Males and Females

So I've been thinking about what dating actually is when it's stripped down to its primal core. Firstly, if women were as easily aroused as men, monogamy would completely disappear, the word "pervert" would cease to have an entry in the dictionary, and there would be a whole lot of free fucking. I guess that kind of goes without saying, but it leads into my next point. Since women do not have an insatiable sex drive like men, they require a little extra by way of being treated like princesses. Men are willing to put forth the effort for a consistent lay. Yadayada "emotional" connection, whatever. I have an emotional connection with my parents but I don't want to bang them.

It's just another over-hyped euphemism to make people think there's something "spiritually" significant about monogamy. There isn't. It's the end result of a mating call and a way to deny the fact that there will always be the threat of someone else.

I've always felt the same way about "making love." Nobody can confidently describe what that is. Slow and gentle fucking is still fucking. It's still primal hedonism that has nothing to do with intimacy. Sure, it's awesome but I'm sick of people trying to mask it to be something more deep and meaningful than it is. It's just an attempt to bypass the fact that it's raunchy, fun, and "sinful" shit you do with your bodies. There's nothing wrong with admitting that it's all fucking at the end of the day.

And yeah, I know I "just don't get it" because I don't. Exclusivity in relationships comes with all sorts of disasters that I shouldn't have to mention here, which makes me wonder why people persistently chase this overly-sentimental "requirement" for happiness. Time to move on people! You can't get away with cheating in the cell phone/internet age.

This is a perfect 10? :lol: :lol: Are you guys fucking kidding me? :lol:

And then you guys go and compare her to Adriana Lima? :lol: oh wow, haven't laughed this hard in a while. She looked much better in her costume.

Hendricks is hot, but i agree she is kinda sloppy.

Best instagram butts = @Artofbooty.
Exclusivity in relationships comes with all sorts of disasters that I shouldn't have to mention here, which makes me wonder why people persistently chase this overly-sentimental "requirement" for happiness.

It's for the children. Literally. As in, you can't all just be free-fucking bonobos and also take good care of children. Of course, if you don't want kids, then by all means go bonofuckingbo. Just be sure to use protection so as to erase yourself from the gene pool and not fuck over some poor kid unfortunate enough to be your accidental offspring.
It's for the children. Literally. As in, you can't all just be free-fucking bonobos and also take good care of children. Of course, if you don't want kids, then by all means go bonofuckingbo. Just be sure to use protection so as to erase yourself from the gene pool and not fuck over some poor kid unfortunate enough to be your accidental offspring.

I didn't even say anything about me personally since I've never been all that promiscuous. I'm just looking at it realistically in that monogamy is centered around controlling your partner. Polyamory seems the most ideal to me if you thrive on relationships since it allows you to accept that relationships are temporary and is a way of combatting jealousy by always keeping your options open. Hardly a "solution" but it seems the most pragmatic to me.

Personally, I have no interest in a relationship of any kind. Jealousy is the stupidest thing to get pissed off about. It's been so long since I've been in a position to be severely jealous but I remember it sucking ass, and for no fucking reason! Who is honestly so naive that they believe that their partner is not going to get bored at some point and want to fuck someone else? Why does something that nobody can help piss me off so much? My girlfriend is fucking someone else. Boohoo. It's not like she's out killing babies or something. If I don't like it, I always have the option of BEING SINGLE. *gasp*. It's a pointless thing to worry about that EVERYONE dwells on. The way I deal with it these days is by not dealing with it. I'm in a domestic partnership with my music collection and she's faithful enough for me.

Oh, and the responsibilty of having a kid doesn't change in polyamory and I don't see why it would. Parents don't have to be together to raise a kid.
My personal view of monogamy anthropologically is that it's an institution designed to maximize the frequency of having sex. Even if we drop all pretenses that romantic partnerships serve any other purpose than physical gratification, the monogamous relationship will still be practiced for that very reason, the guarantee of having sex most frequently. It's simply the most efficient means to an end.
Oh, and the responsibilty of having a kid doesn't change in polyamory and I don't see why it would. Parents don't have to be together to raise a kid.

Raise vs raise well.

My personal view of monogamy anthropologically is that it's an institution designed to maximize the frequency of having sex. Even if we drop all pretenses that romantic partnerships serve no other purpose than physical gratification, the monogamous relationship will still be practiced for that very reason, the guarantee of having sex most frequently. It's simply the most efficient means to an end.

I don't know if that could be considered the/a telos, but it is certainly a byproduct at the very least.
I can see that but it sounds like the reason IS kids, and not necessarily whether or not the parents are happily married.

Of course there ARE people that remain faithful but I think most (if not all) couples are faced with the temptation of cheating at some point or another.

I've experienced this with my ex and have been on the receiving end of girls in long term (ALL long term) relationships expressing interest in me. I called out the last one and she straight up left her partner. She got back together with him three months later. Guy had no idea I existed, or that she had been seeing someone else. People find convenient loopholes like this all the time, I reckon, and why not? It's not ACTUAL cheating but it sure as hell implies that people get sick of being with the same person for an extended period of time.
I figure most everyone thinks about "what if" at some point or another. But just because you might think about it doesn't grant it some level of legitimacy. How many people wish "if only I had a tank/bulldozer/etc I'd run that other person over/off the road/etc." Does that mean we need to stop "frowning" on road rage? There are plenty of sociological and psychological reasons (or evolutionary, if you prefer) for a general support of monogamy. Hedonistic "happiness" has nothing to do with it.
That's kind of a melodramatic analogy. Jealousy is a difficult obstacle to get around but the real unethical part of seeing people outside a relationship is when it involves dishonesty.

I'm really not talking about evolutionary benefits here. I'm talking about whether or not people find themselves genuinely happy in long term relationships. It just seems like an overly-romanticized cultural norm that's ingrained into people as being a priority for living a fulfilling life.
Polyamory seems the most ideal to me if you thrive on relationships since it allows you to accept that relationships are temporary and is a way of combatting jealousy by always keeping your options open. Hardly a "solution" but it seems the most pragmatic to me.

That's not what polyamory is at all.
I'm talking about whether or not people find themselves genuinely happy in long term relationships. It just seems like an overly-romanticized cultural norm that's ingrained into people as being a priority for living a fulfilling life.

No more overly romanticized than the supposed need to be "happy" at all times as being a priority for living a fulfilling life.
I don't think anyone is ever always a single emotion. Are you passing this off as an argument? I don't think it needs to be stated that "happiness" is a generalization.

Ok, so part of my influence in initiating this discussion is that my mother had an affair or came very close to having one a few years ago. I don't really care to know which. My parents have no visible problems whatsoever in their relationship so it completely took me by surprise. They managed to work through it I guess but it was still the final nail in the coffin for my continuing to buy into horseshit like this. The cons far outweigh the pros for MOST couples I've known and been in. Frankly, it's all but lost any appeal it once had for me.
Uh, yeah it is. Are you sure you aren't confusing it with polygamy?

Polygamy is marrying multiple people. Polyamory is loving multiple people. It doesn't mean keeping your options open, it means that the love you have for one person does not diminish the love you have for another. It's common for polyamorists to have a primary partner - if they're not out as polyamorous, this may appear to be their only partner - and then engage in one or more relationships outside of that. There are also triads, obviously more common among gay men, where three people are all in the same relationship. These aren't particularly stable, but then neither are heterosexual marriages.

What you're describing is fear of commitment (or getting hurt) resulting in a string of shallow, meaningless "relationships" of convenience. That's not what polyamory is about.