Males and Females

No, I ejaculate onto a special rag, years of carefully layered cum hardening into the ultimate cock-sharpening implement.
So I'm kinda dating this girl, so that's cool. Also probably gonna bang this chick in Beverly this Friday, so that's also cool. Basically everything involving my penis has been pretty cool lately.
I finally started watching more Louie and totally have a gay crush on Pamela Adlon. Not sure if her show character is any indication of who she is, but she's really hot regardless. In that idgaf tomboy way I find so endearing, and she has a super sexy voice.

The super sexy voice of Bobby Hill.


Also I was really high the other night and started getting paranoid that Jimmy somehow knew my Netflix history, because that new Sig popped up right when I started watching again.
"Subway/Pamela" is my favorite episode of Louie, which is saying a lot considering how great most of that series is. I definitely get the sense that her character is written pretty close to her real self. She was Louie's wife on his HBO show, and they seem pretty close.
I also have a thing for Michelle Rodriguez, who looks and sounds very similar. Definitely a pattern.