Males and Females

Not that simple but yea lol they bring their box and you bring everything else and you work your skill and ass off doing it, whatever your tool is, whatever kind of hunter you are. I happen to be a bear hunter so I bring a club and trap. I think most guys here are deer hunters. They stay quiet and feed those bitches from their hand trying so hard not to scare her off.
:lol: Currently envisioning a man barging into a woman's house with a club, trap, and massive erection.
You have the most warped sense of relationship mechanics of anyone I've encountered.

I feel kind of the same way. Not in a "women are only good for sex" kind of way but I genuinely just get mentally drained by interaction with *most* people. You know the whole introvert vs extrovert where they get energy from etc. If its not coming to either sexy time or a clear emotional/mental connection it really does feel like wasted time. The same with with dudes though. Unless they really have some common interests and a non-confrontational/not-annoying personality its just draining. That's why the interweb is so awesome as you can just turn the conversations off when they become tiresome (IE Mort, no offense)
I feel kind of the same way. Not in a "women are only good for sex" kind of way but I genuinely just get mentally drained by interaction with *most* people. You know the whole introvert vs extrovert where they get energy from etc. If its not coming to either sexy time or a clear emotional/mental connection it really does feel like wasted time. The same with with dudes though. Unless they really have some common interests and a non-confrontational/not-annoying personality its just draining. That's why the interweb is so awesome as you can just turn the conversations off when they become tiresome (IE Mort, no offense)

So much this. Whenever I'm feeling down and lonely, I can just read an internet thread (but not this one; you guys make it seem trivial), see how much effort is actually involved in relationships and/or sex, and then I'm suddenly more than fine with my life.
^ I'm STILL waiting for Guy to sell me a fucking patch and coozie. Shit will never happen.

:lol: Fuck. I keep forgetting due to various things in my life being fucked on a grand scale. And shit, I don't think I've been on the forum in a few weeks. Time flies. Next time we practice, I'll have to grab some and send them your way.

The last few pages have been golden. Nothing to report on my end other than that things are going swell with the lady. Our time together basically consists of watching artfag movies, drinking cheap beer, and having really fantastic sex every few hours. It's coming up on a year now. Jesus Christ, at the rate time is flying, I'll be dead by next Wednesday.
Banged another chick. It was alright, but she lived way the fuck out in Beverly so fuck doing that again. She shared a really nasty spliff with me that gave me a pretty unimpressive high.
I have two dilemmas. One being my coworker. SHe's a substitute at my company and we are the same age so I thought, "oh cool another young person to vibe with!" Well it started with texting me every night. Then it went to calling me every night. Now she sends me pictures of herself a few times during the day. And not to be mean or anything but the pictures are really unflattering because she's extremely overweight to the point where it's disgusting. Last week she kept rubbing my head, and I didn't know what to do or how to stop it. I was just really uncomfortable and trying to move away but she didn't pick up on my body language. I didn't answer her calls this week (who the fuck calls your coworker during thanksgiving vacation to chitchat about nothing?!) so I'm hoping thatll shake her off me.

The other dilemma is if I should get back with my ex or try this new guy I've been talking to. Super sweet but kinda lives far (I don't do long distant relationships) and it kinda freaks me out some of his habits. My ex I know him and am use to him and he helps me twist my hair at night, I mean what more can a gal ask for? :lol:
Everyone has a different opinion on getting with exes. Personally, I'm against it. If he couldn't tough it out enough to stay with you, he no longer deserves you. Anyone you meet could accept your habits with time, and you could accept theirs.

In other words... Play, young lass, play! You're cool and pretty enough that you don't need to settle for an ex or someone inconveniently far. Maybe its beneath you but those dating sites can be pretty great for getting to know new people in your area.
Some food for thought

@2:37 Slavoj Žižek: Events and Encounters Explain Our Fear of Falling in Love

We want to control who we love by inputting information about ourselves into a dating service and being matched with compatible mates. This way, instead of our process of thinking about ourselves and the world (ideology) being challenged by the traumatic encounter with a truly "other" person, it is reinforced by our choice of who we want to meet based on how we already think about ourselves.

Slavoj's got some dq's (dude qualities)
Krow wins. Dude, she's like 260ish lbs easy, and like an inch taller than me so about 5'3-5'4 or so… I actually have no problem with chubby, but short and really fat is just a no. :lol:

Will definitely heed the warning of getting back at least until I get some shit together in my own life. Companionship is like a drug, once you've had it you seek it. It was nice having someone to bounce ideas off of, but playing the waiting game shouldn't hurt either. I'll just go with the flow for now and see where that leads.

Totally not against dating sites, I just have some anxiety meeting a new person by myself (unless they are shy/understanding or of a similar disposition). Otherwise, will start to feel anxiety and become paranoid of messing up. Also, i feel like they all want to get laid (and by all means, that's cool) but i just can't see myself lying up with some stranger i knew for an hour. It's not like i think it's wrong but idk that takes a lot of guts and though i love new experiences and crazy situations that's just not something i can experience seamlessly and comfortably with some stranger.

Heh, anyways. it is what it is. Going with the flow.

Edit: In reference to the YT clip, I totally get what he is saying however, I don't get why can't the internet service be a fall or traumatic encounter. The thing about the internet is that it could be used in many ways and a lot of people aren't truthful on the internet. I could say I want xyz but that doesn't necessarily mean i'll yield the results of such nor does it mean that's what i want either. I mean tbh, i think i've gotten to know truly "other people" over on the internet albeit equal to real life because the internet provides you with anonymity and you can choose to be yourself or be something else, totally up to you. So in short it depends on the person using it and how they are using it.
If you want to meet shy anxious people you'll have much better luck on dating sites than real life. Just fyi.