Males and Females

So, is this more to your liking?

I'm not particularly turned on by small asses, or muscular asses, or any asses. It holds almost no sexual appeal for me, other than that there's a pussy nearby. Everyone has an ass. Sure, some look nicer than others, but it's just another part. Everyone has thighs too. Some are great, some are not, but no one gets a boner over that.

In reality when I assess women, I want them to have a compatible personality, a face I won't mind looking at, and a body that doesn't suck. The first two are more important than the third, but I'm not going out with any cows.

Is it too much to ask to not be obese? I don't think so.
Believe it or not, despite all this excitement I haven't masturbated since Sunday. I think part of it is because I did the laundry and it's cold out, so I'm actually wearing my pajamas (double-layered) instead of using them as full-body wankcloths. tfw no comfy human body to use as a pillow.

No, I just smile like a hick and I'm ashamed of how my face folds around my protruding upper-jaw while the lower one sinks into my neck.

I assure you that the more you will try to invent some artificial smile to have on pictures the more weird it's going to look and the more people will think that you're a rapist.
Woke up to an email from an ex of mine. Gotta love it when that happens...She was the only woman Ive ever loved, and she repeatedly lied to me and broke my fucking heart. But of course, shes all smiles and good wishes towards me.

Felt bad saying it, but I told her that its not wise for us to communicate further. I hope shes doing well, but I dont want to be sucked back into that just to be washed up and spit out the other side once again.

Women that play games are fucking bitches. Atleast Im straight up with what I want out of a women. I dont play games, lead bitches on, say shit I dont mean etc. Most of the time, just want my dick wet. And they know that. No surprises or hidden agendas.
I had to cut off communication with my recent ex as well, Codes. We were trying for a friendship and she was pulling some serious emotional shenanigans so I called it quits. Sometimes the distance leaves you better off.

Anyhow, came here to say that I'm taking a beautiful woman from Guinea out to sushi in a couple weeks. She's a solid 8, at least. Really shy too, but direct when she knows what she wants. I'll post pictures when I get em.
Yeah...I mean this was over 4 years ago. She just keeps trying to edge her way back into my life and I dont want it because everytime shes in, she pulls major shit that fucks me up. Not havin it anymore.

And word? Guinea? Like straight up off the boat or thats just her ethnicity?
If you're keeping in touch with your ex and she knows that youre still into her - she might wish you well and all but in 90% of time she'll be pulling the strings and playing on your feelings, simply because any chick enjoys to feel loved and being wanted/needed because chicks are somewhat romantic and because it feeds their ambitions (even if they look like pieces of shit and have only a half of an admirer).
I know exactly what she wants.

To step her way back into my life, well talk more, see each other more, shell tell me how in love she is with me, how sorry she was for fucking shit up in the past, and then right when things get really good, she will bounce and fall off the map until I wake up with another random as email starting the cycle all over again. Fuck that.

I hope shes well and happy, but everytime she has come back into my life, Im left more damaged then when before she came around. Not falling for it again.

EDIT: Neurotica, youre totally right. Thats why Ive stopped keeping in touch with her. This isnt the first time Ive told her that its best we not communicate. She just assumes that over time Ill forget or get over it, when in fact I wont. Ive forgiven her, but ill never forget the shit shes pulled.

And you hit it right on the head with "any chick enjoys to feel loved". Thats what she does. She goes from guy to guy, and as soon as she gets the validation that he loves her, she bounces and is on to something different. But will come back when her current lover isnt giving her the attention she needs.
:lol: She's already a citizen, man. Not straight off the boat, she was born there, but was living in DC for a few years before moving out here with her sister. Still has the accent and everything.

I met her in my Cost Accounting class.