Males and Females

It sounds pretty harmless, that's one that could be acted out without serious repurcussion. And she probably dug the free foot rub.
Also an exception for my acceptance is pedophilia. I think that's the line most people draw. But even that could be somewhat rationalized because child brides/husbands were once, and I believe in some places still are, a thing. Higher life expectancies set a lot of new rules.
So Ive been seeing a 23 year old ex stripper, whos technically currently married (which is her 2nd marriage), has helped her father push heroin in a legitmate fake business (who was later killed in prison), and currently is employed at a weed dispensary.

Anyone else making important, healthy, life affirming decisions like mine lately?
Also an exception for my acceptance is pedophilia. I think that's the line most people draw. But even that could be somewhat rationalized because child brides/husbands were once, and I believe in some places still are, a thing. Higher life expectancies set a lot of new rules.

Paedophillia, or liking older kids like 13 year olds, is only a problem if the person goes and does shit with them. I'd willing to bet that most in western countries dont actually do go out and rape kids.
there needs to be a proper solution to it, being endless outraged by what is something to do with the wiring of people's brains is retarded. maybe they could do some weird anonymous screening thing that prints out a certificate with a number, after you've watched certain things, with an electrode helmet and pulse monitors on, in a booth, and if you ever try and work with children or do anything to do with registering a birth or entering a maternity hospital, or be registered as a father or whatever, you have to show them it.

People would slip through the net but it would sort out a lot of shit I imagine. Then you might have to come up with medication for these people, maybe making it mandatory with the certificate, but maybe mailed to them or something.
I think pedophilia is more common than wed like to think.

Coming back to my old boss, Yes HBB I know you want the story, so heres a little of it.

I got a job at this accounting office when I was 15 making decent money doing bullshit working with some friends. It was cool cause I could fuck off most of the time and was better than the other jobs available at my age.

Well, to make a long story short, my boss only hired boys. Yeah he had a few older men working for him, but for the stupid shit to do around the office (or if you were really unfortunate, at his house) there was always about 5 of us. Some he knew what he could get away with, or how far he could push the envelope and some he didnt, like myself. Basically he would make really inappropriate gestures, jokes, stories, even physical touches all the time. Weve caught him on m4m on craigslist taking time out of work to go meet boys he was talking to, one of my best friends was his personal masseuse and hes scarred for life and wont talk to anyone about his time doing that, weve found photos and videos of him and boys, he got kicked out of being a scout master in the Boy Scouts for cases filed against him of sexual harrassment, etc. And having worked with the guy for 5 years, I kinda knew what he was about. And that was little boys.

Thats the short version. I could go on for days and days of stories about his bullshit. Seriously the worst human being Ive ever met in my life.

Anyway, coming full circle my point is pedophiles are all over the world. Just like murders and other criminals, but its kinda kept under wraps for the most part. The scary thing that im trying to make is these sick fucks could be your neighbor, someone talking to your kid at the grocery store, a co-worker etc. They befriend the child in someway, in my case it was through money, and tries to encourage and assure the child that their lude behavior is ok because they have their best interest at heart.

Anyway, dont want to digress the thread too much but I have absolutely no tolerance for a child molester and would gladly be the one to hang every single one of them in front of their own families.
actually just found today that a guy I knew growing up, his dad is now a registered sex offender. His dad had installed a video camera in the family's bathroom and would record them and their guests using the bathroom, showering, etc. He kept the videos on USB drives which were discovered by his wife (my buddy's mom) dating back to 2003, when both the son and daughter were underaged. Wife called the cops. Apparently he did some bullshit plea bargain where he plead guilty and registered as a sex offender to avoid doing time. Unbelievable

edit: there were also videos of the dad jerking off to said videos. Here's the story about it
I don't really get the whole 'they didn't even go to prison' or 'they only got X years' thing a lot of the time.
That would be not uncommon for a woman of the Roman aristocracy, who marries old senators when she's 14 and they either die on her or he divorces her in order to make a more politically expedient marriage and she has to find someone else.

I need to take a break from writing papers...
That's nuts, @ Kaf and Unknown. And I'm glad you werent taken advantage of Kaf. I think that's an age too where a lot of kids are likely to do what an adult tells them, old enough to want a male role model telling them how men behave but young enough not to know the right way of things.

Also I agree there's a lot more than you'd think. I actually have one imprisoned pedophile in my family, my grandmother's brother, and we never would have guessed. We only saw him once every couple years anyways but only her and my great grandma visit him now, and he's referred to amongst family as 'that fucking child diddler' . Scary to think what might have happened if him and his wife had been around more.

That being said, even though I'm staunchly disgusted by people who'd take advantage of an innocent, undeveloped human being, as was said, it was quite the norm at a time. And its a bit interesting how violently opposed most people are to it now when a number of generations ago our ancestors probably crawled out of a 14 year old.
I also, from a psychological perspective, think it's odd that most pedophiles have a preference for little boys over little girls. From what documentaries and stuff tell me, at least. It kinda goes against the whole past generations thing, because I've heard they're usually not gay otherwise.
I don't think I know anyone that I suspect would be a Hansen target. However, there was a dude that worked in the neighboring shop when I was in the Marines that got busted by the cops jerkin it outside a middle school or somethin. Was a married guy with kids even.
That would be not uncommon for a woman of the Roman aristocracy, who marries old senators when she's 14 and they either die on her or he divorces her in order to make a more politically expedient marriage and she has to find someone else.

I need to take a break from writing papers...

This is not the Roman aristocracy.
Thanks for the story KafkaX. I can partially relate to the bribery angle.

I also, from a psychological perspective, think it's odd that most pedophiles have a preference for little boys over little girls. From what documentaries and stuff tell me, at least. It kinda goes against the whole past generations thing, because I've heard they're usually not gay otherwise.

I still think it's fucking retarded that homos get offended by the concept of gay pedophilia. A male attracted to males = gay. A male attracted to children = pedo. It's not that difficult.

EDIT: Oh, may as well mention that one of my earliest childhood friends was added to the Cali sex offender registry for distribution of child pornography when he was 18. Not sure if it was legit child porn or just a stupid bastard that uploaded pictures of a 17 year old girlfriend though. In any case, he was always a bit of a flake and there was something weird about his dad, we'd almost never see him and it's like he spent all his time in his bedroom. I vaguely remember at the time being told that he was a Vietnam vet with PTSD and that's why he was always hidden away, because of anger management issues or something, but maybe he molested his son and watched kiddie porn, and converted his son in the process.
The 'most paedos are gay' thing seems like bullshit to me.

Prepubescent kids are easentially sexless any way because they can't reproduce and that's why attraction to any of them is fucking odd, but i bet the main reason that 'gay' paedos appear so often is that groups (scouts, church, whatever) frequently (especiallu in the us) have adults in a position of unsupervised power over groups of kids of the same gender.