Males and Females

I know exactly what she wants.

To step her way back into my life, well talk more, see each other more, shell tell me how in love she is with me, how sorry she was for fucking shit up in the past, and then right when things get really good, she will bounce and fall off the map until I wake up with another random as email starting the cycle all over again. Fuck that.

I hope shes well and happy, but everytime she has come back into my life, Im left more damaged then when before she came around. Not falling for it again.

EDIT: Neurotica, youre totally right. Thats why Ive stopped keeping in touch with her. This isnt the first time Ive told her that its best we not communicate. She just assumes that over time Ill forget or get over it, when in fact I wont. Ive forgiven her, but ill never forget the shit shes pulled.

And you hit it right on the head with "any chick enjoys to feel loved". Thats what she does. She goes from guy to guy, and as soon as she gets the validation that he loves her, she bounces and is on to something different. But will come back when her current lover isnt giving her the attention she needs.

Don't respond. I have an ex that is similar in this regard. I would respond to her but she just stopped talking to me altogether and if I ever saw her I'd probably make her cry because of how fake she is but that's only a dream.
Sorry you're dealing with a that, Kaf/Cody. I've been there, I was faithful to a cheater for 4 years and I couldn't unhook the dude's claws from me until I met the guy I'm with now. Nobody ever seemed to compare, and I'm ashamed for how pathetic I acted. I knew how shitty he was but I felt he understood me. And we had so much in common.

If its any help, a little advice... re-think your ideal woman, and what traits she has that this woman lacks. Besides not being a bitch. I know in my situation, the guy's every stupid facet became perfection and how I would judge other dudes, until I met a man who basically made me say adios forever. Turned out being with another poet wasn't THAT important to me.

You'll eventually be free.
I was really into poetry when I was younger. I might not be the best forum poster, but I'm a fantastic rhymer.

And personalized erotica did a lot for me.
Was she the one with the fake tits?

She was. Good call.

Don't respond. I have an ex that is similar in this regard. I would respond to her but she just stopped talking to me altogether and if I ever saw her I'd probably make her cry because of how fake she is but that's only a dream.

Too late, first thing I did after reading it was respond. I've blocked her on all social media and even on my phone, so once I get notification that she read what I sent I'm blocking her on Facebook too.

Sorry you're dealing with a that, Kaf/Cody. I've been there, I was faithful to a cheater for 4 years and I couldn't unhook the dude's claws from me until I met the guy I'm with now. Nobody ever seemed to compare, and I'm ashamed for how pathetic I acted. I knew how shitty he was but I felt he understood me. And we had so much in common.

If its any help, a little advice... re-think your ideal woman, and what traits she has that this woman lacks. Besides not being a bitch. I know in my situation, the guy's every stupid facet became perfection and how I would judge other dudes, until I met a man who basically made me say adios forever. Turned out being with another poet wasn't THAT important to me.

You'll eventually be free.

I'm not as tied down as you might think I am to this situation. Yeah, it sucks cause just hearing from her brings the hope that well be together and all that jazz, but thanks for the advice Carpe.

I know a more suitable mate is out there for me, and all that cliche shit to say, bottom line it sucks when exs try to slip there way back into your life, cause they always have the worst timing and it seems their intentions are...Wack.
I assure you that the more you will try to invent some artificial smile to have on pictures the more weird it's going to look and the more people will think that you're a rapist.

I can do a rapist smile fwiw. Generally I just prefer to smirk smugly.

Broke my six-day dry spell, btw, the entire back of my left hand was coated in cum, probably one of my most voluminous. Fapped to a porno of some girl with a long tongue in an Elvira costume getting fucked by an aggressive Frenchmen.
My girl sent me quite a lot of messages over the weekend and I didn't really respond to some of them. I really like her and shit, but I just can't be bothered answering how I am and how's work. She knows I'm spending the weekend at work and that it's a boring place so let's keep the talking until we see each other.

Also I'm just too tired today so I won't see her. She has to understand ffs.

/Now that was fucking boring normal person shit, so let's move to the interesting stuff. HamburgerBoy, what is a "six-day dry spell" please.
No, I ejaculate onto a special rag, years of carefully layered cum hardening into the ultimate cock-sharpening implement.