Males and Females

That guy sounds unbearably idiotic. Do ultra specific National Socialists like that realize that they're vouching for a population of inbreds? Think about it...

That reminds me of a non-verbal client I take care of who has severe autism and is able to do advanced calculus. Just because someone is low-functioning in ways that prevent them from taking care of themselves doesn't mean that they can't have major talents under the surface. Judging someone based on their "usefulness" is not only ignorant, but impossible.

Ditch that guy. Sounds very controlling.
I use to be acquaintances with this particular national socialist who swore up and down people were devolving and the only way to kickstart evolution again is to pair each type of race with their respective types (like within white race there were different types of white like Dinarics, Nordic,etc so the Dinarics should only breed with Dinarics etc) and become more isolated to "fully evolve" the traits that were once more prominent. Sounded like a chalk full of do-do to me.

I wonder how people like this cope with scientists and non-retarded people knowing that real benefits come with pairing humans with those most unlike them.

I bet inbreeding is far more common with people like this too.

Fucking morons.

My problem with them really isn't that their views are offensive or anything like that. It's that they're so fucking stupid and ignorant.

Cut their balls off. Smash their uteri.
This assumes that technology, industry, biogenetics, etc. aren't evolutionary adaptations in their own right. Natural selection doesn't disappear when humans start augmenting their bodies, programming their genes, or accepting welfare checks.

You could argue society as a whole is evolving still, yes, my point was that simply that individual humans are not. Are corporations and rare super-geniuses our new evolutionary behavior? Perhaps.
Anyone else want to do despicable things to Rose Leslie?


I don't. I want to buy her dinner and then play Scrabble with her.
Alternatively, a person who goes all "free-fucking bonobos" has a better chance of producing a large variety of offspring, thus increasing the odds that they will be better equipped to survive and ensuring the continuation of the parents' lineage.

Now, it is true that children fare better if they have a parent that sticks around to raise them; but the other evolutionary behavior is to plant as many seeds in as many different kinds of mate as you can. The chances are that at least some of them will survive.

Correlations of environment with r vs K selection note that r-selection, regardless of whether in humans or animals, is a reproduction strategy associated with a nasty brutish life. How much one influences the other is uncertain, the correlations certainly don't go the other way, and you must have correlation to even think about causation. That is enough to make my point, and have it stand up to "what ifs".

It's a mistake, of course, to believe that "raising well" leads to the institution of marriage, or that marriage and proper grooming are the direct result of some kind of superior evolutionary behavior.

Marriage, in humans, supports K selection trends. Now forget marriage in terms of pieces of paper from institutions. I'm talking about parents living/working together to raise biological offspring, and I'm not even leaving out extended family support.

Marriage is a product of patriarchy, nothing more; and the value of monogamy follows from this.


It is entirely possible, in another set of environmental, cultural, or evolutionary conditions, that raising well means instilling in one's children the propensity for impregnating as many mates as possible.

The point is that that strategy doesn't require "raising" though. r selection is the natural propensity given certain environmental conditions, and corresponds with not being raised, or at least "well". IE, absentee parenting, low life expectancy, etc.

Now before one wants to argue that "r/K" is out of style for purely predictive purposes, I know that it's not the model for prediction. Such selection strategies are environmentally responsive trends rather than innate or fixed descriptors.
Correlations of environment with r vs K selection note that r-selection, regardless of whether in humans or animals, is a reproduction strategy associated with a nasty brutish life. How much one influences the other is uncertain, the correlations certainly don't go the other way, and you must have correlation to even think about causation. That is enough to make my point, and have it stand up to "what ifs".

Or simply an evolutionary advantage that works. Nasty and brutish are human descriptors, thus automatically implying that we shouldn't want that; but there's no reason why it can't work perfectly well for other species, and not limiting this to animals. Sunflowers don't have a particularly nasty or brutish life.

Marriage, in humans, supports K selection trends. Now forget marriage in terms of pieces of paper from institutions. I'm talking about parents living/working together to raise biological offspring, and I'm not even leaving out extended family support.

And this very institution is what goes on to create the conditions that in turn influence the values of family support and monogamy.

I'm not saying it doesn't work, I'm just saying that values can't precede the institution itself. The material conditions give rise to those values.

It's true. Marriage, as a social institution, is economic in origin. As a means of purchasing, or proclaiming some type of ownership over a female, males guaranteed their sexual access to a fertile mate, thus ensuring the perpetuation of their lineage. We don't recognize this today because marriage has adapted to accommodate new values; but if we follow it back through history, we find that marriage is an institution of sexual access.

The point is that that strategy doesn't require "raising" though. r selection is the natural propensity given certain environmental conditions, and corresponds with not being raised, or at least "well". IE, absentee parenting, low life expectancy, etc.

And my point is that if you truly are a proponent of "contingency" then you would admit that marriage is a purely arbitrary means of pursuing sexual reproduction. There's nothing qualitatively better about marriage, or monogamy, in and of itself. It's a evolutionary-cultural artifact, not a pre-programmed instinct. There are an infinite number of possible environmental conditions, so qualifying a certain combination of factors as "nasty and brutish" isn't absolute by any means.
Is anyone else really reading this shit?

Lets get back to slam pieces, rating Jimmy's bombshells and relationship updates.

Im taking a break from dating for a little bit. Too much drama in my life has been happening with women and I want to take a step back and get a fuckin breather.
Yeah seriously I'm fucking bitches left and right here and y'all are too busy wearing out your keyboards to give me a god damn high five
Ein and Dak arguing is brutal reading material. *scroll scroll scroll*

Anyone else just not have much interest in sex lately?
Moved into my own place, let my freeloading girlfriend move in, we fuck every night but Jesus Christ I couldn't give a shit if we did or not.
Ein and Dak arguing is brutal reading material. *scroll scroll scroll*

I'm going to take this as a serious fucking compliment!

I don't care about any of the weirdo opinions on this thread. Tatiana Maslany is all I care about, and probably all I will continue to post:

Ein and Dak arguing is brutal reading material. *scroll scroll scroll*

Anyone else just not have much interest in sex lately?
Moved into my own place, let my freeloading girlfriend move in, we fuck every night but Jesus Christ I couldn't give a shit if we did or not.

Yup. Lately Ive had very little interest in sex. For the first time since puberty, Ive been saying, "Im ok" without sex and have also turned it down, too.

Part of the reason why Im taking a break from women. Its difficult to even masturbate. No desire.
Ein, that's a classic beautiful funny looking bitch, or an 11.

Part of the reason why Im taking a break from women. Its difficult to even masturbate. No desire.

Yup, this a major part of getting older. I don't even really love fucking anymore, I just need the memory to jerk off to, when I can really enjoy that shit.