Males and Females

I was talking to this guy who I thought might've been cool (and to be honest I guess he still is) but then he says I like you a lot but your hair is not my favorite thing about you, physically.

Fuck out of here. I can't date a guy who doesn't like my hair. yeah, think I'm done with talking to people.

Edit: argh, I hate this. My ex loved everything about me pretty much. I didn't have to try at all. I miss that. Miss him too. Excuse me while I drink a bottle of baileys tonight.

What a dumb fuck. You're gorgeous. His loss.

I got back from seeing Satan and I took that girl with me. Great fucking show. Still no sex :( but we both were fucking exhausted after the set anyways. I'm not sure if I really even like this girl. I mean, I want to have sex with her and she's fun to hang out with, but she's kinda...dumb. Like, she fucking believes Ancient Aliens and that the pyramids were made by aliens. Like, da fuck?

That's pretty much my assessment of her, too. And the whole night I could see how conflicted you were over just this, whether putting up with her level of derpitude was worth the very real opportunity of achieving intercourse. It was written on your face.

She was friendly and kind, but got more and more annoying as the night went on. At one point during Satan's set she kept shrieking in my ear like a banshee. That and her ability to use basic logic was clearly as abysmal as her taste in music. She's 23 and was wearing a Nightmare Before Christmas skirt, for heaven's sakes.

This is not to discourage you from pursuing her sexually, but I think it's obvious that you shouldn't have anything to do with her in the long-term.
So what you're saying is she demonstrates risk taking behavior, accepting a belief with such an extremely small probability. Sex should be right around the corner. Especially if she begins to suspect you may be an alien.


Yoda, hit it and quit it/give it the let's be friends talk. If you don't get up in that you'll wish you did, if you get involved with that you'll wish you didn't. Just invite her over, have a few beers, and probe the shit out of her.
I didn't end up drinking that much of the bailey's (thankfully) so no death shits :kickass: Kind of a lightweight tbh… had 1 and a half and was pretty good. Delicious but too sweet.

Satanstoenail: Ya, that would make sense if i actually had boobs. :lol:

MasteOLightening: Heh, I just gotta suck it up tbh. In terms of the saying better to have than not at all, no one could really say what's worse really as they both suck. Also, people/women greeting you with scowls? That just seems absolutely ridiculous. When I hear stories like that i just tend to think the guys are not looking in the right places. Guys really don't have to worry about attractiveness persay i'd say it's more personality than anything. As long as they are smart, funny, something endearing in their personality there's no reason you shouldn't be able to find a gal.

whiskeyfuneral: thanks lady. I'll get a tougher skin soon.

But ya, I get it now guys… single life? I get it.

Schmidt, whats with you finding girls who believe in weird conspiracy shit? Didn't the last one believe in ghosts or something?
Schmidt, whats with you finding girls who believe in weird conspiracy shit? Didn't the last one believe in ghosts or something?

Yeah, as did this one. I'm starting to see a trend. The females that I find attractive and are smart/capable of logical thinking and non-derpitude (love that word) are already taken. The ones that aren't attractive but still smart are, usually, not physically attractive to me. On the other hand, the girls that are physically attractive end up being derps with no personality, listen to Pantera, and their favorite movie is Donnie Darko.

I'll probably stick this one out so I can pound it a few times. Basically, this:

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I got back from seeing Satan and I took that girl with me. Great fucking show. Still no sex :( but we both were fucking exhausted after the set anyways. I'm not sure if I really even like this girl. I mean, I want to have sex with her and she's fun to hang out with, but she's kinda...dumb. Like, she fucking believes Ancient Aliens and that the pyramids were made by aliens. Like, da fuck?

If you're looking to pound it and nothing else, you're not willing to look past it?
My girl started complaining about me telling her about my superhot classmate. Apparently I do that when I'm drunk and then I don't remember it.
MasteOLightening: Heh, I just gotta suck it up tbh. In terms of the saying better to have than not at all, no one could really say what's worse really as they both suck. Also, people/women greeting you with scowls? That just seems absolutely ridiculous. When I hear stories like that i just tend to think the guys are not looking in the right places. Guys really don't have to worry about attractiveness persay i'd say it's more personality than anything. As long as they are smart, funny, something endearing in their personality there's no reason you shouldn't be able to find a gal.
I think I was grouchy in my reply because the sun has gone away and winter is coming. This is probably why people seem to be scowling. Winter was seriously traumatic last year in the midwest. Also, a lot of the faces I see are on public transit or on the way to or from work. These are generally not happy times for people. So it can be a discouraging atmosphere.

There's a convergence of attractiveness and personality, and that has to do with personal style. Appearance =/ attractiveness. I know I'm not objectively all that bad looking, but I'm not doing myself many favors by dressing in a style that's a mix of normcore and metalhead. Anyone this might appeal to is likely to see better examples of it elsewhere. I live in a more upscale neighborhood, and I'm guessing my look would work in a crustier one, assuming I could have my lower middle class wealth with me. But I guess I've prioritized living in a yuppier area over where I might fit in a lot more.
Normalcore is jeans and t-shirt? I wear normalcore and sometimes metal t-shirts too. Although I only have two metal ones now and they're both white so yeah.

EDIT: o wait it's 'normcore'.