Males and Females

...but i bet the main reason that 'gay' paedos appear so often is that groups (scouts, church, whatever) frequently (especiallu in the us) have adults in a position of unsupervised power over groups of kids of the same gender.

I never thought of that angle, but it actually makes a lot of sense tbh. It'd be interesting to see if gay pedophilia is much more pronounced in sex-segregated cultures. I think Zephyrus could chime in with some relevant facts regarding the separate roles of wives and catamites in ancient Rome and Greece here.
Like I said before, being in infuriated at individual cases of this type of thing seems ultimately pointless, if totally understandable. People have these attractions, so we need to screen for it and try and filter them out, before acts are committed, of working with children or being present in households with children, including their own.
So yesterday I was having beers with this friend of mine who can't fucking get laid. He's almost 24 and still a virgin. He's our mutual friend with my girlfriend so we talk about him quite a lot and stuff. Well I don't like giving advice on those things because I think they only make people think about shit more but he always gets drunk and tells me about his stupid fucking "tactics" on how to get laid and I always tell him it's all fucking bullshit. He just overanalyses shit and then he's disappointed when it doesn't work out.

He now has some really pretty girls in his friend circle now too. I told him to keep that company even if they don't fuck with him. It just looks good.
I never thought of that angle, but it actually makes a lot of sense tbh. It'd be interesting to see if gay pedophilia is much more pronounced in sex-segregated cultures. I think Zephyrus could chime in with some relevant facts regarding the separate roles of wives and catamites in ancient Rome and Greece here.

You rang?

I may have said this here before, but in the ancient world there was no such thing as sexual identity or orientation, only sexual practices. Men and women were expected to marry and produce children as a matter of principle to sustain the population (especially in a pre-industrial age when a high birth-rate was necessary to balance out high infant mortality).

Aside from sex within marriage, men (but not women because fuck yeah patriarchy) were free to engage sexually without fear of legal ramifications (unless they prostituted themselves). This included not only taking mistresses or screwing whores, but also taking male lovers, and among the upper classes in Greece, this included teenage boys.

Let me clarify that pederasty (the term scholars use instead of pedophilia) was between an older man and someone who was just at or not too long after puberty, i.e. they were consensual relationships with a young adult who had reached the age of reason. These relationships were conceived of as not only physical, but as the means to prepare a young man for political life and social advancement by following the lead of an older, more established man. Paying for this education by sexually gratifying that older man was thought to be acceptable.

That said, there were limits. It was acceptable that the older man be the active, and the younger the passive partner. But men who grew up and persisted in being the passive partner were considered effeminate and morally corrupt.

As for the Romans, these practices existed, but were much less accepted culturally.