Males and Females

That's not how it was 18 months ago

In terms of not being a player. I wasn't hooking up left and right exactly, but I was dating 3 women at once and fucking all of them. Probably the closest I'll ever come (see what I did there)
I never had any success with online dating sites.

Facebook, on the other hand, got me five out of the six girlfriends I've had in my life (including the current one). The first two of them didn't really count, as it was that E-relationship bullshit (and both turned out to be Satan), but after that it was all acquaintances my cousin knew randomly adding me up. Oops.
So first things first...Tell your co-worker she makes you uncomfortable. Straight up and in the moment. I had a similar situation when I was younger with a boss. He was a straight up creepy pedophile and when he patted me on the head for a doing a good job, I straight up looked at him and said, "When you touch me like that it makes me very uncomfortable. Please dont ever do that again." That cleared the issue right up and never had a problem since.

Secondly, my .02 about getting back together with your ex is that you arent together for a reason. Use this time, like you said to regain your foundation, get clear on what you want out of a mate, and then go out and get it. Getting involved in seeing/dating someone else after a break up is never a healthy decision in my experience. Just a distraction. Which once that fling is flung, will lead to the need for another distraction.

Focus on you. Then your plan of action will be clear.

Yeah, I gotta talk to her. I actually wish i did it sooner because i think when you flat out tell people right away (like you did) it makes it less awkward as oppose to just waiting it out.

Yeah, i figured that wasn't healthy (or fair to the other person) because yeah the distraction bit is pretty true unfortunately… and i find myself constantly comparing him which isn't a good sign either. Thanks for the advice, I do appreciate it and it's good to hear things put to you in different lights. I really do have other things to worry think about other than boys :lol: especially now.
There's a gay guy where I work and he had a wife before he realized he was gay. Basically he opened some canned fish and since then he was gay. Now whenever he sees a fish he remembers his ex-wife. Well I'm getting kinda tired of the smell too. I'm looking at some girls going by here at the agronomical faculty and I'm further facing my new issue. I used to be aroused by it. This is really a recent thing.
am I the only person who has ever dated girls whose pussies didn't smell like fish? They always just smelled like...sweat or spit but definitely not fish
Different girls have different smells. Some are better than others. Also, if you jizz in a girl, it's gonna smell awful for a while.
Have you actually done this? My experience is that you'll get a million responses from scammers and then maybe if you're lucky one fat chick.
It's funny you ask. I actually just got finished eating out a girl who's ad I replied to on CL. After like a week-ish of messaging, it felt comfortable enough to meet. She came over, we got to it, and she left. A little chubby, but far from unattractive. Seemed like she just got divorced or something, which is not my problem, since chatter was to a minimum. I think what works about CL is that it doesn't have the information overload of OKC. It's easy for everyone to fixate on the one ugly picture or the tiny pet peeve that doesn't really matter.
am I the only person who has ever dated girls whose pussies didn't smell like fish? They always just smelled like...sweat or spit but definitely not fish

Dicks smell like fish. I know mine does when I haven't showered in a few days. And don't get me started on the dick cheese. I would never subject any woman to that.
The amount of stupidity in the last page or two is ridiculous.

First off, how does a guy hate eating pussy? Like really?

Second, what the fuck up with the dick cheese? I rarely get dick cheese, or a fish smell from my junk and I have the least frequent showering schedule of anyone on these boards. You should do something about that.

Nothing though is worse than rotten vagina. Luckily, Ive only encountered one in my life. Shit could peel the paint off the walls. So foul.
I fingered a girl once at a movie whose pussy was so rancid it took a few days to get rid of the stink fingers. On the ride home I told her I had to get up early and had my hand out the car window the entire drive. I used everything - soap, bleach, you name it and there was still a faint smell. It was unreal.
Second, what the fuck up with the dick cheese? I rarely get dick cheese, or a fish smell from my junk and I have the least frequent showering schedule of anyone on these boards. You should do something about that.

I already do something about it - I shower. I use just plain water on the head itself.
I really don't know how someone can not shower at least once every second day. I'm not gonna say its gross or disgusting, as people have different cleaning habits, but I feel so much better after I shower. I feel like shit on any day I don't get to shower.
First off, how does a guy hate eating pussy? Like really?

Matthias also hates being a bottom and sucking dick. Nothing pussy-exclusive. He thinks the world exists to please him, the selfish bastard.

EDIT: Glad I'm cut btw, I can go weeks and not have any dick cheese (although I will get a buildup of dick lint due over the course of dozens of ejaculations making my penis all nice and sticky).