Males and Females

So I was full of pent-up sexual energy today and decided in a rare occasion to masturbate naked with lotion and porn (usually one out of three is normal, and two is a treat), and in bed I remembered that my laptop has a camera. I was always curious about what I looked like when masturbating, especially since on places like xhamster you have guys uploading videos of themselves masturbating all the time, but I was actually scared when I saw what my face actually looks like when jerking it. The eyes especially, still completely dead/soulless. It also made me more insecure again about my penis size when I saw the extent to which my four fingers could cover my penis, and imaging what it might look like if I was in one of those amateur videos where the guy sets a camera in front of the chair and the girl rides the guy and occasionally his penis pops out and nestles itself between her ass cheeks before reinserting it into the vagina. I don't think my hands are even very large.
So I have this new job and my manager is drop dead gorgeous. She's like 40 but seriously looks like a supermodel 21 year old, most beautiful woman I've ever seen in person. And no, not posting pics.

Anyways we bonded today, she's a really awesome, nice person who just happens to be very attractive and was talking about how she doesn't have many girlfriends. I straight up had to mention its because she's gorgeous and other women are jealous of her, and this woman almost had tears in her eyes as we continued talking. She's always degrading herself to me, and I mentioned it. She seemed really thankful to be talking to a female who isn't threatened, and my heart went out to her for what many people probably don't realize is very much a real struggle.

Naturally pretty girls make the best friends for other females. They're never jealous, and having dealt with other women being envious most of their lives, they're always quick with a compliment and good conversation. They are desperate for female companionship because most women dislike them right off the bat, and that makes for a very caring, kind hearted individual who just wishes she was ugly sometimes.

To get to the point, I'm curious if anyone has had the same experiences I have with incredibly attractive women. They always seem to be the nicest people, and I think its really fucking sad how men assume they're snobs and other women assume they want their boyfriends.
Anecdotes and blanket statements about groups of people are always derpy.

I've known and am friends with many attractive women (suck my derp). Doesn't alter the fact that a lot of attractive women are, like ugly people, and normal looking people, total cunts. Part of their cuntiness often seems to stem from their attractiveness too. And they're just as capable of being jealous cunts as anyone else.
So I was full of pent-up sexual energy today and decided in a rare occasion to masturbate naked with lotion and porn (usually one out of three is normal, and two is a treat), and in bed I remembered that my laptop has a camera. I was always curious about what I looked like when masturbating, especially since on places like xhamster you have guys uploading videos of themselves masturbating all the time, but I was actually scared when I saw what my face actually looks like when jerking it. The eyes especially, still completely dead/soulless. It also made me more insecure again about my penis size when I saw the extent to which my four fingers could cover my penis, and imaging what it might look like if I was in one of those amateur videos where the guy sets a camera in front of the chair and the girl rides the guy and occasionally his penis pops out and nestles itself between her ass cheeks before reinserting it into the vagina. I don't think my hands are even very large.
Anecdotes and blanket statements about groups of people are always derpy.

I've known and am friends with many attractive women (suck my derp). Doesn't alter the fact that a lot of attractive women are, like ugly people, and normal looking people, total cunts. Part of their cuntiness often seems to stem from their attractiveness too. And they're just as capable of being jealous cunts as anyone else.

I'll agree my blanket statement was an error, I figured no disclaimer that 'this doesn't apply to everyone' was necessary. And maybe being a chick, I have a different perspective. But I've definitely found they make overall better friends than other women. And I mean the naturally pretty girls that have always been pretty, not the ugly ducklings turned swan or average chicks who look stunning plastered with makeup.
I have two dilemmas. One being my coworker. SHe's a substitute at my company and we are the same age so I thought, "oh cool another young person to vibe with!" Well it started with texting me every night. Then it went to calling me every night. Now she sends me pictures of herself a few times during the day. And not to be mean or anything but the pictures are really unflattering because she's extremely overweight to the point where it's disgusting. Last week she kept rubbing my head, and I didn't know what to do or how to stop it. I was just really uncomfortable and trying to move away but she didn't pick up on my body language. I didn't answer her calls this week (who the fuck calls your coworker during thanksgiving vacation to chitchat about nothing?!) so I'm hoping thatll shake her off me.

The other dilemma is if I should get back with my ex or try this new guy I've been talking to. Super sweet but kinda lives far (I don't do long distant relationships) and it kinda freaks me out some of his habits. My ex I know him and am use to him and he helps me twist my hair at night, I mean what more can a gal ask for? :lol:

Krow wins. Dude, she's like 260ish lbs easy, and like an inch taller than me so about 5'3-5'4 or so… I actually have no problem with chubby, but short and really fat is just a no. :lol:

Will definitely heed the warning of getting back at least until I get some shit together in my own life. Companionship is like a drug, once you've had it you seek it. It was nice having someone to bounce ideas off of, but playing the waiting game shouldn't hurt either. I'll just go with the flow for now and see where that leads.

Totally not against dating sites, I just have some anxiety meeting a new person by myself (unless they are shy/understanding or of a similar disposition). Otherwise, will start to feel anxiety and become paranoid of messing up. Also, i feel like they all want to get laid (and by all means, that's cool) but i just can't see myself lying up with some stranger i knew for an hour. It's not like i think it's wrong but idk that takes a lot of guts and though i love new experiences and crazy situations that's just not something i can experience seamlessly and comfortably with some stranger.

Heh, anyways. it is what it is. Going with the flow.

Edit: In reference to the YT clip, I totally get what he is saying however, I don't get why can't the internet service be a fall or traumatic encounter. The thing about the internet is that it could be used in many ways and a lot of people aren't truthful on the internet. I could say I want xyz but that doesn't necessarily mean i'll yield the results of such nor does it mean that's what i want either. I mean tbh, i think i've gotten to know truly "other people" over on the internet albeit equal to real life because the internet provides you with anonymity and you can choose to be yourself or be something else, totally up to you. So in short it depends on the person using it and how they are using it.

So first things first...Tell your co-worker she makes you uncomfortable. Straight up and in the moment. I had a similar situation when I was younger with a boss. He was a straight up creepy pedophile and when he patted me on the head for a doing a good job, I straight up looked at him and said, "When you touch me like that it makes me very uncomfortable. Please dont ever do that again." That cleared the issue right up and never had a problem since.

Secondly, my .02 about getting back together with your ex is that you arent together for a reason. Use this time, like you said to regain your foundation, get clear on what you want out of a mate, and then go out and get it. Getting involved in seeing/dating someone else after a break up is never a healthy decision in my experience. Just a distraction. Which once that fling is flung, will lead to the need for another distraction.

Focus on you. Then your plan of action will be clear.
I suppose it just has to do with what you look for in between the genders, but I always get along with just exceedingly nice women who are easy to talk to about random/generic shit. Not to make a blanket statement about women, but their eyes tend to glaze over whenever I go into any particular depth on (admittedly niche) topics, so I'm happy to keep it generic. With dudes its always the exact opposite, unless they have an axe to grind they're just boring. IE at work I've got "the football guy", "the politics guy", "the gamer guy" that make for interesting conversation you typically can't have with anyone else but for their lack of understanding. It's fine to just let them rant on their particular subject matter even if I don't know a whole lot on the topic (IE football) its nice having some insight. Women are just more enjoyable to have a conversation with (good looking or not) while guys its more about particular information I learn from the conversation, but maybe not so much is the conversation itself enjoyable.

^ I have one male friend who I have great convo with, but generally I'll agree that women are far superior at that.
Sometimes you see a pretty chick though and you think you'd really like to get to know her, and there's no point anyway. I have some classes with some french chick and she had a presentation and I just stared at her beauty for the entire time. Didn't even listen to what she was saying. Just her french accent. Dangerous lady.