Males and Females

I deal with it so often because I'm such a drunk that I have a mental spreadsheet that basically maps out how well my dick is going to work in accordance with how many drinks I've had and what I've eaten that day.

I wish my brain could do the same calculations, but Im not that smart, and Im too drunk everyday to remember any of the details.
Though I am admittedly pretty inexperienced for being 30, I do prefer it purely sober with the lights on. Embrace the awkwardness, I say. Don't like using drinks to ease chicks into it either. They either want it or they don't. If I need to coerce/convince/inebriate her into it then I don't want it. That's purely personal opinion and fuck those anti-rape/abuse commercials. Ray Rice's wife deserved that shit.

Also, Eharmony is useless. They're all fat or black. Going back to the free ones. Better selection and... free.
Imagine you're with your girl, chillin' watching the game, and this is in front of you

So, things are actually going surprisingly well with this girl from Guinea. I was blown away by how sweet and gentle of a person she is (for a perfect 10 in my book) and how real our connection feels. She's delightfully positive and open minded, especially considering that she is Muslim, and she asks all the right questions, is a joy to talk to, and there's some serious chemistry to be had in this as well.

Probably gonna make it official after I get back from recording in a couple weeks. Since you guys are probably gonna ask: