Males and Females

haha fucker

Ozz, dude c'mon, she's completely covered up. Yes she is attractive but I guarantee she has lasagna belly and ass.

I bet she's a really smart interesting beautiful person though :) right Ein? Mort?
Pretty sure.....uh...theres....uh....some other female posters....that about bangable dudes...uh....from time to time....

Of course, any minute I'm waiting for aug to post a trann- I MEAN A BEAUTIFUL NON CONFORMIST GENDERED PERSON MORT


To go back to what Carpe said, there are some guys I think are hot, but I wouldn't brojob them. I think Christian Bale and Daniel Day Lewis are good looking guys. I never understood the appeal of Johnny Depp though. He always looks greasy for some reason
alright yeah Jason Momoa is a fucking stud. Goddamn that is a good looking man

I also want his frames
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You want a fucking stud.


To go back to what Carpe said, there are some guys I think are hot, but I wouldn't brojob them. I think Christian Bale and Daniel Day Lewis are good looking guys. I never understood the appeal of Johnny Depp though. He always looks greasy for some reason
I agree about Christian Bale
Jason Mamoa is totally smoking. Complete doucher though, he was talking in an interview about making his own GOT spinoff series where Khal Drogo never died.

Speaking of Samoans... Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock. Maybe its a chick thing but mmmmmmm on them hulking motherfuckers. I like a strong measure of intimidation.
I think I'm a minority in the sense that I rather just black or white as oppose to the mixed look on most occasions. Though I think the "mix" look is attractive and see why others are attracted to it, it's rare that I am attracted to it on a guy and normally just prefer like either black or white or asian etc. And with that Jason Moma is attractive but not what I'd go for.

On a totally unrelated note, realllllly extremellllly dark skin girls (like that blue black dark) make my blood BOIL. This is probably my own personal preference though as people would not agree on here, but I've been lurking this girl's fan page on Facebook for a good 45 minutes drooling at her pictures.

I can see black women as objectively pretty but they don't do anything for me as far as sexual attraction goes. I've gone through this awkward dilemma before with a (now) friend of mine.
One of my biggest college regrets was not taking an uber-dark, ass-well-endowed, African-born lab partner up on her offer to taking me dancing. I got to enjoy a great many angerfaps of her attempting to embarrass me for being a virgin, but still.
Had a coffee date today with a Harvard student. She was cute and we had a great conversation, but I couldn't fully get into it because I have a date tomorrow with a girl that I've been chatting with constantly and think is really cool. She gets almost all my obscure references, started reading the Malazan Book of the Fallen with minimal prompting, and hasn't been creeped out by awkward sexual innuendo or my repeatedly drunkenly texting her death metal lyrics in all caps. Pretty excited, getting drinks with her tomorrow.