Males and Females

Nowadays chicks are obsessed with being skinny like sticks and usually chances are low that boobs survive this.
No, not among white chicks anyway... because they usually don't have dat ass naturally, unless they make a surgery like Minaj, who had zero ass and then stuffed it and now saying "fuck skinny bitches".

if you look banally on instagram profiles - majority of young modern girls have an obsession of being skinny

just an example http:// aleksandra8877

the girl is still hot because she's got boobs naturally and loosing sbout 10 kgs didn't affect them much. But the rest of them arent so lucky, at least without pushup...
i mean seriously...

I thought the skinny thing died about 5 years ago. Thick is in, all about dat ass, etc.

Seriously, popculture is infected with this shit. "Anaconda", "All About That Bass", "Booty", fuck this shit. How is that a trend. Nicki Minaj's ass is the most disgusting fucking alien thing ever. Wow.
Seriously, popculture is infected with this shit. "Anaconda", "All About That Bass", "Booty", fuck this shit. How is that a trend. Nicki Minaj's ass is the most disgusting fucking alien thing ever. Wow.
Black people. Big ass fetishization doesn't do anything for me.

AT&T girl is super cute. When a chick looks really nice in her boring ass work clothes (I know it's a commercial), she can definitely score a point or two better if she's dressing to impress.
This is next level social anxiety. And what do you mean you have to "learn how to smile"? Are you paralyzed in the face?

No, I just smile like a hick and I'm ashamed of how my face folds around my protruding upper-jaw while the lower one sinks into my neck.

Believe it or not, despite all this excitement I haven't masturbated since Sunday. I think part of it is because I did the laundry and it's cold out, so I'm actually wearing my pajamas (double-layered) instead of using them as full-body wankcloths. tfw no comfy human body to use as a pillow.
Fuck those chicks that are into squats. I want a chick willing to down a rack of Hamms with me while gorging on McDonald's McDoubles before heading out the nearest LARP action.