and I'm gonna bang the girl. So...yeah. Kinda greasy.
Pretty much. He might join in. I don't mind. I've already done a MFF threesome, so I feel like I might as well do it the other way as well.

And yeah, it's kind of awesome, but I just feel like I'm so far from the person I thought I wanted to be when I was younger.
Pretty much. He might join in. I don't mind. I've already done a MFF threesome, so I feel like I might as well do it the other way as well.

Adding another wiener and subtracting another vagina is a huge step, imo...Changes things dramatically...Not sure I could get off with some other dudes sweaty ball stench wafting my way...

And yeah, it's kind of awesome, but I just feel like I'm so far from the person I thought I wanted to be when I was younger.

And dude...Join the club. :lol:
I usually can't get off the first time with a new piece anyways, so I'm not too worried. I'm just trying to check as many items off the bucket list as I can.
Not nerves. I'm on medication that generally makes it difficult to get off, but this issue predates that. It's also a question of not having found the right position or angle or whatever the first time, since I'm still getting used to her body.
I have the same problem, which makes longer term arrangements like fuck buddies preferable. I usually get off the 2nd or 3rd time and all times after. I think it's difficult to let myself go fully to the situation with a new partner. It's a mental thing. On the plus side it means I can last for days with a new girl which is good for her, depending on the girl I guess.
Yall don't know shit about problems getting off. I've had like four really big orgasms in my life, tops.
I don't really care that much about having an orgasm. It's nice, but it's not a big deal, and honestly if I'm around a new girl I'd just as soon not get hit with the wave of sleepiness and fuck-givinglessness that typically hits me after I nut.
I think I done fucked up being a 'technical' virgin till I was 22. Pretty sure it kinda ruined some shit for me, mentally and emotionally. Real hard to get off without an element of "nope no sex, just hand stuff. I'm so in charge here."